1 minute read
The Su.in$ to E,BONCIIP
Science's foremost achiet'ement in a heaty duty gredse
From all parts of the Vest comes wordthat Ebonaq has solved the heavy duty grease problems of the lumbering industry.
No more crank pins freezing tight.
No more line shaft bearings smoking from the heat.
No more temporary shut-downs because some heavy duty gease couldn't sand the gaff.
No more filli"g of compression cups with needless frequency.
No more journal'boxes catching fige.
Eboncup, the new discovery in heavy duty grease has conquered friction. It has lowered metallic wear and tear to a new minimum. It has brought destnrctive heat under full control.
Ebonanp supusedcs all othq cuP gredses. It's the modqn lubricant.
Stop reading now and order a supply of Ebonarp from the nearest [-Inion Oil distributing station. You'll quickly see, after a trial, why the lumbering industry is swinging to Ebonaq.