3 minute read
Badger Unit of Government Timber in Modoc National Forest to be Sold
Four hundred million feet of western yellow pine located in the Modoc National Forest goes on- the mirket.
_ In placing this timber on the market, Major R. Y. Stuart, Chief Forester, states, "The establishmenl of a new sale u-nitcf western yellow pine at this time is something which the Forest Service would like to avoid. The insect epidemic situation, however, makes it common sense to take this means. of possibly checking the infestation and certainly salvaging a large amount of government property rvhich would otherwise become valueless. The infeitation is so large and the present value of the stumpage is so low that control effort other than by a logging operation is impracticable."
Insect depredations in the western section of the Modoc National Forest have been increasing by leaps and bounds for the past seven years and after considering every possible angle of the situation, the only practicable conlrol measures which will apply are those which demand a control-utilization. program.
The bulk of the government owned timber is located in Badger Township, T. 44 N., R. 8 E. This township is entirely government land and is the center of the worst infestation in the unit.
Examination of the Badger unit for the past seven years by the Bureau of Entomology shows a loss of approximate- ly 20 per cent of the stand. The loss f.or 7927 is estimated at 89,600 M. ft. B. M. fn some places it has reached the amazing total of 1700 trees killed per section during 1927. Forest Service logging engineers have checked the findings of the Bureau of Entomology and the results are practical- ly identical.
The plan of operation provides for control measures and salvage, the bulk of such control to be undertaken during the winter season since the young beetles remain in thE bark of the infested trees from early October until June. The plan is, therefore, to dispose of such trees during the over-wintering period.
The length of time necessary to carry on control operations is problematic.' It is not a proposition which should encourage any but operators rvho have thoroughly investigated conditions on the ground
Examination of beetle-killed timber indicates that blue stain enters with the beetles and that the sapwood is spotted when the foliage begins to turn. 'ft must be expeited that all insect-killed trees will produce blue stained lumber. Such lumber has a'limited market, and the disposal of a large amount of this material at profitable prices may be difficult.
All of these. items have been considered in the appraisal of the government timber. The contract will provide for reappraisals every three years during the life of the contract, and as insect damage decreases the price of the pine will increase.
For full particulars regarding this timber sale, application should be made to the District Forester, Forest Service, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco, or Forest Supervisor, Modoc National Forest, Alturas, Calif. Bids are to be opened in San Francisco on August 4.
The Success Family With Dewqy Bower
Know the Success family.
The father of Success is Work.
The Mother of Success is Ambition.
The oldest son is Common Sense.
Some of the other boys are Perseverance, Honesty, Thoroughness, Foresight, Enthusiasm and Co-operation.
The oldest daughter is Character.
Some of her sisters are Cheerfulness, Loyalty, Courtesy, Care, Economy, Sincerity and Harmony.
The baby is Opportunity.
Get well acquainted rvith the "old inan" and you'll be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family.
Floyd Dernier Calls On Northern California Dealers
Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles vr'as a recent Northern California visitor where he called on the retail lumber dealers. He spent a few days in San Francisco where he called on many of his lumbermen friends.
Lumber Company
Pat Sublett is now located at his new headquarters at Wichita Falls, Tgxas, where he is representihg the DeweyBower Lumber Co. of Dallas, Texas. Prior to his going to Texas, he was connected with the lJnion Lumber Co. with headquarters in their San Francisco office. He says that he will be glad to see any of his California lumbermen friends who visit his territory.'
The employees and their families were guests of the M. L. Doane Lumber Co. of San Jose at a picnic recently held at Long Bridge, one of the popular Santa Cruz Moun'tain resorts. The picnic marked the first anniversary of the company's business. A real day of enjoyment was had by everybody.
W. B. Wickersham, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is spending his vacation at the Grand Canyon. Mrs. Wickersham and their son accompanied him on the trip.