1 minute read
Every Pioneer Deal With This Coo
In competing for their sharc of the moaey investcd in building materials Pioneer Dealers have plcnty of real advantagcs.
( I ) First, there's the complete line of Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles, Pioneer Super Quality Roll Roofings, Building Felts, Waterproofng and Insulating Papcrs. Outstanding among these products is the PIONEER SUPER HEX SHINGLE the greatest roofing value on the market.
(2) Thcn, there is the Pioneer Plan for Rc-Roofing right over the.old wood shingles accuf,ate estimates from Licensed Pioneer Shingle Companies for a STANDARDIZED ROOFING SERVICE at STANDARDIZED PRTCES FOR THE COMPLETE JOB.
(rl The Pioneer Dealer's customers are surd of the best work available when thcy deal with the Licensed Pioneer Shingle Company the latter issues an ironclad GUARANTEE against faultT materials and workmanship.
(4) Pioneer advertising carries the story of the Pioneer Re-Roofing Plan, and the advantages of dealing with the Pioneer Dealer, to millions of western homes Pioneer Dealers are being sqld as "headquarters" for convenient Pioneer Re-Roofing Plan.
(tl Pioneer Salesmen, 6eld men, and the representatives of Licensed Pioneer Shingle Companies, are all salesmen for the deal"r.
These are the reasons why the Pioneer Line has why Pioneer dealers write us letrers like those
Pioneer's Sales Plan is true cooperation .. credses his profits witfiout increasing his invesment
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