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Read What These Dealers Say
tt . we are glad to say that your Timc Paymcnt Rc-Roofing Plan iof coopcration with the dealer imprcsscs us :rs an extremely tnodcrn mcthod of merchandising and onc which is thoroughly in step with prescnt day busincss idcas.
ERLING HELLIESEN, Flelliescn Lumbcr Company, Yakima, Washingron t'During the past yeet we have sold more Yosemite shingles than ever before and your financing plan has allowed us to receive our money ptompdy.
"Your sales cooperation 6ts the dealcrs' rcquirements better than any other plan in connection with a similar product we know of. It moves the product from dealerts shelves to home -wner's roof, through your Re-Roof and Pay Later Plan, in a large. volume without adding any expense to the dealer's cost of opera-- tion . it increases the turn tver. resulting in a bemer proft.
O. E. TISCH, George Scofield Company, Seattle, Washington.
R. B. MULLIN, Burbank Lumber Company, Burbank, California
. "\U(/'e believe that your plan of putting dealers in a position to offer their trade a_pplied shingle and rdofing service, through your Authorized Pioneer Shingle Companies, opens up a new field to t]re dealer for the sale of shingles and roofings applied by a capable and responsible concern.
PROFIT for the dealer reasons we reprint excerpts, at the right. it reduces the Dealer's sales expense and in. or addi.g to the cost of his selling operation. get in touch TODAY with our nearesr Branch