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Millwork Institute of California to Flold Tri-Annual Conference at Los Angeles, July 19 and 20
The next Tri-Annual Conference of the Millwork Insti-, tute of California will be held at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, Thursday and Friday, Jrly 19 and ZO. Every manuiacturer of sash, doors and millwork, and everyone genuinely interested in the distribution of millwork -products, is cordially invited to be in attendance.
The Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, July 18. There will be an all-day session to prepare reco--merrdations for the general body.
Wednesday, July 18th
10 a.m. Board of Directors' [Ieltirig-Parlor "G"
The board will remain in session throughout the day to prepare recommendations for the general body.
Thursday, July 19th
9 a.m. Registration of Delegatis-3rd floor lO
Cornwall Publisher, The Timberman, Portland 7. Address: "Stability" .... .....Kenneth Smith Secretary, Lumber Dealers' Association of Los Angeles 8. Address: "The Old and the New" Tack Dionne Publisher, The California Lumber Merchant, tos Angeles
$200,000 FIRE DAMAGE
Fire of undetermined origin swept the yards of the Ewauna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., July il. The estimated damage was $200,000. Only heroic efforts on the part of the firemen and 300 volunteers prevented the fire from destroying the mill. The amount of ltimber destroyed was said to be close to 4,000,000 feet.
W. M. Ritter of El Paso, Texas, who operates a number of retail lumber yards in that territory, is spending his vacation in Los Angeles.
9. Report of Delegates to Trade Practice Conference .J. G. Kennedy E. A. Nicholson
10. Open Discussion
10 a.m. Generar M"",*?ll.Jlfoil*"om-3rd floor
11. Report of Board of Directori
12. Report of Local Groups
13. Address : "Millwork Cost Schedules" E. R. Maule I{a_n1ger, Mllwo1k Survey Service, Los Angeles
14. Address: "The Efiect of Association Work-on the Selling Price" i...... .H. P. Dixon
^ President, American Mfg. & Sales Corp., Los Angeles
2 p.m.General Meeting-Assembly Room-3rd flooi
15. Address: "A .New Deal for Construction,, ... Wm. Simpson
_Wm. Simpson Construction Co., Los Angeles '
16. Discussion of and Final Action on All Reports
17. Open Forum and Good of the Order.
As to social and entertainment features, the Los Angeles committees have arranged a splendid program. It inci-udes -on Thursday evening, at the Hotej Alexandria, an fnfgrmal Banquet and Dinner Dance for the delegates and their ladies; on Friday evening, at the Oak Tavern, a Stag Party; and on Saturday morning, a wonderful breakfast aI a famous Club. All of Saturday will be devoted to relaxa- tion. Golf, swimming, baseball, cards, plant visits, sightseeing and the like will be the order of the day. I
T. X. Luxford, section of Timber Mechanics, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., was in San Francisco recently conferring with Cary Hill of the U. S. Forest Service, preparatory to going into the Redwood country in connection with a study of the strength of Redwood.
Duke Euphrat Returns From Northwest Vacation
M. L. "Duke" Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, recently returned from a vacation spent in Oregon and Washington.