1 minute read
One look into the burning eyes of Fire, and you'll never forget. Those evil gloating eyes send the cold chille chasing up and down your back-you ihiver in antiiipation of the worEt-you neither ask nor expect mercy, for you know tlere is no mercy t'here. Then, when the last spark is out, you turn from the blackened ruine and consider your ineurance.
It is our mission to help the lumber induatry; first, to keep Fire out if possible and second, to pay the loeg when disaster comeg. Our policies provide the best insurance a lumberman can buy, with regources and a reputation that guarantee prompt settlcments. Our dividends actually represent a aaving of about 40/o in insurance cost-one of the benefits of specialized protection.
Ask anlt of our companies about the protection proaided by our policies and our fire preztention serTtice, and the sazting i,n insurance cost effected by our diztiilenils.