2 minute read
Fred Holmes Amazed at InterestTaken in Redwood by Eastern BuyerS
.Fred V. H6lmes, Holrhes Eureka Lumber Co., returned to San Francisco, luly 9 fiom a trip to the Eastern states whichreccupjed a little over six weeks. This triq.was undertakeil ;ii dlii 'iniirests of the Redwood Sitls' co.' ot which Mt. Holmes is a very active member, and, which handles the Eastern sales of a group of mills repreienting more than one-third of the production of the Redwood industry, and carrying a stock on hand of over 125,000,0@ feet of Redwood.
Mt. Holmes reports having had a wonderful trip, the results of which arg beyond his expectations. He confesses that he was amazeil at the interest Eastern buyers are taking in Redwood, and predicts a big increase in the consump- tion of that wood in thisterritory. Redwood in his opinion will supply a great part of the future demand for quality wood throughout the country. The outlooft'for the balance of this year is excellent, he says,' and opinions gathered by him from a great many buyers in the Eastern territory indicate that if the Douglas Fir manufacturers will only maintain their present strong position for another 6O days, all those buyers who are now holding off will be forced to buy.
Mr. Holmes made his headquarters at the Chicago office of the Redwood Sales Co., where he conferred with Milton Johns, sales manager, artd traveled as far East as New York and Philadelphia.
Who Is Your Best Salesman?
Who is your best galerman' Mn Mercbant?
Ir it the flarhn quick wittcd' rmooth spoken. rrniling young man who makcr dl tbc trade like him on first virit?
Il it that eteady, middle-aged plugger rvho ir ahvayc on the job, never grving offenre of any rort, quietly and diligently looking for b,usinecr all the time?
And that decision meanE nothing derogatory to either of these men' or their particular methods.
For your bcst salesman ir NOT otr your paynolL - Your best salerman is the man who raye to gome other manr or menr at lunch, at home, at the club, or wherever it may chance to be:
'l bought solrre stock f,roim the Brown LumberC,ompany last week, and that certainly ig a splendid concern to do burinesr with. They gave me a lot of good ouggertionr concerning the rtock I needed for my particular purpole' and their rervice waa fi) good it eurprired me. I certainlv like to do burinecs with thoce eort of follc."
THAT'S THE MAN, FRIEND! He ir your bcrt ralcrman, cycry time. Hc ir MR SATISFIED CUSTOMER. Hc ir the man who har bought from you, and har bcentreatcd in rcme farhion in ro unusual and urpcrior a way that it har been indelibly inpre$cd upon his conaciournets. t'I can give you a aplendid rtock a,nd rplen' did servicett ir fine in ib way, but-ttHe gave me the best seryice I ever Sotr" has it *inned to death for actual value.
He spreadr the fame of your busineo hctt and there along hir pathway, and it ir pub licity that money cannot buy, and salcrmanrhip that cannot be replaced.
Human beitrgr are like sheep in thougan& of wayc. Th"y foll,ow thc leader. They are intereated in the erqrriencer of other men Like the burned child. they fear the fire. And on the contrary trhey like to do things which other men whom they lnow, have found latiafactory.
Uae yo,tu brains and yow ingenuity to nake your rervice cuch thlt thore who tnde with you will go away and glorify yonr name.
When you do thit, businers will bc on the boom with you"