1 minute read
Jimmy Atkinson Representin g McCormick Lumber Co. of Oregon, on the Road
Jas. E. "Jimmy" Atkinson, who up to now has been sales manager of the rail department for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., will now represent the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. of Oregon oa the road, working direct with the Portland office. It is confidentlv believed that this new arrangiment rvill result in better service to the trade, and that it will work out better all around.
Jimmy's whole business career of more than eight years has been spent in the employ of the McCormick organization, and as part of this time was spent at the St. Helens mill he has an intimate knowledge of all ends of the lumber business.
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experience in the cqmpany's big San Diego retail yard enables him to see the retailer's point of view, and his recent experience in charge of sales has brought him into close contact.with many mills in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, whose products are handled by his company. His many necessary visits to these mills have given him exact knowledge of rvhat they can produce, and. so altogether Jimmy starts back on his old territory thoroughly equipped to give service of the first class.
Jimmy was slated for transfer to the company's Seattle office, but the resignation of George Robinson changed these plans, and it is quite possible that he is not displeased at the fact. that he is not going to leave Sunny California after all.