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Paul Bunyan Hangs up Another Logging Record
Paul Bunyan has hung up another logging record. One jammer crew at Camp 58 on June 2? load,ed 121 cars with lcf1,470 feet of logs int hours and 5O minutes, total elapsed time. Time rvas lost for trvo respots requiring 18 minutes on one load and 14 minutes on the other. Ten minutes was lost by a broken air line on Diesel locomotive 502 and replacing a loading line consumed four minutes.
The average actual loading time was four minutes and thirty-two seconds per car. Twenty-one cars were loaded in three nlinutes each and one car was loaded in two minutes, including time for spotting the cars. The footage averaged 8,293 feet per car, scaled and check scaled.
"This job was done by team work," said Ted Wills, Woods Superintendent of the Red River Lumber Co. "It was as much a matter of railroading as it was logging. It required 113 train orders to dispatch the trains and handle the switching service. The srving crew hauling the cars from the jammer to the point where the trains are made up for the run to Westrvood also had to handle the cars loaded by the other camps and serve them with empties, hauling a total of. 219 cars for the day, including the 121 from Camp 58. They pulled one string of 78 cars over the hill. The loading point is 26 miles from 'Westwood."
"The credit should be divided equally among all the men," is Mr. Will's opinion. From the section crew under Rob Wilkenson, who kept up the track, to Dick Gaskin, the hoister, and Charlie Rayson, the loader, each man in the woods and on the railroad had his responsibility and they worked together like a big league ball team.
"The bunchers and wheel loaders kept the 15 caterpillars loaded up without a hitch; the cat drivers took advantage of every turn. Bob Boyd, Chief Mechanic for Diesel and Gas Equipment, was out on the job to keep them going. Traveling Engineer Roy Canfield was there to look after the locomotives. The landing crews and Jimmie Kelly, the Rigger, all played an indispensable part."
Two locomotives, Diesel 502 and Engine 32 were on duty at the jammer. Engine 102 handled the swing job. The complete line-up of the team follows:
Jammer Crew
R. Gaskins, Hoister Geo. Jordan, Bob A. White, C, Rayson, Loader J. Higgins, Fred Neipoth, Hookers
J. F. Fitzpatrick, Fireman V. Mclnteroff Ray Sparks, R. Pedrotti, Wood Bucks. John Lingg,.Toggle-man.
E. Dawson
W. Hendley
W. Bowlin
C. R. Capps
H. Ward
Bunch Bosses:
Caterpillar Drivers
C. Grinnell
Jno. Granef BUNCHERS
Leo Styman
J. Goodman
W. Jones
C. Johnson Elmer Hoyt
F. A. Williams, F. Helt, J. McClendon, Joe Muller and Ed Lucas.
Bunch Helpers:
H. S. Davis, J. McBride R. Fersich Tom Hoffmaster
A. Valchester F. Langley J. N. Thomas F. Hibbings
E. Case A. E. Wanhala Joe Logger I. Barnes
J. W. Croakin John Guiso F. Bowman Tom Russell
J. B. Smith J. J. Beckman B. Bowman T. Cardoza
R. H. Shields G. W. Foreman H. Brand , A. J. Dierlick
J. Shilko
Wheel Loaders
R. H. Clark, C. Clark, A. Aufieger, J. W. Slade, J. McClendon and E. J. Connley
W. H. Johnson-Water Boy Jim Kelly-Rigging Maker
Bob Sjorgen-Scaler Ray Schuchert-Office
Wm. Prebble-Check Scaler. Dart White-Office
Henry King
Engine 502 (Diesel)
Engine 32
Engine 102
Jammer Foremen
Train Crew
Conductor-Wm. Mills
Brakeman-E. Willard
Engineer-M. E. Williams
Oiler-Wm. Smart
Conductor-H. C. Huff
Brakeman-E. Smith
Engineer-F. Harral
Fireman-Wm. Burns
Conductor-J. Farrell
Brakeman-H. Gowing
Brakeman-Geo. Brooks
Brakeman-R. C. Dintleman
Engineer-Wm. Englebretson
Fireman-L. H. Nelson
Train Master-Herman Tegrunde
Assistant Train Master-Chas. Wilson
Assistant Train Master-Jack Englebretson
Chief Dispatcher-R. Swartzfager
Assistant Dispatcher-J. D. Rippy
Operator Camp 57-S. Jones
Air Brake-Elmer Hofiman , Air Brake-Ashley Rogers
Train Maintenance-C. Lien-Roadmaster
Rom Wilkenson-Section Foreman
Section Crew-Geo. C. Thomas, H. Hoaglind, A. Bartell, C. Riftenberg, F. Holmes, C. Hedrin, L. Pershall, C. Gaard, H. Daugaard.
Chief. Mechanic, Gas and Diesel-Bob Boyd
Traveling Engineer-Roy Canfield
JUNE 22,1928-1^.M.
*On car 52 we had to make a respot which took from 10:17 till l0:35 before the next car was loaded, Total 65 cars bt noon with a footage of 516,000.