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Tanrr-er Lumber Printing Machines to be Licensed
Announcement is made from the Western Pine Manufacturers Association offices that Tanner Lumber Printing Machines, the patent rights of which are held by the Association, will be licensed to any lumber manufacturing organization desiring to trade mark lumber. Heretofore the lumber printing machines were available only Io qer-nbers of the associ-ation. The large number of inquiries from firms throughout the country, about the av-ailability of this machine,"has caused the-Association's Board of Directors to take the above action, according to the an' nouncement.
The Tanner device operates automatically behind a sur; facer or matcher in the blaning mill, and imprints an inked mark, sfxlrf inches in iize, on the end grain of each board that oasses throush the machine' Among the more important features i-ncorporated in this printer are the inkitts i"ti" and reservoiri situated- below the oncoming board so"that no ink can drop or splash or otherwise injure its surface. The reservoir is of ample capacity to obviate the necessity of frequent refilling, and- !y means of acllotnrng i"f.ing toll" th" ink is taken up and distributed evenly over
Jack Thomas On Vacation
Jack Thomas, manag'er of the Los Angeles office of the Coos Bay Lumber Co.l spent the first week in July around the San'Francisco Bay -district, and from there went to Coos Bay on a two *.iks business and pleasure trip'