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Pacific Logging Plans Formed
Activities qf the Pacific Logging Congress for this yea-r have assumed definite shape un-deithe leadership of R. W. Vinnedge, preside+t and A. Whisnant, secretary, and are laid along differenf linis than"any previous session.
One oi President Vinnedge's first official acts was to appoint a number oI standing committees to make intensive studies of various subjecti in which loggers are vitally interested, with a view of gaining knowledge and formulating policies which will later be presented to the Congress as a bodv for'their action.
Insurance Committee
Among the most important of these committees is one which deals with the insurance of down timber, equipment and camps. C. S. Cowan, of the Washington Forest Fires Association, is chairman of this committee. At the first meeting of this committee W. H. Gibbons, chairman- of the lo{ging pool of San Francisco, which is underwriting insuranie of this kind, was present and steps were taken which led to a second meeting of the committee at which time a report was prepared and submitted on May -the first to thi insurance committee by Mr. Cowan and Mr. Whisnant at San Francisco.
It is stated that the reaction of the insurance committee was very favorable to the report of the I-ogging Congress committee and that certain marked changes will probably be effected through this co-operation. One of the results already attained is a flat reduction of 5O cents in the rate applying to Washington. Owing to the experience in Oregon 1927 this reduction will not apply to this state this year. The full report of this committee will be made public in a short time.
Log Scaling and Grading Comrni.ttee
On May the 12th President Vinnedge called together the log scaling and grading committee at Seattle, of which Roy F. Morse, of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., Longview, is chairman.
This committee consists of representatives from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Idaho and it is proposed to extend its membership so as to include the entire timber producing areas of the west.
In a general discussion it was deemed essential that some steps be taken toward a uniform aplication of the scale rule and grades throughout the entire'fir and pine producing localities.
Another meeting of this committee will be called early in June at which time it is thought certain policies will be forhulated which it is hoped will eventually lead to the establishment of a West Coast log scaling and grading association, to have entire control and jurisdiction of all matters afrecting this important part of the industry.
Pine Logging Conference
Secretary Whisnant announces that a regional logging conference has been,arranged for the Northern California pine producing section to be held at McClaud, Cal., June I and 2, An invitation is being sent to Oregon operators in Klamath Falls and Bend, as well as to all pine operators, both in sugar and white pine, in California to attend the meeting. The plan as outlined consists of a general rneeting at McCloud on Friday and a trip to the operations of the McCloud River Lumber'Co., which are under'the' management of Elmer Hall on Saturday. Mr. Hall is successfully using "Caterpillars" and cranes in his logging operations. A dinner will be given the visitors at McCloud on Saturday night at which a program will be presented.
Program for Nineteenth Session
A tentative program for the 19th session of the Pacific Logging CongiesJ to be held in Portland, October 2*27 inclusive has been prepared. This program will include discussion of a skyline operation, beginning with engineering problems and ending with leading logs. Every phase of the operation will be discussed by papers prepared by men having particular experience in each phase of the work. This topic will occupy entire Thursday afternoon.
Steps have been taken leading to a complete pine program for Thursilay morning, the basis of which will be a general discussion of methods of logging pine to conserve the future, as well as to make a profit out of the present operation.
The universal application of the Diesel engine as applied to logging donkeys, shovels, cranes and locomotives will be a subject occupying a considerable portion of Wednesday.
The reports of the special committees will be presented to the Congress by the chairman of each committee and will be open to general discussion. Mr. Vinnedge is planning on making the annual banquet one of outstanding merit. It has been suggested that the banquet be hCld Thursday night instead of Friday night because of the larger attendance probable at that time instead of at the close of the session. It is planned to have some speaker of national importance address the members of the Congress at that happy event.
Tinober Industries' Machinery Show
Secretary Whisnant reports an active interest in the Timber Industries' Machinery show, which will be held in conjunction with the Congress in the Oceanic Terminals of this city. Already over 6O per cent of the available space has been'reserved. The display will include all the latest improvements in logging machinery together with a full line of equipment and supplies used in the logging industry. A number of firms have already signified their intention of exhibiting certain types of Diesel driven equipment which will be new and interesting to the loggers.