2 minute read
"Business Morale of The Nation Has Improved Greatly" Says Swafford
Herry W. Suafford
"The morale of the business executives of the entire nation has improved marvelously since last ye?ri'-said-Henry W. Swaffoid, Vi"e President of the gteat lumber firm of E. J. Stanton & Son, of Los Angel.es, who has j-ust retrrrned irom a six weeks' visit to the markets of the East and Middle West. Mr. Swafford's review of the business situation as he digests it after calling on scores of business executives from Kansas City to Ne* York City, is as follows:
"The general opinion among the thinking business men whom Ildled on-everywhere seemed to be that the countrv has gone through -several years of profitless prosPerity, and fhat the haJt has been-called. In'all basic industries we have been giving too much attention to production and volume distribrition,-and entirely too little to the making of sane profits, and that condition seems to have passed] Busineis has settled itself to the business of manu-
Ira E. Brink, superintendent of retail yards for the Diamond Match Company, Chico, accompanied by his wif-e and family, was a Bay-District visitor during tbe last week in Tune. -It was a combination business and pleasure trip, Mr'. Brink spending part of the time calling on-his lumbermen friends. He alsb spent some time in looking over the factories and studying the manufacturing Processes of some of the firms whose products are sold by his company's yards, srich as paint, paint brushes, roofing, cement, etc., ind found this most interesting.
facturing more calmly and carefully, and selling price. I believe that conditions are much improve price. for a improved over those of a year ago, and that they will continue to improve as the year matuies. I was glad to spread the news that the lumber manufacturinpr industrv of the west has creatas matures. the manufacturing industry of the lumDer lnouslry or wesf crcaled foundations for sane Susiness Londitions, and that the production of lumber from Mexico to Canada and throughout the Inland Empire is operating at a much slower rate than for the past sCveral years, and will continue to do so. The building people everlwhere I went are in an optimistic frame tf mind, physical conditions in every district seems to be good, and there is every reason to believe that the lumber industry of the nation will enjoy a very prosperous year, that will get better as the year _Progresses- i returned to Los Angeles feeling wonderfully hopeful and optimistic over the entire business situation in general, and the lumber prospects in particular."
Enoch Holmberg, San Francisco salesman for the Coos Bay Llumber Co., ii expected back July 16, from two wteks vacation spent in Denver.
George J. -Osgood, president and general manager of The Wheeier, Oigood Company, Tacoma, recently visited Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the comPany. Mr. Osgood months visit was on to the his way back to Tacoma from a two Eastern states.