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Douglas Fir Doors TRADE AMARK
Here are a few paragraphs from letters received from all parts of the United States:
ClarkxJoJe, M ks., f une r4, 1928.
"'We feel that the Association is doing a wise thing in trade marking and grade marking Fir Doors."
Minncalolk, Minn., tune t4, rgzS-
"Il all doorC are marked qith the grade. there will be no chance for anySodv io get 'gypped' and-we will have moie satisfied customers."
Renlreza, Po,, Iune t4, t9z8-
"In grade marking and trade markinc thEre wilt tre no chances of anY misrepresenting. You h?ve our hearty coopeiation in the matter."
Bristol,Tenn', June t5, t928,
"We have your circular letter of the 8th, and it is verY encouraging to me indeed to note that practically all of the Fir Door manufacturers are members of the Western Door Manufacturers' Association, which will go far toward bettering a number of the conditions confronting the Fir Door manufacturers, and we personally feel that the association of the various members will obviously work out also to the advantage of the distributor and we are for you."
Chadotte, N. C,,Iune 4, 1928.
'Your letter of the 7th instant received. We want to congratulate your Association on the steps they have taken and feel that trade marking and grade oarking of Fir Doors will prove a sreat hetp to the industry. We hope ttrit the nrarking will be made in a way that it will be impossibte to change same after grade marking has been done by the manu{acturer." o u gL* X "F-i,[- **,,D o o f s
S Pring field, M o., M ay 5, t928.
"We, as jobbers, certainly hope that the Western Door Manufacturers' Association will be able to accomplish their princilnl objective within ttre near future."
B irmingham, Alo., May 5, tgz8.
"We have received your letter of the 24th and noted the contents with interest. We believe that the Association will do much to correct certain conditions existing in this industry today."