The California Lumber Merchant - July 1931

Page 1

IDcvoted to thc welfare o0 dl brenchc ol tbG NO. 2 We also publish at Houston' rvhich covers thc Index to Advertisements. Pagc 3 Lunbc Industry,Dllll fatd .nd Indtvtduel '1-exas. The Gulf Coast Lumbernran, A,nrerica's forenost retail lurlrber jourtlal, "ntir" Southt,,'est and \Iiclcllervest like the sunshiue covers California. JULY r5, t93l vol-. t0.
N ew ideos f or building business in the building 6 us iness CR,EATE NEW BUSINESS with RED RMR Specialized Ply- wood Products developed to meet popular demand for modern architectural requirements. KNOTTY PINE PLYWOOD...PANELS KNOTTY PINE "10O7o" DOORS ..MAGIC'' COLOR PANELS ;3, Demonstrated and Proved by Many I nstal I ations. Prof itable 'f or the Dealer and His Trade. q) ,:;, ,',ft !'[""Hfi,JA[? P L Y W O O D Putnew life into themerchandising of building materials with Red River Dealer's Displcas. i'Producers of White Pine for Over Half a Century" The RED RIVER LIIMBER CO. MILL, FACTORIES and SALES, WESTWOOD, CALIFORNIA MINNEAPOLIS Distributing 1'ards CHICAGO LOS ANGELES RENO Sales Office.s 807 Hennepin Ave. Monadnoct< Building 7O2 E. Slauson Ave. 360 N. Michigan Ave MINNEAPOLIS SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES CHICAGO SPECIALIZED for the BUILDER TRADE

Send Pepcr Wood &r€w!

Serh Pulloyr

D. F. Panolr

Clrcular Sawr

Srw Rcpalrlng

Sarh Balancc!

Pur. Hld. GluG

Hrrdwood Panclg

Eend Saw Bladcg

Gluo Emulrllicrr


C.blnct H.rdrv.r.

Plaln Wood Dowclr

Elcctrlc Glu. Pott

H. 8. St cl Knlv6!

All Klndr of Vcnccrr

Stelnlcrr Gaecln Gluc

8plr.l G?oovcd Dow.l.

Wrtcrproof Ceroln Gluc

gtorc Flxtura Hardw.rc

Rad Ccd.r ClorGt Llnlng

6lrelkraft Watcrproot Papcr

*Advertisement appears in alternate issues'

Associated Lumber Mutuals

Batg-Zeil & Co'

Baxier'& Co., J. H.

Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co. "' """'25

Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. '.

Brown, Ceo. C., Co. '.

California Moultling Co.

C.Uto-i. Panel & Veneer Co' " " " 'I'B'C'

California Redwood Association

Celotex Company, The'. """"'ll

Chamberlin & Co., W. R. " " " '29

Cooper Lumber Co., W. E''' "'''' " "'35

Creo-Oipt ComPanY, Inc. '

Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works ' ' '23

PotU"ut & Carson Lumber Co' ' ' '

HammondLumberCo. ." """"15

-anifyCo,J.R. '""""17

Higgins, J. E., Lumber Co' "' '""''"'28

Hii-e irrottott, Inc. .. """""'r7

Hipolito Co. '

Hogan, T. P., Co.

Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. ' ' Hoover,A.L.. '.""""'32

Humboldt Redwood Co. .. ' " " "25

Sampson Company * Santa Fe Lumber Co. . ,.12-L3

3 Schumacher Wall Board Corp. .....O.F.C.


Harvey \M. Koffi 722 Sovrx GnlrPtN AveHue LosAttcEuEs, CAL!FoRNIA Wholesale Only TELEPHoNE CAptrol 8689 OUR ADVERTISERS
Boiler Works .. ...23 Laughlin, C. J... .."""'36 ShawBertram Lumber Co' """"""'30 Lawience-philips Lumber Co. * Simonds Saw & Steel Co. ........33 Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation ' ' ' * Sisalkraft Co', The Lumbermen's Service Association * Slade, S. E,, Lumber Co. .. ., 7 Southern Oak Flooring Industries McCloud River Lumber Co. Stanton & Son' E' J' " McCormick, Chas.
Strable Hardwood Co' " ' McKay&Co..Sudden&Christenson...''....''31 Michigan-California Lumber Co. ' Moore Dry Kiln Co. Tacoma Lumber Sales Agency Thackaberry, M, N. . '.37 Koehl & Son, Inc., Jno. W. Koll, Harvey W' Red River Lumber Co. ... ...I'F.C. ReynierLumberCo. ... ..........30 Reitz, E. L., Co. .........36 Union Lumber Co. .....33 Weaver-Henry Corporation '. ..O.B.C. Wendling-Nathan Co. '...24 Western Hardwood Lumber Co. Western Sash & Door Co. .'..'..29 Weyerhaeuser Sales ComPany White Bros. Wood Lumber Co., E. K. '..27 National Lumber Manufacturers Ass'n" ' El Rey Products Company Nicolai Door Sales Co' " ' Noiris, W. H', Lumber Co. '. Flintlote ComPanY, The ' io"av""-c.orr"tt s"t"" co. . oregon-washington Plywood co. Pacific Lumber Co., The Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. .. Perfection Oak Flooring Co., Inc. Pioneer Paper Company ...' .'-20-2L Porter, A. L. . ,. , ' .37 5 {< 9
Co. ' " ' "19


How Lumber Looks

-_-- Douglas Fir-A total of 343 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumberments Association for the w.ek .nded l:une 27 operatd at 42.14 per cent of capacity, as compared to 42.49 per cent of capacity for the preceding week, and 55.54 per cent of capacity during the same week last year. For the-first 25 weeks of 1931 these mills have operated at 42.34 per cent of capacity, as compared to 63.89 per cent for the same period in 1930.

Production, orders and shipments at 222 identical mills for the week ended lune 27 reported to the Association as follows:

Production 108,4331127 feet; Shipments 114,110,805 Leet; Orders 10912541770 feet. Orders werc 0.76 per cenr over production and_ shipments 5.24 per cent over the output.

Details of otders and shipments as reported 6y these 222 mills follows: Orders-Rail 3516!11772 feet; Dornesric Cargo 4317601962 feet; Export 22,4541117 feet; Local 7r427rglg f.@t.

Shipments-Rail 36725;706 feet; Domestic Cargo 5OrOO7,ll7 feet; Export 19,950106, feet; Local 71427,919 feei

Buying is light in the California market. Production at the Fir mills during the next two months will probably not exceed 35 pet cent of capacity and it looks as though lumber, especially some items, will be scarce. Retail stocks in the California yards are low. Unsold lumber on the public docks at San pedro totaled 916721000 feet on July S. Ten cargoes of Fir arrived at San Pedro for the week ended July 4, carrying 9r434rOOO Leet. On July 2, it was reported that 60 lumber vesiels in the California service are laid up and one vessel is operating ofi shore.

The California Pine Manufacturers Association for the week ended June 27 rcpofied, production fuom24 mills as 1719881000

feet, shipments 171426,OO0 feet, and orders lj/lgr000 feet. The same number of mills reported production 37 pet cent less than for the same week in 1930. The California liedwood Associa- tiol _r9qo-r!ed production from 12 mills for the month of May as,15r326r000 feet, shipments lBrT64rOOO feet, orders on hani 1716061000 feet, and orders received 16,Z21^,000 f.eet. The pine and Redwood markets show very little change. * ,< d. * * t * -* ,F ,t

Lumber orders, shipments and production approximately balanced during the week ended Juni 27, it is indicated in telegrap_hic reports fuom74B leading-hardwood and softwood mills to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. The cut for the week amounted to 219,895,000 feet. A week atliet gl2 mills reported orders 7 per cent below and shipments 5 per cent below a cut of,228r471,0b0 feet.

The current relationship between orders and shipments to production for the fitst 25- weeks of 1931, as ,"portt by' the regional associations to the National Lumber &tanufa"tt r.r, Association, follow:

Vest Coast Lumberments Association-Producti on 216g6r}33 M feet; Shipments 2,7g2rl3,g M feet; Orders 2,B44rOEt M ieet. California Pine Manufadurers Association (24 weeks)-pro. duction 247r8ll M feet; Shipments 380,189 M feet;'Ordete 393,363 M feet.

Western Pine Manufacturers Association-Production 699r. 866 M feet; Shipments 719,930 M feet; Orders 692,13l M feet.

Southern Pine Association-Production E98r070 M feet; Shipments 978,621M feet; Orders g7E,si>E M feet.

Total Hardwoods-Production 541,492 M feet; Shipmentr 582,171 M feet; Orders 588,582 M feet.

Shaw Bertrary 9pen Pittsburgh Creosoting Industry to Have Office - Exhibit

The Shaw Bertram Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., announce the opening o{ a district sales office at 316 Investment Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. T. O'Connor, who has had long exp,erience in the sale and distribution of California Pine lumber products, will be in charge of this office.

This office will serve the territory from the Mississippi Valley east_ to the Pennsylv_ania-Ohio line, including wdstern Pennsylvania and New York, as w,ell as all the iastern provinces of Canada, leaving the balance of the Atlantic seaboard states and New England under the jurisdiction of their New York office located at 1181 Woolworth Bldg., New York City, in charge of H. E. Gernert.

With the establishment of ,the Pittsburgh office, the Shaw Bertram Lumber Co. now have direct contact with atl the wholesale and factory trade from the Mississippi Valley eastward.

The creosoting industry of the Pacific Coast will have a booth and exhibit at the International Road Machinerv Exposition which will be held at Los Angeles from July'ZA b July 25. A11 lumbermen are invited tolttend and admission tickets can be obtained free by callng the Los Angeles offices of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., J. H] Baxter & Co. and the Consolidated Lumber Co. Admiision will be by ticket only.

Bill Hamilton, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Los Ange- les, is spending a two weeks' vacation at Rock CrC=ek Lodge, near Bishop, Calif., in the High Sierras. He expects to be back at his desk on luly fr.

Subr-crip_tion Pricc, $2.lXl per Ycrr r Stigt" btpi"", zliJJ..r.u. -OS ANGELES, CAL., JULY 15, l93l Adv*tirirs Re-to
Incorpcated uder tbc l,aws of Califomla J. C. Dionne, Prec, and Treu.; J. E. Martin, Vice-Fre; A.--C. M"-y-*, Jr., Secy. _ Published the lst and lsth of each month at 3rt'r0'20 central Buildine, rOt weat sixth s_treet, Lo" Ar;;i;;; cil., Ter"phon", VAndike 4565 Entered as Second-class_rnatter September U, IgU,-at thi po"6fi""'"iLos Angeles, Califomia, under Act if U#"f i 1sie.-*--'
T. BLACK San Francisco Covers Northern Calif. aud
San Francirco O6cc tlt Santa Marina Bldg. ll2 Martet Strcet Telaphona EXbrook 2tfs Southern Oficc hd Nadoml Bank Bldg. Hueton, Tcxas
BrLL H AMr Lro Ncir"r"il?rili vAcArroN rN

Sto rt q"BUlLD Now'torpoi gn in



use fhese convincing new helps fo boosf your lumber soles

,TII{E time has arrived for -f aggressive salesmanship on the part of every retail lumber dealer.

Conditions are ripe. Leading economists agree that building costs have hit rock-bottom-that soon they will start going up. Capitalize on this fact! Already the indications of renewed activity in home construction have started a trend to stiffening prices. Make this ttend a certainty. Show your customers that construction costs are the lowest since the World War-that they will probably never again be so low. Tell them that by building the homes they have long planned now, they can save as tttuch as 20/s.


Use the convincing material that the Association has prepared to help you sell the big idea in your territory. Write today for sample newspaper mats, newspaper publicity articles, stickers, and "Build This Year" mailing pieces that are available at half cost for distribution to your prospects. The opportunity is yours, now. Take it. Use the convenient coupon.

Natlonal Lumber Mmufacturus Aesoclatlon Dept. X!5, TranaportatloD Butldtng, Washlng,ton, D. C. Send me a &mple copy of "Bulld Thts Year" and stlckers wlth details of the half-cost plan for dlstrlbutlon to my prospect8. Include the bulldlng page otorls and mat prool book. Send Coupon NATIONAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Vashington, D. C. Offices in New York - Indianatplis - Chicago - Mireapolis Kansro City - Memphis - New Orleans - San Francisco - Lc Angela - Portland

V.sabond Editorials

Progress ! Human viewpoint doing lightning scene shifting ! Here and there an apt illustration that spot-lights a thought. A friend of mine heard one the other day he got a huge wallop out of. ft was a remark made by the pilot of a fast commercial passenger plane. With one bold stroke it relegated into the apostrophized realms of antiquity a recently most modern public servant.

They were fying 175 miles an hour and they passed over an express train, roaring along in the same direction. To those in the plane above, its speed seemed like that of a lumbering ox. The pilot of the plane pointed dournward with his thumb to where the train was shrinking into the background, and remarked to my friend-with tolerant contempt-"THE COVERED WAGON".

The Californi" n"a*ool irrJ.r"r,on covered itself and its members with glory and gave our highly advertised and imaginary depression a terrible kick in the pants when it sent that banner covered train consisting of 118 carloads of Redwood lumber whistling over the mountains eastward where hundreds of buyers awaited it. More pourer to them. ft was a splendid gesture.

Two years ago the Federal Trade Commission ordered several distributors of Philippine Hardwoods to cease and desist from advertising and selling those woods as Philippine Mahogany. About the same time the Commission began taking testimony to see whether or not California White Pine could be called 'White".

The Philippine folks asked for another test case, alleging that the testimony taken in the previous case was utterly unfair to the wood. This was granted. New hearings and new testimony on the subject.'The difference between the facts presented was as that between midnight and high noon. Foolish beliefs were straightened out. Malicious lies were nailed. The light "n T"al was allowed to shine.

On June 15th, 1931, the Commission rendered its decision in the California White Pine Case. The mills must immediately cease and desist from calling this Pinus ponderosa "'W'hite" Pine. And then, on July lst, surprising everyone in light of the California Pine decision, the Commission decides IN FAVOR of the defendant in the Philippine Mahogany case. He CAN call and advertise and sell it as Philippine Mahogany.

You could fill a volume presenting the interesting phases of those two decisions. Both cases were based on charges that by calling these woods the proscribed names, the public was deceived and injured. The Federal Trade Commission, you may understand, was created for the protection of the public in trade, industrial; and commercial matters. They alleged that the distributors of Philippine Hardwoods deceived the public in pretending that their wood was Mahogany, when botanically it was NOT. They alleged that the Pinus ponderosa makers deceived the public by calling their wood "White" Pine, when botanically it is NOT a "true" White Pine. ,i :8 ,l

Now the Commission decides that it is O. K. to call Philippine Hardwood Mahogany, but it is NOT all right to call California White pine .,\,l/hite." philippine Mahogany is NOT botanically Mahogany. No one ever claimed it was. It is a beautiful and valuable wood and much of it looks Iike old fashioned mahogany. Some of it is more beautiful than the Swietenia tree (the "true" mahogany that the Commission speaks of) ever produced, in my opinion. But it is NOT and is not claimed to be, Mahogany, botanically speaking.

Yet, by this new a""i"ilrr, i. 1"" o" advertised and sold as Philippine Mahogany. But California pine IS pine. And in color it IS white. Botanically it is NOT a ,,true,, white pine. But it IS a pine, and the wood IS white, so white that you may place it side by side with'boards of ..true" white pine, and frequently find it to be whiter than the "true" white pine. It often requires an expert to tell them apart.

Get the idea? They "ru*rJ* io.uiaaen to advertise and sell as "White pine" a pine lumber that IS white. But you can advertise and sell as Philippine Mahogany a wood that does not claim to be Mahogany.

Reminds me of ttre titttJ Ui** in school who signed up as George Washington. The teacher, reading his name, was amused and said to the little nigger,-..Do you try to be like him?" "Be lak who?" asked the black boy. ..Like George Washington," said the teacher. "Lady,,, said he, "Ah doan have to try to be lak George Washington, cause dats who ah is."

(Continued on Page 8)

* ,r

Secret of Retailer Success Lumber to Fore in New SPort

Fond du Lac, Wis., June 30."lss can patch up a blown-out tire so that it may give some service, but the logical thing to do is buy a new one with a guarantee behind it." This sales argument by analogy puts across a complete replacement job at a cost of $3450 after the owner had -decided to spend only $500 for repairing the roof of his home, according to S. S. Solie, president of the South Central Club of this city, at the first meeting of a dealermerchandising series starting on May 12.

Mr. Solie told of the circumstances which had made his business profitable. He compared the type of salesmanship of ten years ago with which he used today to produce business, quoting specific instances to illustrate the successful selling of quality lumber. Among the numerous occasions wheie the National Lumber Manufacturers Association had been of assistance to him he cited a hangar job which was originally intended to go to steel and which he was told would not satisfy the State code if built of lumber. With the assistance of the N.L.M.A. he was able to secure approval by the Industrial Commission to a lumber plan.

"Success in the retail lumber business," he said, "is to be had through selling; in ringing door bells and in promoting business. Analyze your communities and discover trade possibilities."

When asked how he happened to be so successful on insulation sales he replied: "I am personally sold on the value of insulation and you must be sold on the merits of a product before you can sell it." He told of the assistance he received from the Forest Products Laboratory regarding moisture content, humidity, etc., and urged all dealers to make fuller use of the helps available to them. He uses a psycrometer to settle complaints of sash joints opening, as well as shrinkage and said he had found relative humidity in homes as low as 12 to 15 per cent.

New Cut-Up Plant

The Shaw Bertram Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., started operation of a new cut-up plant June 3. The new plant which was recently completed has a capacity of 20,000 feet a day and employs 3O men.

Residence Building Active

Building permits in Palo Alto for the first five and a half months of 1931 totaled $532,000, of which $,CI2,550 represents new residence construction. Sixty-seven new homes were built, 11 of these in the first half of June.


New York, N.Y., June 30.-An automobile pleasure trip is confined no longer solely to the open highway; it has become a unit of the amusement park under the riotous title-"Automobile 'Whoopee". Like the familiar roller' coasters, the structure is made of wood, approximately onehalf mile long and consists of what is popularly known as "Thank-You-Mams", or camel-back humps, usually eight in number, four on either side of a U-shaped track.

This nerv form of recreation is of West Coast origin but has taken root in the East rapidly, with the result that the 150M or 200M bd. ft. of lumber required for each coaster, will mean good business for local dealers'

At the present time structures have already been completed at Atlantic City and Camden, N. J., and there are several in the South, particularly Florida. Additional structures are contemplated at three other eastern points, and an Elizabeth, N. J., dealer has supplied the lumber for one at Linden, N. J., in Douglas fir and hemlock of the various sizes required, viz: 4x6s for posts, 2x6s for the roadrvay' and 3x4s for posts for the roading' The wheel guards upon the roadway were constructed of five 2x4s'

The patent on this type of structure is claimed by G. H' O'Brien of Los Angeles, Calif. His local representative is Judge A. Casale of Kearny, N. J., who holds lumber in high isteim for this type of construction and who is confident that future structures of the same material will be erected' Lumber was chosen as the material best suited for such construction because of the ease and speed of erection, the economy of upkeep and an estimated life assurance of ten years.

Softwood Imports

According to figures supplied by the Section of Customs Statistics of th. Departmint of Commerce to the Lumber Division, softwood imports into the United States during April, 1931, were as follows:

Sawed lumber of fir, hemlock, spruce, pine or larch, dutiable; from Canada 27,n/W board feet; from Germany 3aZ,OOO from Mexico 558,00O; from Poland 613,00O; from Yugoslavia 17,000 and from Bruzil 2?,W.

Boards, planks and deals in the rough or. planed and dressed on ot e side; of fir, hemlock' spruce, pine or larch; from Canada 25,67/ffi board feet; free of duty.

Other kinds of softwood lumber, free of duty; from Canada 1,915,000 board feet and from Trinidad 11,00O'



EST. 1885


Reprecenting in California




Eastern Railway & Lumber Co. CENTRALIA, WASH.


WEstmore 5288


Timbers Flooring Commons sParamountt' Lath

RED CEDAR LUMBER(MILLERD SHINGLES Tirnbeg Finieh Plafing Log Cabin Siding


Vagabond Editorials

(Continued from Page 6)

They CAN call Philippine Hardwood Mahogany because it looks like Mahogany; but they CAN'T call a pine wood "White Pine" even though it IS white !!

I thought the Philipp*" ,tO, n"d a just case and I supported it strongly. I still think so, and approve highly of the recent decision in that case. But if the California White Pine folks haven't an even better right to the name they use-then my judgment of values is a total loss. The wood IS pine. It IS white. Then how in the names of the seven furies you can deny anyone theright to call it that is too much for my tottering mentality to understand.

It was my personal opinion publicly expressed when the Philippine case started, that such action by the Commission would loose a band of furies that would be hard indeed to corral. I am still of that opinion. Trade names are standing and will stand the scrutiny of the courts. This line of investigational endeavor, in my opinion, serves no good purpose, promotes no public weal. That the White Pine Case will be taken to the courts, is assumed. That any man's right to call white white and pine pine will there be sustained, I have too much respect for our courts to even momentarily doubt.

Lots of pats on .n" o"lo L, in"r" "Keep Russia out,, remarks in the July first issue. One thing is certain, we'd better keep her out, for if we let her in she'll kick us out.

When a man asks you "Why should we keep Russian goods out of America?", don't waste time explaining. Just say, "You hypocritical old rascal you, you know why." Every man with a mind knows why. That isn't what we need. What we need is men with the intestinal fortitude to back up the facts, and lock the door tight and immediately against ALL Russian products

We need men to match our mountains

We need men to match our plains, Men with eras in their purpose, Men with epochs in their brains.

Every day that passes lrrir.*.,, one day nearer to the happy times that are coming. And, listen: don't pull that imbecile bromide-"Tell me, what is going to bring these good times?" When you pull that boner, you automatically nominate yourself for membership in the pessimistic Ignoramus Club. When times were booming, you couldn't have explained why to save your immortal soul. When things slumped, you didn't know why. And they will come back the same way. *rl*

The fact of the matter is that this fun-loving world is tired of the dull days and ghastly groans of this setf-pitying tribe, and is ready and more than ready to come bouncing back. ALL it requires is a good excuse or two. If we ever start acting as though things were better they,d improve so fast it would scare us.

Pacific Coast Lumbermen Los Angeles Wholesalers Oppose Proposed Rail

Rate fncrease

Representatives of lumber manufacturers' associations and h_eads- of large lumber manufacturing concerns ap- peared before a meeting of the California Railroad Commission held at San Francisco on June 24, to protest against the proposed increase of 15 per cent in freight ratei, for whi,ch the railroads recently petitioned the Inierstate Commerce Commission.

A. B. Hammond, president of the Hammond Lumber Company, told commissioners that lumber manufacturers have not been able to make interest on their investments since 1926.

Willis J. Walker. president of the Red River Lumber Company, said the present high rates have been partly responsible for ,cutting employment in their plant, and that any increase would be disastrous to the industry.

Col. W. B. Greeley, se,cretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, said that the Oregon and Washington railroad commissions would oppose the increase of freight rates on lumber.

A. Larsson, traffic manager of the California Redwood Association, declared that increases would be disastrous to the lumbermen and costly to the .carriers.

Representatives of other industries said. that serious consequences to their industries would follow increases in rates.

Discuss Grade-Marking

. Cql_.-W. B. Greeley,_Seattle, Wash., secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, L. A. Nilson. Portland, Ore., Grading Inspection Department of the Wesi Coast Lumbermen's Association, and Harry A. I-ake. Garden Grove, Calif., president of the CalifornijRetail Lumberm9n'q Association, were guests of the Los Angeles Wholesale Lumber Association at their weekly meeting held at !!e Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, Wednesday njon, June 17.

Col. Greeley discussed lumber conditions in the Northwest and the cooperative grade-marking of West Coast lumber rvith the Southern California dealers. Mr. Lake said that in the matter of merchandising lumber grade-marking had accomplished a great deal; he stated tha-t there are 45 yards in Southern California now grade-marking lumber under the supervision of the West Coast Lumberten,s Association and that the movement is growing all over the state. The meeting ,concluded with an interlsting discussion on grade-marked lumber, Jack Rea chairmaln of the meeting, calling for expressions from all the wholesalers present.


Harry Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk following a two r,veeks' vacation spent at Balboa Island. He reported that surf fishing was very good and that he made several fine catches, Mrs. Hanson accompanied him on his vacation.





Perhaps we can help you sell your stock in this state. WRITE US W. H. NORRIS LBR. CO. HOUSTON, TEXAS


Federal Trade Commission Dismisses Philippine Mahogany Case-Four Years Litigation Wins Recognition of Philippine Woods

On July first The Federal Trade Commission at Washfgton entered a decree dismissing the complaint of the Commission aqeinst The Gillespie -Furniture tompany, of Los Angeles, Californla.

Two inches of news stuck away in lost corners of the news pages of the daily press, sufficed to tell the biggest story in the history of the philippine-American lu-mlber business. For the Gillespie Furniture Case was the test case asked for by the proponents of the Philippine hardwoods, after the Federal Trade Commission had decided that these Philippine woods must not be called "Mahogany',, and after a Federal Court had reviewed the findings of ihe Commission in the matter, and affirmed them.

'- But the Philippine prop,onents convinced the Federal Trade Commission that in'the first hearings of the case, which started in August, 1927, great injustici was done the cause of the Philippine woods in the evidence that was taken. They suggested that if given the chance they would demonstrate that there was griat justice in their ilaim to the right to call their wood Phiiippine Mahogany, and would also prove the high quality and great valie oi'their , wood.

So the Commission permitted them to try the case over again in the name of the Commission versus the Gillespie

Furniture Company, of Los Angeles, and this time the Philippine people were on the job, and'made a great showing.. They. made numerous demonstrations at tle hearings to show that instead of being an inferior wood, as wis alleged many times-at the first-hearings, Philippine Mahogany possesses wondrous qualities of valuable sorts, is difi-i- cult even-for experts-to distinguish from the old Mahog- anies, and n9 public injury is done by calling it its trade la1e- of Philippine Mahogany, no cliim being made that it is botanically of the Mahogany family.

The dismissal of the case means that since The Gillespie Furniture pompany does not commit ofiense by advertising and selling their wood, as Philippine Mahosany. anvone else has the same right and privilege. So ?hitippine Mahogany it is from now on.

Philippine iVlahogany has been hugely benefitted by thc litigation. Previous to the Federil Trade Commiision investigation, unfounded and false opinions concernins these woods were freely distributed. The litigation itself, and the effort developed by the Philippine folks to show the qualities of their woods, has donC wonders to soread the fame of Philippine, to the end that thousands of manufacturers are now using Philippine who formerly would take no interest in the wood because of the things they had heard against it.

School Architecture to be Demonstrates Value of


Schools, public buildings, and churches are included in the special exhibition of the work of Marsh, Smith and loyefl, architects, which opened July 1 in the Architects Building Material Exhibit, F;ttfr aira Figueroa streets, Los Angeles. The display consists of photographs and coiored renderings of buildings recently completed, and will feature the mod.ern trend in school architecture.

Schools of today are planned in a functional manner and sqpply the needs, both in arrang'ement and equipment, which are necessary in up-to-date school routine. Heretofore the uniformity of the exterior appearance has been the aim, and this has necessarily been a handicap to proper development. The_many possibilities for efficienly attd com- fort in modern school planning are well illustrated in this exhibition and will be on display untii July 23 in the Architects Building.

Lumberman Wins Golf 1 Trophy

_ Bob fngram, sales manager of the E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., recently won the W. H. France trophy at the Grays Harbor Country Club with a g_ross score of. 78, handicap 17, giving him a net of 61. Clayton Apple, of the GrayJ Harbor Lumber Co., Hoquiam was second with 65 net.

Air Travel

Finding it necessary to be in San Diego first thing in the morning in order to close a deal for a large shipment of a product for which his firm is Pacific Coast sales agent, E. A. Gordon, salesman for the Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, boarded the afternoon Boeing plane at the Oakland airport on June 10, and was on the job bright and early the next morning. After completing his business at San Diego, Mr. Gordon made some business calls at Los Angeles and returned to Oakland with a minimum expenditure of time.

Eight-Year-Old Heroine

San Francisco and Oakland papers re,cently contained accounts of the heroism of Bessie Lee Gunton, eight-year-old daughter of Howard M. Gunton, of MacDonald & Harrington, lumber wholesalers, San, in saving the life of baby Joan Marshall, aged two, who had fall& into the rvater at Clear Lake Park, Lake County, July 4. When she saw the baby struggling in the water Bessie climbed down a ladder, reached the baby and held her head above water until help came. It is said that Lake County residents have started a movement to obtain an award of a Carnegie medal for Bessie, who is an accomplished swimmer.


Monarch Screen & Mfg. Co. Take Over Cowan Line and Sales Organizations

The Maule-Heber Company, millwork manufacturers o{ Los Angeles, have discontinued business effective July first. Their plant on Slauson Boulevard which was leased from the L. A. Investment Company, has been returned to its owners. Mr. Maule retired from the firm some time since. Mr. Earl Heber, who has been in charge, announces his future plans elsewhere.

The Cowan Line of built-in furniture which this concern has been operating as a department for some time with H. V. Cowan in charge, has been taken over by the Monarch Screen & Mfg. Company, of 6lA7 Central Avenue, Los Angeles, of which Walter Gibbs is the owner. The entire Cowan line of built-ins are already being constructed in the big Mqnarch plant. Mr. H. V. Cowan and his sales force has become a department of Monarch, and they are going ahead with the production and distribution of the line immediately. In spite of depressed building conditions the Cowan line has been doing a splendid business in Southern California.

SOFI Literature Offers Dealer Helps

Four new pieces of literature have jus,t been issued by the Southern Oak Flooring Industries, Little Rock, Ark., that should be of particular interest to the lumber trade in that they supply accurate and scientific research applied to the merchandising of southern oak flooring.

"SOFI Floors for Home Beauty" is an attractive booklet and beautifufy illustrated, s,horving the me:rit and beauty of southern oak flooring and points out the ease and economy with which. SOFI floors can be installed in every home, new or old. A part of the book gives attention to the use of SOFI floors in business buildings-perhaps the first instance in which a book of this kind has been written to cover both residential and commercial uses to this extent.

"How to Lay and Finish SOFI Oak Floors", prepared by the research division of the Southern Oak Flooring Industries, is another important book attractively arranged, showing how SOFI flooring should be handled, installed and finished accor,ding to improved methods and specifications.

The third piece of literature is a folder containing the SOFI grading rules, effective June 15, which embody pronounced improvements over those governing heretofore.

The Oak Flooring Work Sheets for architects and contractors give in brief form the {ollowing information: how to specify oak flooring according to the architectural style of the building; preliminary steps in floor construction; nailing and laying oak floors; and modern methods of finishing oak floors-and sanding and scraping.

Copies of these four pieces of literature will be furnished to dealers on request by writing the Southern Oak Flooring Industries, Boyle Bldg., Little Rock, Ark.

Jerry Stutz with McCormick

J. H. "Jerry" Stutz has joined the sales force of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, and is covering the territory from Lodi south to Bakersfield. Mr. Stutz wJs formerly with Coos Bay Lumber Co., and is one of the most popular lumber salesmen in Northern California'

Srrd.ft, this PLAN BOOII

it tells you ltow to matre DxrnA Pnorrrs



tTfHE celling plan given in this book ir not ar experimcnt. I It har alr-ady proved rucceccful-wide-awake lumber deal' - ers all over the country have made extra pro6tr by co' operating with their contractors in following the eimple plan outlined in "A Vacation Cabin Selling Plan."

Good roads, fagt automobiler, and bargains in resort propertier are making the cabin idea more poputar each yeat. And Celo' tex ir the ideal material for cabin consttuction becauee ittr rtrong, light, ealy to handle, alnd insulotes against heat and sudden cold snapr.

fn your community there are a good many people who would like to have and can alford to build a vacation cabin. Let rrs show you how you and your contractors can get together and turn these prospectt into extra rales and extra prof,tr. The whole story's in "A Vacation Cabin Selling Plan.t' It tells you just how to organize for this business. Write for it today. The Celotex Company, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago' Illinois. In Canada: Alexander Murray & Co., Ltd., Montreal. Sales distributors throughout the World.


Interior of Celotex-constructeil cabin in Towners, N' Y., belonging to Mr. E. V. Brenisen ol New York City. Celotex constructed cabins can be heated lor occupancy throughout the winter or on uinter week-end's. The "Plan Book" includ'es working drawings lor cabins couering a wide price range. The word Celotex (Reg. U. S. Pat' ofr') is the trademafk of and indicates manufacture by The Celotex Conpanv.

For Nine Years We Have Been Advertising






The Same Quality of "SUDDEN SERVICE" That Has Always Characterized Our Business Wiil Be Delivered in Pine AIso!

Incorporated Feb. 14, 1908

Exclurivc Rail Reprocntativcr in Califor'nie and Arizona for Central CoaI & Coke Co.

Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.

Exclurive Rail Reprerentatives in Northern California for Creo-Dipt Company, Inc. North Tonawanda, N. Y.

8O9 Pacific Electric

and Delivering
Deli Sam igh Quality I
the Same High Quali
A. J.
ttGurtt Russell's Outfit
L. Burlingame Phmc TUcls 2ll! General Officc SAN FRANCISCO
Clair BIdg. 16 Cdifornia Sr
So. Calif. Officc LOS

California Building Permits for June

June City- 1931 Los Angeles .... ......$4,460,040 2,35r,799 646,192 &3,936 536,A2 364,838 334,925 290,414 276,939 250,050 200,305 189,010 182,87 181,825 t75,363 I 57,1 50 r37,379 124,525 118,848 95,gl5 91,625 88,Oll 85,036 83,090 7t,o77 62,|n 60,810 58,545 55,775 54,455 49,995 49,W 48,2U 48,100 47,855 45,2L5 43,688 43,285 42,95O 42,550 37,glo 36,470 36,26 35,s60 34,280 33,875 33,2W 33,022 30,445 30,404 27,374 24,500 23,7m 23,447 22,963 22,I37 21,275 City Burlingame Monterey Coronado Montebello Hemet Manhattan Richmond Lynwood Monrovia Oceanside THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT July 15, l93l San Fran,cisco... San Diego Oakland *Hollywood Pasadena Long Beach Sa,cramento Santa Ana Glendale Beverly Hills *San Pedro Alameda Emeryville Claremont Palo Alto Berkeley Santa Barbara Whittier San Jose Alhambra Fresno Stockton Santa Monica Bakersfield Corona Redlands Inglewood Vernon *Eagle Rock Newport Beach Burbank *Wilmington *North Hollvwood Riverside June 1930 $5,,{85,138 2,232,9W 4I9,266 883,199 1,248,214 r,261,934 1,m4,575 175,622 74,192 409,055 576,050 85,727 77,576 17,790 21,o75 415,938 197,,902 t84,969 71,630 50l,gg0 144,430 .Llg,6g2 100,554 212,423 1g3,4gg I 1,500 39,875 96,450 126,W 56,901 90,816 65,760 96,582 gl7,o50 72,469 t65,525 235,827 137,492 29,350 t]tr'zg7 90,160 55,330 44,955 21,735 150,190 207,7t0 94,000 57,429 59,550 I22,709 36,078 37,500 157,205 16,750 37,043 ?5,019 20,445 June, 1931 2r,212 2l,ol8 20,742 19,260 18.000 17,3ffi 16,865 16,200 15,918 15,969 15,650 15,535 15,32r 15,100 15,046 14,950 14,940 I2,750 12,7m 12,lzs tr,945 LL,520 11,235 11,000 10,835 10,150 8,400 8,160 8,145 8,050 6,96 6,800 6,725 6,575 6,4& 6,060 5,800 5,ffi 5,100 5,050 4,525 4,450 3,345 3,250 3,225 3,129 2,4m 2,L41 1,300 r,215 r,125 633 June, 1930 39,150 60,792 16,077 It,r75 2L,4ffi 19,643 30,710 48,659 22,3W t7,764 4,6n Ll,629 22,925 45,175 69,551 28,740 38,4/n 62,2m 19,000 68,010 3,zffi 20,345 16,100 5,905 22,m 46,735 37,200 10,630 20,3U) 14,145 36,045 25,4ry 13,950 13,850 46,883 16,000 26,350 30,625 6,275 20,029 135,910 29,2ffi 50,695 4,O75 3,350 7,m 23,67r 6,795 15,000 11,410 8,517 8,390 6,300 9,800 4,r75 Beach Calexico Santa Paula Santa Rosa Watsonville Culver City Brarvley El Centro Willow Glen Covina Anaheim Los Gatos El Segundo Carmel Porterville San Rafael Eureka Arcadia Tulare Torrance Hawthorne Santa Cruz Ventura Upland Chula Vista Hayward Hermosa Beach Visalia Monterey Park San Fernando Redondo Beach Sierra Madre El Monte Fullerton Lindsay *Harbor City Hanford Bell Huntington Beach Colton Azusa National Citv Seal Seacn La Verne 500 Glendora 2W Exeter
Compton San Marino San Bernardino Ontario *Venice San Mateo Redwood City Santa Maria Pacific Grove Salinas Laguna Beach South Gate Pomona San Gabriel ..... South Pasadena *Van Nuys PalosVerdes... Huntington Park Orange Piedmont Modesto Maywood
*Included in l-os Angeles totals.

May We Too Be Instructed

Russian school children are very 'carefully instructed in the ,care and protection of birds. An organization of 5,000 known as "The Bird Brotherhood," has for its slogan, "The Birds are our Allies." Each member is required to build one starling house and two feeding stations per year, and to systematically assist in the planting of trees and the destruction of injurious pests. Russian children have a working interest in the upbuilding of their country.

Now here is a pleasing picture

From the land of the ski-ko-vitch words. Of children banded together For the care and protection of birds.

The men with the wind-blown rvhiskers Are toiling with might and mainBy the plan which their strong hearts cherish They are building a nation again.

And there in schools where the wee ones Are learning to write and to read, They are pondering the great land's futureHer wealth, her power, and her need.

"Nothing," they say, "must be wasted." The power of beast and of man, The birds, the trees, and the children Are part of the wonderful "plan."

And young eyes shine with the vision That glows in a teacher's heart, And in eager, bristling phrases The children pledge their part.

So I give you this pleasing picture

From Russia land over the sea, Of a young child building a bird house And another one planting a tree.

W. T. Hankins Transferred to Los Angeles

W. T. Hankins, West Coast Lumbgrmen's Association, has been transferred to the Association's Los Angeles office where he will assist A. A. Kayser in supervising the grade-marking of lumber in the yards licensed by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Mr. Hankins was formerly connected with the Association's Portland, Ore., office supervising grades in the Portland district.

Sqpramento Drill Team Wins I Championship

Sacramento was awarded the national drill championship of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at its annual convention recently held at Seattle, Wash. A. R. "Si" Perkins, cashier of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., is captain and drill master of the Sacramento team.



For interior finish, furrriture and cabinets . . . for aeroplane and boat construction . for neady evert building purpose where the beauty of grain, adaptability to stains and finishing, plus dura,bility, are lumber requirernents. PHILIPPINE HARDWOODS will give unusual satisfaction.

Lumber dealers will 6nd at Hammond's a definite form of Hardwood service. Besides Philippine woods, there are large stocks of domestic hardwoods as well as the more expensive from Central America. These stocks include over thirty-five varieties in a wide r:rnge of grades and sizes.

rll M
are imp orted direct by Hammond's. All stoch graded in strict accordance with the Grailing Rules of the National Hardzaood Lumber Association.

The Douglas Fir Industr)-rg3t

During the depression which we all thought to be most serious, that of 7920-21, a lumberman in the Pacific Northwest, in response to the usual question, answered:

"Oh, our business is looking up now."

The questioner was astounded. He had heard the story that lumber was in very bad shape.

"What do you mean 'looking up'?" he asked.

"Well," said our optimist, "it's flat on its back, isn't it?"

It was flat on its back but after a while the folks began to build, retail dealers ordered lumber, the Douglas fir lumber industry got up, stret'ched itself and went back to work. Now, after nine years, it is "looking up" again. We believe history will repeat itself, demand will again return, and the lumber industry will once more go to work.

When is the revival likely to occur?

Our Association does not anticipate a large increase in lumber demand during 1931, but we do believe that with retailers', lumber distributors'and industrial stocks of lumber extremely low, a faft volume of buying will begin as soon as purchasers are convinced that the bottom has been reached in mill values. The Douglas fir industry is now further reducing its production and we do not expect to see the cut of lumber during the sixty days following June 15 average more than about one-third of our capacity. We expect the heavy curtailment now being forced on the industry by lower and lower prices and a slack demand to mark the turning point in the West Coast situation. This betterment will occur, in our judgment, when due to the number of idle mills and operations on short schedules buying difficulties arise. For^the past two years more lumbbr has been available from month to month than was needed to fill the current orders and there was a constant struggle by mills to operate. When the buyer learns that there are two or three bidders for one lot of lumber at the mill, he may be willing to pay another fifty ,cents. When he does, that will be the turning point.

Lumber prices at West Coast mills are far too low and cannot be expected to remain at or near present levels over a very long period. The average return to a group of mills reporting to the Davis Statistical Bureau during May for 162 rail and water items was fi12.32 per thousand ; the total averag'e sales return for all items in April was $13.49. This last figure compares with $18.34 in April, 1930 and $21.06 for the year 1929. We estimate the average loss per thousand board feet of lumber manufactured in the Douglas fir region today to be from $3.00 to $3.50. Naturally the situation is intolerable. No industry, no matter how well financed, could carry on for a long period absorbing a loss of from $300,000 to $350,@0 each week. Curtailment, therefore, is inevitable. The improvement will come, when buyers generally, including the.retail and wholesale lumbermen of California, come to the conclusion that mill prices are not going down any further. They will then gain confidence in the products of the industry and begin to fill in their depleted stocks. The demand will slowly start the mill wheels again.

Our Association recognizes the dependence of the industry on the sales activities of the retail lumber dealers. Most of our lumber is sold eventually by retailers, the bulk of it going into small building. A stimulation of any conseguence in a California town in house, garage or other buildiqei means lumber demand. 'We have, therefore, right down through the depression continued our program of work with retail dealers. As a matter of fact, our trade promotional efforts in California have been increased during the past twelve months, due first to the desire of retail groups for our help and second to our own willingness to assist in every way in better retail lumber merchandising. We believe that through these joint efforts our industry and the retail dealers will sell more lumber to a better satisfied public. Retail dealers in Southern California have been able, with our assistance, to raise their sales standards to a level, where based on Association grade-marked lumber, competition is reasonable and the public is assured of a square deal. An undertaking of this kind would have been impossib{e for either the retail or the manufacturing group alone. Jointly undertaken in the interests of legitimate merchandising it has not proven to be particularly difficult. We hope, as an Association representing the manufacturers in the Douglas fir industry, to work further in cooperation with groups of California retail lumber dealers to the end that more lumber may be merchandised in ways that will increase the public's use of our products.

While grade-marked lumber is a valuable product for the retailer because it establishes a fair basis for local competition, its greatest value lies perhaps in the opportunity opened up to create good will toward lumber and wood construction with architects,'contractors and potential builders. One very important reason for the decline in per capita lumber consumption during recent years has been the feeling on the part of the public that "lumber is not as good as it used to be." Actually, it is better; better selected for the purposes intended and better manufactured. It is only where competition forces each dealer or each mill to seek a continuously lower level of values that the quality suffers in comparison with former years. The joint trade extension work of our Association and the Southern California retail dealers has been directed to that point. We have sought to establish, through setting up standard grades, plainly marked with the Association stamp, a fair and solid basis for retailer competition which rvould at the same time carry assurance to the architect, contractor and to the public generally that good lumber properly manufactured and correctly graded was easy to obtain.

We have tried, through this difficult time, to encourage retail dealers in other ways. As they illustrate the policy of our Association in its trade extension work, the more important efforts may be of interest to dealers and distributors of lumber in California.

The retail department of an Association member mill at Eugene, Oregon, developed a system of soliciting business by personal calls on farmers in the locality which was so successful that it aroused national interest. The plan was


adopted as a plank in the promotion program of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, which assigned several men to outlining the features of the method before groups of retail lumber dealers in various parts of the United States. The sales promotion message was carried to g'roups of dealers in the Western states by Otto Hartwig, West Coast Association fieldman. Mr. Hartwig participated in 14 meetings of dealers under the auspices of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association in Arizona. Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon. He discussed the opportunities for promoting lumber sales by aiding farmers with their duilding problems involved in the proper care of livestock and machinery and keeping farm buildings and equipment in good repair. The meetings aroused the interest of many dealers by emphasizing the value of individual salesmanstlip for lumber in competition with other mer'chandise, and by developing practical means by which the direct selling of lumber might be done su,ccessfully.

Direct selling by dealers of lumber and other building materials is taking hold. More and more aggressive salesmanship in behalf of lumber through selling the house, barn, garage or a modernizing job is to be expected during the coming year and our Association sees this movement as by far the most practical into which we can tie our own efiorts. Other and more aggressive industries have shown the way. The census of distribution for the State of California, just issued by the Bureau of the Census shows that all retail sales in the state during the year 1930 totaled #3,268,545,6,36 or $575.73 per capita. Lumber and building materials including roofing and hardware sold at 1351 retail lumber yards totale d $l$iA2,442 or $25.31 per capita. The automofive groups of retail dealers-automobiles, motor cycles, supplies and accessolis5-2qqsgnted for $779,V\,9F or $tfS.05 per capita. 8,80O filling stations sold $14O,000,000 worth of merchandise or slightly less than the total of the retail yard 'sales. California is credited _by-Jhe__Bureau-of the Census with a 1930 population of 5,677,251' An increase of one dollar per ,capita in retail lumber sales would make a gain of $5,677,251 in the volume of business done by the relail lumber dealers in the state; the business could be increased more than one-third by selling an additional $10 worth of lumber per capita. At $35 per man, woman and child, community by community, more and better


M. R. Gill, Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, spent the Fourth of July holidays fishing in the High Sierras near Bishop. The streams in that locality are the fly fisherman's paradise, he reports. He made a limit catch every day he was out and brought in some fine specimens of Rainbow, Loch Leven and Eastern Brook trout.

homes and other building would result. The $10 will be there. Some industry will get it. Why not have it come to lumber and be translated into valuable property? We believe it might be done if the lumber industry-retailer, distributor and manufacturer-were as aggressive and as long-headed in planning as are some other industries. It may not seem so difficult to contemplate when we realize that the national expenditure for chewing gum is 94 cents per capita: $10 per capita is 83 1/3 cents a month, or less than 3 cents a day. That is a small investment for the public to make.

Our Association has recently started through our California fieldman, J. C. McCune, a drive to get distribution of the "Douglas Fir IJse Book" to architects and engineers of that state. This book was prepared during 1929-1930 to aid architects and engineers in designing for various grades of Douglas fir timbers. It contains designing tables and other information enabling designers to work with Douglas fir more easily and effectively. More than 3,00O,copies have been placed in the hands of technical men throughout the United States. Wide distribution of this structural handbook undoubtedly will be of material help to dealers selling Douglas fir timbers. California dealers may assist themselves by aiding in this distribution. A charge of $1.0O, which is less than cost, is made for this book to provide for reprinting.

While we see that the immediate and the ultimate way out of difficulty for our industry is through more aggressive and intelligent selling, it is, like many other things, easier to discuss than to plan and carry through.

To stimulate lumber sales constructively our Association must first study the retailer's problems and then plan for dire'ct assistance which will be helpful in moving lumber into consumption. We must then provide ways and means, where needed, to coordinate our plans with those of retail dealers. In both our planning and its execution, we need to 'cooperate with associations of retailers. The regional meetings of dealers to discuss direct selling, the distribution of the Douglas fir book and the grade-marking campaign in Southern California are all examples of this method as used by our Association. That we are continuing these eftorts during the most trying times our industry has ever known is the very best evidence we could offer of our faith in the future of the lumber industry of the West Coast.


Bill Chantland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is spending his vacation in the Northwest. He will visit the company's mills at St. Helens, Ore.; Port Ludlow and Port Gamble, Wash., and also spend a few days in Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Chantland is accompanying him on the trip.

Mr. Retailer, if you are not in the market for a carload remember you can buy a truck load fronr our stock on our own dock at the foot of Dennison Street, Oak' land. Give this service a trial.

J. R.
M anuf acturers - W holesalqs DOUC.LAS FIR - REDWOOD . SPRI.rcE Rail and Cargo 24 Market Street ' San Francirco Lor Angclcr OEcc Portlaad Officc 522 Certr:al Bldg. Ancricau Bank Bldg' A REMINIDER
HIII et IIOBTONT Inc. Vholesalers and Jobbers Dennison Street Vharf - Oakland ANdovet lO77-1O78

Lumber Persona,lities A. S. Murphy

!t"l }lurphy was born in Detroit, bright and early on ( July 13th, 1892, and was immediately named Aibert Stalwood. His people were lumbermen for generations, having originally been sawmill operators in the old Pine woods in Maine and having followed the forests west to Michigan, and later to Wisconsin.

Stan took on his s,chooling at Detroit University School and later at Evans School in Arizona. While at school in Detroit he got his first lumber experience by spend- ing summer vacations in the mills at Green Bay, Wis., and his winter vacatrions in the logging woods. Being foot-loose and adventurous he branched out at the age of nineteen and went to Sco,tia where he worked in the mills of The Pacific Lumber Company which had been acquired by the Murphy family a few years before. The lumber business did not have enough interest .though, so he left after a year and went to Siskiyou County, where he worked in a min,e, for a year. This experience was enough adventure to last quite a while so he went back to Arizona and became a business man, dealing in wholesale hay and grain, while Carranza was trying to purify Mexico a few miles away.

Thig proximity to war stirred the old love of excitement so when the World War busted loose, Stan went to San Pedro and became a "Gob". Seven months later he w'as commissioned and in January, 1918, joined the U.S.S. Iroquois, going to the east coast. Here he was assigned to the U.S.S. Niagara as Navigating Officer and finished out the war convoying doughboys to France, finally returning to this country in 1919.

In 1920 he moved to Menlo Park, California, and got a job as clerk in the lumber department of A. F. Thane & Co., exporters. Three years later he return,ed to Scotia where he worked for The Pacific Lumber Company for two years, after which he was transferred to the sales department in Chicago.

In June 1925, Mr. Murphy was elected executive vicepresident of the company and returned to headquarters at Scotia. In 1931 the directors of the company elected him president, in which capacity he now directs the destinies of the outfit.

Through his interest the company has devoted much effort and capital to the development of by-products from waste material, such as bark and sawdust. These by-products will undoubtedly prove very profitable el,ements of lumber manufacture.


B. R. Julien, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is back on his territory following a two weeks' vacation in the Northwest where he visited Bellingham and Seattle, Wash.; Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B. C. On his return trip, he traveled by airplane from Portland to Los Angeles.


Don Mullins, assistant to Ray Hunter, Sterling Lumber Co., Oroville, Calif., is in charge of the Sterling Lumber Co. yard at Folsom, Calif., while R. G. Bennett, manager of the Folsom yard, is taking a six weeks' trip in the east.

Mr. Murphy married Miss Hazel Ricks of Eureka in 1916 and they have a couple of boys coming along about ready to start out and duplicate Dad's record.

Mr. Murphy is a member of the Pacific Union Club. University Club, Bohemian Club, St. Francis Yacht Club,'Men- lo.Country Club and the Raquet Club of Chicago. When he's home he is at Scotia where the sawmills hum.

_ George C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, left Los Angeles June 20 on a slow freight steamer for a leisyrely trip up the coast to Vancouver, B. C., calling at Portland on the way. He shipped his car on the boat, and will drive back to California after doing som,e sightseeing in British Columbia.


Curtis Will.iam5, well known Los Angeles lumberman, announces the removal of his offices to lO27 Rowan Bldg., Fifth and Spring Streets, Los Angeles. His telephone number is MUtual 68O5.

/ _

Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Announces New Grading Rules

In announcing the new grading rules for Red Cedar shingles which became effective July 1, and will cover shingles manufactured in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, the Red Cedar Shingle Bur,eau, Seattle, Wash., states :

"The principal reason for the change is that when put into effect the Fire Llnderwriters will raise no objection to the use of quality shingles on homes in uncong€sted districts of a city. The new Building Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters will no longer carry a clause prohibiting wood shingles within the city limits and the appendix of the Code will contain a clause providing for the use of quality shingles, which the city is advised it may use if it desires to permit them.

"All this provided we manufacture and promote the use of a first-grade edge grain shingle for roofs and that we certify and identify such shingles by label' The lower grades must also be identified as such and all 6/2" shingles eliminated. This is the basis of the new grades: all No. 1 Grades are edge grain 5/2" and thicker and the other grades are to be marked or branded No. 2 Grade and No. 3 Grade, except that in the case of the No. 2 Grade 16" 5p' Shingle and the No. 2 Grade lg' 5/7' Dimensions, which shingles are to be 16% clear, the grade number will be omitted from the brand and such shingles will be branded "mixed grain." These changes are not so radical as they might seem.

"The No. 1 Grades of 24", 18", and 1B' lengths are the present grades of Royals, Perfections, and XXXXX or Perfects.

"The No. 2 Grades are the No. 2 Royal 16" clear, the No. 2 Perfection 12" clear and the Extra Clear raised to lffi/o clear.

"The No. 3 Grades are the No. 3 Royal 10" clear, a new grade of No. 3 Perfection 8" clear, and the 10/' Clear now raised to practically the 5//' Star-A-Star.

"As a part of the program application was made to the Bureau of Standards of the U. S. Department of Commerce for a commercial standard of quality based on 5/7' edge grain as a minimum, enabling us to certify by label to be issued by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau that the shingles bearing the label meet all the requirements of the U. S. Commercial Standard. This will meet the demand of the Underwriters and will greatly increase consumer confidence in our product.

"Manufacturers representing over 85% ol the production in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia have signed the acceptance and approval of these grades with the U. S. Department of Commerce.

"In order to simplify manufacturing practice, the U. S. Commercial Standard was established on the square pack, that is to say enough shingles contained in the unit to lay 100 sq. ft at the prescribed weather exposure. To pack No. 1 Grades by the square and other grades by the M would cause confusion, so it was decided to make everything uniform and pack all shingles by the square. This will not only simplify the mangfacturers' and retailers' problems, but will place wood shingles in direct price comparison with other roofings, which are all sold by the square.

"As stocks of shingles on hand at both the retail yards and at the mills are probably the lowest in many years, this is an opportune time to make these necessary changes and we believe they will be welcomed anil promptly adopted by all branches of the Industry."

Thts ls tlrHT

Tou g,et so much trorn DfcCORIIICK'8


great millr et St-

An trin stock" service that is complete in every detail. 1O million feet rtocke are maintained in San Francisco for Northern California trade; the seme in Vilmington and San Diego for the Squth. (Jntreated and Creosoted Lumber. Piling-poler, Tiec and Poco, Lath, Shinglec, Box Shool.


215 Market Street, 11OO Lane Mortbage Bldg.; San Francisco Los Angelec Phone DOuglac 2561 TRinitY 5241

Northern California Agente Fir-Tex Insulation

IMcGormick owns and operates itg own Heleno, Port Ludlow and Port Gamble, ascuring dependability of rupply. McCormick steamEhipr transport etocko from millc to wholerale yards. t Immediate Truck or rail deliverier, whichever may be ryccified. fndividual ettention to each dealertc requirement for ptoftable re-ral*no overloading.
2 4
l) PJr) .ll .1lal Ft) MADE BY THE MANUFACTU PIONEER PI P. O. Box, 120 Arcade Annex, Los Angeles, California LAfayette 2lll 1519 SheU Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Sutter 7571

Rednnood Empfue Sprcial Train President Hoover Sends Good Will Sponsors of

ICalled by many of the large crowd that witnessed its departure a symbol of renewed prosperity, the huge Redwood Empire Special, 118-car prosperity train of Redwood lumber pulled out of Ben Ali station, just east of Sacramento, at 11:15 a.m. on July lst.

Governor James Rolph, Jr., was at the throttle of a big Southern Pacific mountain-type locomotive when the train was christened "California's Contribution to the Nation's Building Program" at ceremonies participated in by the State and Sacramento Chambers of Commerce and the Redwood Empire Association.

Representatives of the whole lumber industry of Cali-

fornia made up a considerable portion of the crowd which assembled to give a hearty send-off to the special on its long transcontinental journey.

On the eve of the train's departure President lloover wired a message of good will to the California Red$ood Association, sponsors of the record lumb'er shipment. The message, which was conveyed by the President through Julius Klein, Acting Secretary of Commerce, was addressed to Fred V. Holmes, president of the California Redwood Association, and was as follows: '.

"The President has just conveyed to this department for acknowledgement the encouraging news of your record

Upper right-Head end, of train shortly before stort shozuing part of crozud present at sendoff. Lower left-GoTrernor Jant,es Rolph, Ir., at throttle ol giant locomotiae that headed the train. Lo'aer-Aerial uiew of train, whick was 1l miles long.

of 118 Cars Sp eeds Easf

Mess age to California Redwood Association Spectacular Train

breaking shipment of California Redwood. It is particularly gratifying that this represents so large a volume of definite orders from many individual lumber dealers."

Hundreds of local people turned out to see the train, which was the biggest single rail shipment of Redwood lumber ever made, and some of the Sacramento merchants, even in such unrelated lines as clothing stores, made mention of the big Redwood train in their advertising space in the newspapers.

Representatives of two of the major news-reels were on hand with sound apparatus to photograph the train, and these news-r.eels will be shown in approximately 20,000 theaters throughout the country, thus extending the publicity to many millions who might not read the newspaper accounts.

A great deal of newspaper publicity was received throughout the State, and as the train moved East newspaper publicity followed it. Mats were sent to lumber dealers who participated in the train load, who wished to take advantage of the publicity and advertise in their local paper that part of the big shipmen,t was to be delivered to their yards.

Radio broadcasts sponsored by the various railroads heralded the coming of the train in the principal cities along the line.

7 The train was made up of li8 cars of the finest Redwood /lumber frorn mills in Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Every foot of this quali,ty lumber, the pick of the mills of the Redwood Empire, is to be used in the construction of 80O to 1000 new homes in the Middle West and

East, and every foot of it has been bought by retail lumber merchants in the territory men,tioned.

The amount of lumber on the train exceeded 3,000,000 feet,,its estimated value is between $150,000 and'920O,000, tz and the estimated freight charges by the railroads will run from $4O,00O to $50,000.

The length of the train was lfu miles, and five mountain division Mallet locomotives were required to haul it overr/ the Sierra Summit in California. The train was routed over the following railroads: Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago and Northwestern, Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohio, New York Central, New York, New Haven and Hartford, Boston and Maine.

The Redwood mills rvhich contributed cars to the train load were: The Pacific Lumber Co., Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., Union Lumber Co.. Charles Nelson Lumber Co., and th,e Redwood Sales Co. The latter company comprises the following mills which ship their lumber outside of California under the name "Sequoia Brand" : Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., E. J. Dodge Co. and Hobbs-Wall & Co.

Fred V. Holmes, president of the California Redwood Association, in referring to the big event, said that the Association is proud of its part in this great lumber movement, the largest by far in the history of the Redwood lumber 'industry which dates back to the pioneer days of the Golden State. The rvhole credit, he said, is due to the retail lumber merchants who had the bonfidence and courage to place their orders for this lumber and thus make this spectacular shipment possible.





Wrltc for Catalonrct
the largest milk are inrtalling our TMPROVED AIR COOLED REFI.'SE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirements for air cooled and brick lined refgse burnersnew and rued boilerr of dl rizee and typeg.
6 *neeb

Farm Structures Bureau and Retail Dealers Cooperate in Pnze Contest

The presentation of a Redwood trophy for the high team in Farm Mechanics, Redwood Empire section, is a part of the cooDeration of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau of the California Redwood Association with the State Bureau of Agricultural Education.

This cup, of which an illustration is ihown on -this page, is a perpetual one and has inscription space on the reverse side ?orien winners (1930 to 19-39). The cup will be found in the trophy cabinets of the Farm Mechanics School shops of Smith-Hughes Agricultural Schools, of which there are 18 in the Redwood Empire section from Petaluma to Arcata, including Napa ValleY.

The distinctive feature of the cup is the beautiful Redwood burl base and handles which further identify it as a Redwood trophy. The cup is silver with gold lining, 16 inches high, in<i deeply engraved with black enameled lettering.

The Redwood Farm Structures Bureau in cooperation with retail subscribers to the bureau's Agricultural Service recently made presentation of 'Ix prizes to outstanding Farm 'Mechanici Boys in the Redwood Empire section (18 schools in competition). Instead of silver cups and blue ribbons practical prizes were awarded, the two winnins bovs reieiving $fu.m worth of Redwood each, and the"other four boyi received complete bound sets of the Asricultural Seriei of Redwood Bulletins, with their names imlprinted thereon in gold letters, with the compliments of their respective lumber dealers.

Max E. Cook, Farmstead Engineer, manager of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau, was asked to do the judging by the Teachers' Association. Mr. Cook says-he found this i very pleasant and instructive assignment' "I cannot tell," he says, "what a genuine pleasure it was to learn at first hand what good work the boys are doing, under the guidance of their instructors, to better prepare themselves i--o secure the maximum in farm structures at minimum cost. We hope the publication of some particulars of this competition in THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT may help to inspire further retail dealer interest and encourage further activities in this field. On'e of the participating dealers remarked that it seemed to him not inly gbod business for dealers to take part in work such as tttG, but he thought it their duty as good citizens to help the cause along in their respective communities."

The awards made by Mr. Cook were as follows:

Individual Home Projects

Joe Wilson, Tomales Joint Union High School, Valley Ford, Sonoma County, Project: l2-6x12 portable poultry (roosting) houses, feed house and feed hoppers. Award: First-$ZO worth of Redwood from Chas. Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock, Calif'

Harry RasmussenPetaluma High School. Project: 8x12 brooder house. Award: Complete bound set Agricul-

tural Series of Redwood Bulletins, complimqnts of Camm & Hedges Co., Petaluma.

Peter Esaia, H,ealdsburg High School. Project: Altera-

tion to horse barn. Award: Bound set, Agricultural Bulletins, compliments Redwood Farm Structureg Bureau.

Class Projects

Chas. McDowell, Analy Union High School, Sebastopol. Project:. l2x2o-16 calf barn. Award: First-$2O worth of Redwood from Henry Hess Co., Sebastopol. Chas. Iddings, Petaluma High School. Project: L6x32 milking barn. Award: Bound set Agricultural Bulletins, compliments Camm & Hedges Co., Petaluma.

Individual Shop Project

John Schamber, Petaluma High School. Project: 8x12 portable hog house. Award, bound set Agricultural Bulletins, compliments Two Rock Commercial Co.


Coast Counties Lumbermsn Enjoy Social Meeting

An attendance of 126 members and guests at the annual social meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, held at the Anderson Hotel, San Luis Obispo, Saturday, June 6, showed that this annual event is d popular one.

The annual banquet was held at 7 p.m., and this was followed by entertainment. After the meeting there was a caravan tour, in which 20 automobiles with eighty o,ccupants took part. Various resorts were visited, the farthest point being Guadalupe.

Many of the members and guebts attended the Elks' picnic and barbecue on Sunday, June 7, at the Tonini Ranch. This invitation was extended bv I. A. Greenelsh. Exalted Ruler of the San Luis Obispo Elks' CIub.

Guests who attended were: H. A. Lake and D. C. Essley, California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Kenneth Smith, Lumber & Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles; W. J. Anderson, Blue Diamond Co., Los Angeles; Ben Byrnes, San Francisco; E. G. Austin, California Wire Cloth Co., Oakland; Harry A. Holtgen, Celotex Company, Oak- land; F. M. McKean, Colma Mill & Lumber Co., Colma; W. E. Cooper and Joe Williams, W. E. Cooper l.umber Co., Los Angeles; George F. Grant, L. O. Green, Stuart C. Smith and D. H. LeBreton. Coos Bav Lumber Co.. Bav Point; Bob Bryson, I{ammond Lumbei Co., San Franiisco; Carl W. Watts, J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco; Lloyd If arris, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco;

H. B. Heyn and Dusty Miller, Johns-Manville Co., San Francisco; A. N. Lofgren, San Francisco; J. Walter Kelly, Jas E. Atkinson, Geo. F. Kendrick and Duncan McNeil, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francis,co; W. E. Wilson and A. M. Rea, Jr., Monolith Portland Cement Co., Los Angeles; Jas. A. Harris, Jr., and Red McKinney, Monterey Bay Redwood Co., Santa Cruz; Gerald G. Pearce, and W. J. Pope, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; T. A. Bonner, Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco; Wiley Messinger, Pacific Coast Railroad Co., San Luis Obispo; A. J. Nolan and L. W. Blinn, The Pacific Lumber Co.; Fred H. Figel, Pacific Portland Cement Co., San Francisco; George O. Kellam, Pioneer Paper Co., San Francisco; G. L. Richards and W. A. Clarke, San Jose Brick & Tile Co., San Jose; Fred Faldsteck, San Luis Obispo Bri'ck Co.; Samuel P. Laverty, Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co., San Francisco; Earl M. Galbraith, Schumacher Wall Board Corp., Los Angeles; Jack Kiely and C. Hexberg, IJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco; H. A. Davis and D. F. Scott, U. S. Gypsum Co., Los Angeles; H. R. Brockman, U. S. Lime Products Corp., San Francisco; Duke Euphrat and G. F. Bonnington, Wendling-{\a1fi2n Co., San Francisco; H. F. Vincent and A. L. Sailor, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco; Jas. McNab, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland; T. K. Holmes and W. H. Jarvis, Yosemite Portland Cement Co., San Francisco.

BOOKSTAVER.BURNS LUMBER COMPANY 550 tHtl";!,"1:Til:" Brdg' WEgtmore 6231 Exclusive Southern California Representatives Through Them we Invite Your Inquiries for REIDt17OOID Clear and Commons Green or Dry Rough or Worlced CARGO AND RAIL SHIPPERS HUMBOLDT RED\TOOD COMPANY Main OfficeEUREKA, CALIF.

Knotty Pl ne Grows in Popularity

Lumber dealers. who have remained unconvinced in spite of reliable evidence, can no longer hold their position that Knotty Pine is a passing fancy and will never win the lasting regard of the great mass of home owning and home building people who make up the lumber dealers' market. No longer is there any need to take the word of the mantrfacturer alone for the growing use of Knotty Pine. A special issue of the Shevlin Equalizer presents in an unusually interesting and convincing way the experiences and feelings of those who actually buy and use Knottv Pine. Housewife, ar'chitect, and contractor have been trought together in this issue of the Equalizer. to tell why tfiey like and use Knotty Pine' To substantiate their testimony, some thirty illustrations selected from all over the country show various uses for Knotty Pine in homes, stores, offices, restaurants, show rooms, and factory reception rooms.

In utilizing a regular issue of the Shevlin Equalizer, a house organ published monthly by the Shevlin-Hixon Company and MiCloud River Lumber Company, describe:ld iilusirate the many architectural possibilities of Shevlin Pine Knotty Finish, this company has given to its salesmen and dialers an unusually instru'ctive thirty-two page sales manual full of any number of ways to stimulate the sale of Knotty Pine among ,customers and prospects- as. well as giving actual evidence of the increasing popularity of this attractive wall finish.

The leading article in this issue of the Equalizer is written by an exp.-erienced housewife who is constantly striving to m;ke her home more lovely and distinctive and yet keep withiu the family budget' Mrs' A. M' Libbey of-MinneaDolis, Minnesoti, findi the beauty and economy of knotty pine rvalls two of their most attractive features. "\Me can never be grateful enough", says Mrs. Libbey in her article in the Eqializer, "thatie invLstigated the cost of paneling with pin6. We found that we would ultimately spend less than we would in having either a painted or papered surface."

Mrs. Libbey also emphasizes the fact that-a pine room is easy and ineipensive tb furnish and exceptio.nally 9.asy.t9 keep clean. She feels that pine walls mean "home'" "All rvho have entered our pine room' young people and older ones," says Mrs. Libbey, 'ohave'bepn r4ade to realize that our loveiy pine room tarries a message of contentment' For us, *e ktto* that our du'elling is distinguished by its oine rootn-but far more do we appreciate the value, not '-easured intrinsicallv, in its calm, serene' and simple beauty."

Rollin C. Chapin, prominent Minneapolis architect, r'vho has designed many iooms of Knotty. Pine, tells some of his expeiiences with his clients in planning their homes' It is Mr. Chapin's belief that the value o{ having a pine ,oo- in the home is being appreciated by more people everv year. "In fact", Mr. Chapin said, "during this tast y."t'oi so I have had a number of my-clients request that i plan pine rooms for their homes. I believe that home

owners are coming to realize, just as we always have, that a pine room not only makes the home more beautiful, but makes it more valuable as well."

In Mr. Chapin's own home which he designed, he has a charming study finished in Knotty Pine and furnished with some very attractive Early American pieces. Incidentally, Mr. Chapin's home was given the Certificate of Merit in the Honor Awards condu'cted by the Minneapolis Chapter of the American Institute of Ar'chitects in 1929-30 for small houses erected since 1925 in Minneapolis and vicinity.

Clarence K. Bros, builders of "Bros-Bilt" Homes has had much experience rvith Knotty Pine as a contractor and builder and he states that homes with one or two knotty pine rooms sell better and faster. Mr. Bros has fgund that a Knotty Pine recreation room in the basement is a particularly good selling point for a house. "There seems to be a general desire among prospective home owners," says Mr. Bros, "to have one room in their new 'home treated with Knotty Pine. Pmple like the warm cozy appearance of a room when the walls are sheathed with this material."

"Pine Walls Do Away With Redecorating Costs" is another highly interesting article in this issue of the Equalizer. Actual figures are given showing how much more reasonable in the long run a room finished in Knotty Pine proves to be.

"Popular Clubs and Hotels Go Pine," "Merchants Find Knotty Pine Attracts More Trade-Sells More Goods," and "Pine for the Private Office is Quite the Thing"-these are some of the titles which head other instructive and fascinating arti,cles in this magazine.

Every story is illustrated with excellent halftones of knotty pine interiors. There are views of knotty pine rooms from homes located in practi'cally every section of the United States-San Francisco, Colorado Springs, New York City, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, etc. There are also photographs of several knotty pine store interiors, a direciors' room in a small town bank, an attractive library in a Milwaukee club, a lounge in a Los Angeles hotel, a very swanky New York restaurant, a Chicago manufacturer's display room, an unusual factory office, as well as a private office and reception room-all finished in various styles of architecture and all using Knotty Pine to excellent advantage.

Much convincing testimony of the wide-spread use of Knotty Pine ,certainly goes far toward helping the lumber dealei stimulate an interest in this material among his own customers and prospects. Without a doubt a booklet of this sort furnishes the dealer with one of the best possible sales talks covering practically every conceivable use for Knotty Pine.

A copy of this issue of the Equalizer will be furnished any deJler rvho writes to Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, 900 First National-Soo Line Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Pacific Lumb er Co. Ships Redwood Bark Fiber East

When Governor Rolph, Jr., started the Redwood Empire Special from Ben Ali Station just east of Sacramento on July lst, two of the 118 cars that made up the record-breaking train were laden with The Pacific Lumber

in the manufacture of roofing felt, to which it gives the same fire and weather resistant qualities that have contributed to the longevity of the trees themselves.

Another characteristic is that the springy nature of the

Redwood Em,pire Specinl on wa! east. Insert shows one of the cars carrying shipment of Reda,ood Bork Fiber. Company's Redwood Bark Fiber for the Certain-teed Products Corporation.

Redwood Bark has protected the Redwood trees for centuries from climatic changes, from fire and vermin and when shredded produces a long, tough fiber that is utilized


E. W. Daniels, vice president'of the Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., recently spent a few days in San Francisco, where he conferred with C. W. Buckner, the frrm's Northern California representative. He also conferred with the Southern California representative, H. Bruce Wiscomb, in Los Angeles, going on from there to visit San Antonio, Texas.

fiber results in a more "open" felt, thereby assuring greater penetration of asphaltum.

After years of research the Certain-teed Products Corporation has standardized on Redwood Bark Fiber in the manufacture of their quality products.


Arthur B. Griswold, of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., San Francisco, paid a visit to Reno on July 4, and attended the Baer-Uzcudun fight. He made the trip by automobile.


Matt Silvey, manager of the Glenn County Lumber Co., Willows, Calif., is spending a few weeks at Santa Cruz, where he has a summer home.

{b Grade Dflark.ed Lumber Makes Satisfied Oustomers Ir vou':il*5:ij, :##ror Yourserr LI]DIBBB OO. (GOODS OF THE WOODS" 4701 Santa Fe Avenue, Loc Angeles King and Frededck Streets, Oatdeod


Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less

A Left-Over War Story

lfere's a war story never before printed in this column: A "Pub" in England during the big war was well filled one night with soldiers on leave, drinking, singing, talkirg. Two men in uniform strike up a quick friendship, and are soon "Buddies". One of them, a typical English Tommie, conceives a deep friendship and regard for his new friend. He assures him many times of his affection and regard.

Suddenly it occurred to the befuddled brain of Tommie


Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, has purchased the yard of the Union Mill & Lumber Co. at Reno, Nevada. The property includes a planing mill and sash and door factory.

that he had not learned the particular army affiliation of his friend so he asked him: "Hi si, old Toppie, what army are you with, anyhow?"

"Why", answered the other, who wore the uniform of the Salvation Army workers at the front, "I belong to the army of the Lord".

The reply brought a serious look to the face of Tommie. "Well, old bloke", he said, "Hi still loves you just like I been sayin' I did, but there's one thing you've got to admit-You're a Hell of a long ways from Headquarters".


R. W. Smith, of the trade extension department of the California Redwood Association, has returned from two weeks' vacation. Rube played golf at Pebble Beach and did some fishing in the Sierra, and had an enjoyable time.

Wholesalers of Douglas Fir Redwood

If you have never had


Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.

Main Office: A. L. Hoover, Agt.

San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.

our ttSpeedy Servicett J. f. lllfffl!{s tuMBrR 00. SAN FRANCISCO lVendling-Nathan Co.
Carry a cornplete stock of both kiln dried and air dried
ORFORID CEDAN l*t us take care of your orders with
California Pine
California Sugar Pine

Rail Freight Rates Re'duced From Oregon and Northern California

Freight rates on lumber from Willamette Valley points, including Portland and branch lines of the company in Oregon, fo the principal points in California, will be reduced materially by the Southern Pacific Company July 15, according to announcement of J. H. Mulchay, freight traffic manager at Portland, Qre.

Reductions on fir lumber from the valley will range from IO to 17% per cent, with a general average of about 16 per cent, according to Mr. Mulchay.

"We are hoping the new rates will serve to assist the lumber shippers of Oregon to market more of their product in California," he said.

"A greater reduction than the rates may indicate will result through enlargement of the list of articles that, under the new tariff, will be entitled to lumber rates, either in straight or in mixed carloads. The new lumber list will conform generally to items allowed to move at lumber rates under transcontinental tariffs. To accomplish this, the new tariff has been built largely along the form of commodity groups A, B, C, D, and E.

"Exceptions to the lumber list are generally light-loading commodities subject to similar exceptions in the transcontinental tariffs. Group A, for example, covering beehive lumber, shingles, etc., will be subject to a rate ol 7f c.ents over lumber, but not to exceed the present rate.

"Under group B, built-up 'lvoodwork, such as medicine cabinets, breakfast sets, stairways, drawers, wall tables, doors, window screens, sash, etc., knocked down, 5 cents over lumber rate.

"Group D will comprise a long list of articles to which, heretofore, lumber rates have not been applied because of the low rates existing between Oregon and California territory."

Lumber shippers have been hoping for and looking forward to reduction in these rates for some time. Ifowever, as changes in rates involve a general readjustment affecting not only those applying from Willamette Valley territory, but from mills in Southern Oregon, Northern California and the pine and redwood districts of central California as well, it has taken ,considerably more time to prepare tariffs than originally anticipated, Mr. Mulchay stated.

"We are also hoping," Mr. Mulchay gontinued, "that the materially wider mixture to be allowed, with a new rule providing that lower and higher-rated articles mav be shipped in the same car at the carload rate for each, based on the actual weight for the different classes of material shipped, will be of added benefit to manufacturers. Altogether, the changes represent a material departure from conditions heretofore observed with these California rates."

The new rate on lumber from Willamette Vallev ooints including Portland and branch lines in Oregon to Sacramento and Stockton, for instance is 24 cents as against the old rate of .811 cents. The new rate to San Jose is 281 cents, a reduction of 3 cents. Modesto's rate is 301 as against 34, Fresno's rate is reduced from 43 to 35/2, Merced is reduced from 36 to 331. Rates to Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Bakersfield and many other points are reduced to 42 cents, but this rate is subject to a minimum of 50,000 lbs. per car. Rates to San Francisco and Redwood City are unchanged.

'The Western" GARAGE DOORS

Per Peir, Glaz€dLirt Price. $31.25

llreetern Sash Gl Door Go.



California Sales Agents for

Polson Lumber & Shingle Co.

Ffoquiam, Vash.

Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co.

Aberdeen, Vash.

Prouty Lumber & Box Company

Varrenton, Oregon

Operating Steamers

W. R. Chamberlin, Jr. - t:Xf.a - Phyllis - Batbara C.

Head Office 9th Floor, Fife Building San Francisco

Angeles 568 Chamber of Commerce
WEstmore O295 Portland, Oreg. Albers Dock No. 3 Oakland Market St. Pier Glencourt 9151 Seatde Pier No. 5
DOuglas 547O Los

The Lumb er Industry

The lumber and secondary woodworking industries of the United States represent approximately 10 billion dollars of capital; $3,600,000,000 in value of annual product; 1,000,000 in number of employees. Biennial census figures for l9Z7 show "forest products" (lumber and its manufactures) as third on the list of 15 general industrial groups in number of wage earners, fourth in amount of wages paid, and sixth in the value of products. It is exceeded only by "textiles and their products" and "machinery" in number of wage earners and by the textile, iron and steel, and machinery groups in the amount of wages paid. In L9D "the forest products" industry was fourth in number of wage earners, fifth in amount of wages paid and ninth in value of products, based upon preliminary reports of the United States Census Bureau.

In L9D the amount of lumber cut is given as 36,872,132,000 feet as reported by 19,904 mills. One-third of this lumber is produced in two states, Washington and pregon. Washington is the greatest lumber-producing state. It alone in l9D cut one-fifth of the lumber oroduced. Onehalf of the total cut was produced in fivi states, Washington, Oregon, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Fiftyfive per cent of it is represented in two species-Southern Pine and Douglas Fir; the first being 31.5 per cent, the second 23.6 per cent. 'Western pines represent 8.9 per cent, Hemlock 5.7 per cent, White Pine 3.4 p,er cent, making a total for the five woods narned of '73 per cent of the annual production.

Seventy years ago sourCes o{ lumber supply were mainly local or at comparatively short distances from the consuming markets. In 1914 the Forest Service estimated the average rail haul from the mill to the place of use was 360 miles; 1n 1924 that it was 725 miles, thus doubling in the ten years. Inbound lumber to the northeastern states travels an average distance over the railroad of 84O miles; to the lake states 91O miles; to the central states 1,515 miles. From the Pacific Northwest to the consuming markets of the east, the average rail haul is approximately 2,fi0 miles.

The water haul from the northwest to Atlantic Coast ports is about 6,000 miles.

ln 1924 lumber's freight bill (on lumber, timbers and sawed ties) was approximately $408,50O,00O, according to the U. S. Forest Service. Of this $3@,700,000 was for primary haul, i.e., not including charges for redistribution to consumers. It included 17 million dollars on imports of foreign lumber.

Where Does It Go?

Practically 50 per cent of all lumber produced goes into home building and farm buildings. The general classifications of use are as follows:

Home building .....11,500,000,000feet

Farmbuildings. ....5,500,000,000feet

Industrial construction .... 2,600,000,000feet

Fabricated industrial uses . 4,327,O0O,00O f.eet Wood boxes, crates and containers . 5,078,000,000 feet

Railway construction .... 2,700,00o,000feet

Highwayconstruction.... 1,00O,00O,00Ofeet

Federal government lumber uses . 800,00O,000 feet

Probably more than 4O per cent of the lumber production of the United States goes directly from the sawmill into general building and construction without passing through an intermediate mill-work or wood-working factory. This includes roofing and fencing. Planing mill products, including flooring, sash, doors and finish, are estimated to consume 25 per cent of the lumber production of the country-

There are more than 4,000 uses for wood and new ones are being discovered constantly. Five million trees a yeat go to maintain telegraph and telephone lines. Railroads purchase a total of a hundred million cross, switch and bridge ties annually. Mining operations call for 260,000,000 cubic feet of wood a year. The cooperage industry uses 250,000,000 cubic feet of wood annually. Production of rayon, the new textile made of wood fibre, has increased eight times in as rnany years.


Ve can deliver anywhete in large or small lots: REDVOOD or DOUGLAS FIR LOGS (with or without bark)




112 Market St. - San Francirco

Portbnd OGec, Amcricen Benk Bldg.

Manufaclurers ol Soft Texture - Old Growth


Dry Kilnr Plrning Mill

Bor Shool and Mouldiug Fectoricr

Daily Capacity atOffD Ft.



Klamath Fallr



Some of the uses of wood that show increases in the last fifteen years (1913-1928) are:

Machinery and apparatus, electrical Pipes-tobacco

Baskets and fruit packages, boxes and crates Brushes

and in 1930 less than 25 per cent. The condition of the farmer for the last several years is common knowledge and building on the larm durlng that period has been very much below normal. So the building material industrylumber and all other materials used in building construction-suffered because of this lack of demand. However, it is just as true that, because of this underbuilding for the last three years-taking the country as a whole-there is a shortage of homes, and wher,eas up to 1928 we were approximately a year ahead, we are now a year behind. This can mean but one thing, that is, that when public confidence returns there will be a period of intensive building.

While at this time the prices of all building materials are very low and labor is plentiful, when both are in greater demand prices will be higher, all of which points to the fact that now is a good time to build, modernize or repair.

The depression has affected the lumber business just as it has affected the business of all producers of building materials, such as cement, steel, plaster, wallboards, patent roofings and many others. All of these industries d,epend to a large degree upon the condition of the construction industry: It has been seen from the figures given earlier in this article that 5O per cent of the lumber produced is used in home building and farm buildings. For several years preceding 1928 there was an era of intensive home building; in fact, we overbuilt, so that by 1928 the country was nearly a year ahead of its n,eeds in the building of homes. In l9?3 but 50 per cent of the normal number of homes built annually were built; in L9?9 about 40 per cent,


Emmet Anderson, of the Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., and Reg. Anderson, of the Bay City Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., accompanied by their wives, have returned to Aberdeen after making a round trip on the W. R. Chamberlin, Jr. to Los Angeles. When in San Francisco they were callers at the office of W. R. Chamberlin & Co.


Earl Johnson, of the Independent Lumber Co., Livermore, brought a band of 6O cowboys to San Francisco to invite San Franciscans to visit the Livermore Rodeo on July 3, 4 and 5. Earl, who is president of the local Chamber of Commerce, with his gang entertained at the Shrine luncheon with Rodeo stunts.

From the standpoint of the value of materials that go into building construction each year, lumber easily holds first place. The latest available figures appearing in the U. S. Commerce Year Book for 1930 and which are for the year 1927 confirm this statement. Seventy-five per cent of the homes in this country are built either entirely or mainly of wood, as are 95 per cent of the buildings on the farm. When the question of permanency arises, it is well to remember that the oldest homes in the United States in use are built of wood, and that most so-called permanent buildings outlive their period of usefulness, become out of date and are either torn down and replaced or they are modernized. When it comes to modernization, a building built of wood is more susceptible to improvement at reasonable cost and such modernization, if directed by competent architects, can be done more readily without destroying good architectural lines if the original product was wood and the product used in modernizing is wood.


San Francisco building permits totaled $2,351,799 in June, an in,crease of $119,980 over June, 193O. For the six months period ended June 30, permits valged at $12,676Stl6 werC issued, showing a gain of. $132,677 over the same period last year.


Bill Wright, of the Wright Lumber Company, Slockton, is convalescing in the Providence Hospital, Oakland, after having had his hip broken in a bad fall.

Bill says you can't keep a good man down for very long, and he wishes his many friends in the lumber business to know he is well on thC way to recovery' and will be able to receive callers in a week or trvo.



7th Floor, Alrrka-Comncrcial Bldg. 3lO Sanrome Street :: San Francircr Francirco


Edi- Edm Chrtrtcm

Crmcl Juc Chrlrtcnron

Raymold Arnh Chrletem

Ssri.h Edvh Chrirtem

Grayr Hertor Crthcrhc G. Sudd:a

Barban Crtcr Eluor Chrirtcm

Dorcthy Cahill Chulc Ghrlstcrtd

Per Cent Increase Airplanes ...12,122 Broomsandcarpetsweepers .... 1,150 Signs and supplies ffi Motor vehicles 4ll
267 188 12 32 Dowels 26 Furniture ....:..::..:.::....:.:.. 27 Matches 44 Toothpicks 57 Pencils and penholders 99 Printing material 12 Sash, doors, blinds and general millwork 33 Sporting and athletic goods 19 Toys 36
Shlrylc Co,
Prosper, Ore.
Lmbcr Co., Raymond, Wash.
Bq & Lmber Co, South Bend, Wasb.
Mlll Co., Abcrdcen, Wash.
Mlllr & Timbcr Co- South Betd. Wasb.
A. Lewb Shirule Co., S6uth Bead, Wasb.
AGENTS Abcrdca Lmbcr & gf,irglc Coq Abcrdeen, Wash. Amsien Mil
Aberdccn, Wash. Hoquim Lmbcr &
Hoquiam, Wash. Prupcr Mill Co,


In the hours of the busy morning

When life was bustle and din, There was no one quite like Mother

When the children came focking in.

There was balm for the heaviest sorrow.

There was pity for every woe, A recompense for the trials

"Tell Mother!" (She loved them so).

Oh, the weary hurried morning, And the ever restless feet

Would the silence in the household

Bring such happiness complete?

In the golden hours of noontime

Long before the eyes grew dim

'Twas a joy to the busy Mother

When the children came flocking in.

They were scattering some, her children

Some birds had flown the nest

But ever she cherished the comfort

That surely her God knew best.

So they gathered around the fireside

When the daily work was done

And the home was full of comfort

Life's lessons were but begun.

In the calmer hour of twilight

When the step grew feeble and slow, Again she will welcome her children

Though the voice is weak and low. They gather from distant firesides

They journey from far and near

In haste to claim the welcome Of Mother love most dear.

The nest was long discarded

But the hearts are brave and strong, And the work of the feebler fingers

To younger hands belong, The band of love enlarges

As the children others win.

And the home could scarcely hold them, Those grand children flocking in.

And when on the Shore Eternal

When the home lights glow within We will claim the Mother welcome

As the children come flocking in.

(Mrs. Jessie Berry Waite in Whiting-Mead Co. News)


And then-there was the absent-minded contractor who bid seven spades on a street paving job.


"Columbus wasn't an explorer, he was a prophet."


"Sure ! When he discovered America he exclaimed 'I see dry land'."


Immanuel Kant, one of acknowledged great thinkers of all times, once sai

"We are told that ' is the noblest work of God', but slnce no one ever sal except man himself we should accept the sta ith a grain of salt."


Our rulers will best promote the improvement of the nation by strictly confining themselves to their own particular dutiesby leaving capital to find out its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment, by maintaining peace, by defending property, by diminishing the price of law, and by observing strict economy in every department of state. Let the government do thisthe people will assuredly do the rest.-Macaulay.


"Mose, whut size shoes does you weah?"

"Ah'll tell you. Ah weahs eights, but tens feels so good, Ah alwuz buys twelves."


Findlay-Millar Timber Co. Sawmill at Kolambu$an Destroyed

by Fire

The big mill plant of the Findlay-Millar Timber Co', at Kolambugan, P. I., rvas entirely destroyed by fire on July Fourth, according to a cable received immediately afterwards by Walter G. Scrim, of Los Angeles, their American sales representative. This was the biggest mill in the Islands at the present time, with a daily'capacity of 100,000 feet of Philippine hardwoods. With the mill was destroyed about 200,000 feet of lumber. The lumber stocks were very small due to the fact that the mill had been shut down much of the time for the past six months for purposes of voluntary curtailment.

While no definite announcement has been made it is assumed that the mill will be rebuilt, since they have fifteen to twenty years' timber still to cut. It will be prob' ably six months or more before the new mill can be in operation.

The mill of The Insular Lumber Company, which was destroyed by fire last year, has been about half rebuilt, one side being 'completed before starting the other, and this half is already in operation.

Will Head Beverly Hills 7 Chamber of Commerce

Frank Burnaby, president of the Sun Lumber Company. Beverly Hills, Calif., was elected president of the Beverly' Hills Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting of the board of directors recently held at the Beverly Hills Hotel. For the past seven years, Mr. Burnab.y has been a director and last year was first vice-president of the organization.


Olson Donates Trophy

John Olson, manager of the Southern California and Arizona operations of the Chas. R. McCormi'ck Lumber Company, has donated a beautiful trophy, "The John Olson eup," which will be awarded to the low gross winner in the McCormick golf tournament that will be held later in the m,onth. To obtain permanent possession of the cup, it must be won three times. The golfers of the Los Angeles office of the McCormick organization, which includes both the lumber and shipping departments, for the past several months have been holding monthly golf tournaments and the new trophy donated by Mr. Olson has created considerable interest among the golfers who have been participating in the tournaments.

See Redwood Train

A number of the employees of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company's plant at Eureka made up a pool {or the purpose of providing expense money for three of their number to travel to Sacramento to see the big 118-car Redwood Empire Special train sent ofi on its journey to the Atlantic Coast by Governor Rolph on July 1. The lucky winners were Alden Ball, assistant to the plant manager; Cess Irwin, planing mill fpreman, and L. C. Johnson, tractor driver. The boys report that they enjoyed the trip very much.

Edge-Holdinf, Saws' Fait - Easy-Cuttinff


It ie jurt ae conveaient to havc thc bert rawr in your rhgp ar any other kind. Thc initial coet of SIMONDS SAWS -Narrow Bande, Circularr, or thc Planer Saw, ir no greater than others of rnuch lower quality. Then again, thc longer rervice and cutting quelitier nake thcm money ravcn from any angle you may view it.

@Tell yur dealer yo wut SIMONDS wher yo are cdering awe.


4ll0 Eart Third Strect, Lor Angelcr, Calif. 228 Ffu* Strect, San Francirco, Calif.

"Red" Wood Scys.'

ltThe rend is back to woodand for better home construction. Anzac Siding is Redwood's contribution for the better class of wooden homes."




Croc&er Building Lane Mortgage Bldg' Phone SUtter 6170 Phone TRinrity 2282


Fort Bragg, California

M ember Calif ornia Reduood Asso ciafion GTLIF(INTIT NEDUOOD


Difficult Materials Cut By New Tacoma Factory Installing Tungsten Carbide Saw Improvements

Cutting difficult sto,ck which has been a problem in vario_qs industries, is being successfully accomplished by a new Widia Tungsten Carbide Tipped Inserted Tooth Saw made by Simonds Saw and St'eel Company of-Fitchburg, Mass.

A Widia Tipped Saw ins,talled in a plant in October, 1930, cut. asbestos composition brake-lining for eight months before it was resharpened and then not over .01{' was removed from the top of the tooth. Formerly, in this

The Washington Handle Company, Tacoma, Wash., are at the present time installing one of Moore's Reversible Cross Circulation kilns. This kiln will replace two obsolete natural draft kilns. The new kiln will be 29 feet wide bv 72 feet long and an interesting feature of the installation is that the mechanical equipment will be located at the side of the kiln loads instead of underneath rail level or above the loads as is customarv.

The Washington Handle Company are exclusive manufacturers of handles and the new kiln, which is of the longi- tudinal shaft type, was especially designed for drying -fir and hemlock handle stock on a progressive basis. Wm. W. Kilw_orth is p_resident and generil manager of the Washing- ton Handle Company. H. N. Howard is secretary and F. R. Kilworth is tieasurer.

Japanese Oak

factory, carbon steel saws cutting five pieces at one time had to be resharpened every hourl The-Widia Saw cut 15 pleces at one time over a period of eight months. In another plant for over two months one of these saws has been cutt'ing sound-proofing board with cement binder. More than 50,000 feet of one and two-inch thickness have alreadv been cut without dulling this Widia Saw. The previous record with a carbon saw was 2.000 feet.

In several of these specialized industries this saw appears to be the answer to their cutting problems. Increased pro- duction, more feed and greatly ieduced cost of sa* maintenance are amazing results which the Widia Saw is sivins. idia is giving.

In view of the verv definite trend toward the use of Oak in the manufacture of furniture. which has recentlv {ranifested itself, it may be of interest to users of Japanesl Oak to know that there is quite a variation in quaiity in the different types of Japanese Oak, as well as inour domestic Eastern Oak. According to John Ziel, of. Barg, ?iel & Co., San Francisco, which firm ii one of the largeif importers of Japanese Oak and Birch on this Coast,lhe texture in Japanese Oak varies according to the districts in yhi+ this Oak is grown. fn a recent conversation regard- ing Japanese Oak, Mr. Ziel said: "On my various visits to the interior of the island of Hokkaido (Japan) where most of our Japanese Oak comes from, it became quite evident to me that the Japanese Oak grown on the Easiern Coast of the Island was usually hard-textured. while the stock from the interior and more westerly portion of the island was milder and softer-textured. The leason for

The plate is of Exoeptionally tough steel with te?ttr 3t Simonds quality alloy. Welied to the cutting edge are inset sections of this new wonder metal with the Jutting g9i1ts almost- 9qual in hardness to a diamond or sapphiri This tooth withstands wear to a remarkable degree, holding its edge for a long time.

Some of the difficult materials which the Widia Saw cuts include asbestos pipe covering, asbestos impregnated brakelining, friction block, ebonite, brass wire ieinforced brakelinirrg, fireproof insulating board, hardwoods such as teak, ebony, _quebracho, and rock maple ; also bakelite, hard rubber, bakelite fibre insulating pipe, fibre conduits,'glued plywood, linoleum, fireproofing woods and floor compositioh.

L. E. Fuller

Lucius E. Fuller, retired, a former publisher of the Lumber World Review of Chicago and prior to that an associate editor of the American Lumberman. died at Los An-

nance geles on June 15. Funeral services geles on June 17. He is survived Fuller, and a brother. R, P. Fuller Company, Manteca, Calif.

were held at Los Anby his wife, Mabel R. of the Home Lumber


Isador Cheim, of the Union Lumber Co.. Marysville, was in San Francisco recently on a business trip.

this hardness of the Oak grown on the Eastern Coast is that the trees on this Coast bear the brunt of the Pacific winds, thus ,causing much slower growth and consequently a harder texture. It is a well-known fact that in Japin thii harder stock does not bring as high a price ai the softtextured Oak, and it is therefore not sulprising to us to note certain sales of Japanese Oak made here in-this country qt somewhat lower prices than the price of the better quality stock.

"The condition mentioned regarding the difierence in texture according to the location of the forests on the island is repeated in the Philippines, where on certain islands the forests o1 lhe coast,-which receive the strong Pacific winds, contain harder textured trees than those ii districts less exposed. In Philippine woods we of course have, just the opposite condition to contend with, as it is the firmer textured Philippine which is more in demand, while in Japanese Oak the softer textured stock is the more desired."

Mr. Ziel states that, although sales for Firsts and Seconds have not been up to normal so far this year, there has been an increasing demand for No. 1 Common & Selects and No. 2 Common Japanese Oak.


Russell Edmonston, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, with Mrs. Edmonston and their children. left on lune 27 t_g- spend -their vacation at June Lake in the High Sierras. They will return to Los Angeles around the mlddle of the month.

'' o
*,[l\f;]*, ffi," I'",f, * r'

"Le/s Get Into the Front Ranhs"'

The United States used FIVE billion feet of oak flooring in the past twenty-five years-that, gentlemen, means 200,O0O carloads. Coming closer home, note please that in 193O the Oak Flooring actually consumed if placed end to end would reach from the earth to the moon, 24O,W miles and 60,000 miles beyond that.

The United States has gone through an epidemic of business done on price with utter disregard for quality-we knew at the outset that it was not economically sound, but we were caught in the flood waters and could do nothing else for the time being but go with the tide. Gradually we are getting our feet on the ground and as our vision clears can't we see that if our business endures we must have satisfied customers and iI we have such we will do our trading on the basis of quality with the cost computed on the building, not as of today, but as oI 25 or 50 years hence.

We are preaching the gospel of the best Oak Flooring that men, machines, and the finest of timber can produce and endeavoring to do it in a way that .creates a desire for an Oak Flooring in every home. We cannot, however, go beyond the printed page without infringing upon a province that is all yours*so in a large measure the success that attends the distribution of Oak Flooring is commensurate with the vigorous, intelligent and continuous effort you put forth upon it in your respective territories.

Do your customers know that there is a grade of Oak Flooring that will fit every pocketbook ? Do they know that Oak Flooring lasts forever-do they know that today it can be finished in yellow, tomorrow in brown, then in blue, etc., to fit the changing color schegnes that come and go with the eternal feminine we love so much, but who inevitably dictates the things that shall be in her home. Let us recognize the fact that as woman will not tolerate the standardization of husbands and babies so she will not stand for a sameness in Flooring materials and the finish that is applied to them. Have you kept abreast of the times so that you know FLOORING finishes in every hue of the rainbow can be used serviceably-that wax finishes are available that permit a patching of the rvorn spots as

against the old system of having to refinish the whole floor to correct one bare spot. When you get a lead on Oak Flooring do you tell them the Flooring will cost so much per thousand feet, tell them the difierence between board measure and floor space and quote the cost of the carpenterr the floor layer and the painter? If so, and the prospect is really interested, he or she must chase all over God's Heaven with an adding machine on the back so that when all the costs have been assembled the total cost is finally revealed. Surely this lumbering method is not in your sales picture-if it is, consider please how you would color the atmosphere if a clothing merchant after slipping a new coat on your back would tell you, "Now the cloth in this coat will cost you $3.75 a yard, the buttons 30c a dozen, the thread loc a spool, the padding 9Oc, the cutting $3.92, and"-but before said mer.chant reached this point you would have told him to go to-. Instead of that procedure the clothing mer'chant slips the coat on your back, pats you i on the shoulder, gently steers you over to a mirror and, tells you the suit is $35.00 and nine times out of ten he hasi made a sale, but even if that doesn't follow the fact remains that the merchant has made it easy for you to buy that which he has to sell. Let's get into the front ranks-go out and sell completely finished floors in old homes with an absolute guarantee of no inconvenience to the occupants and let's sell with that a maintenance for one year which will not only teach the home owner how to care for a beautiful Oak Floor, but as well will eliminate the class of competition that refuses to get in step with these changing times. Oak Flooring sales would .certainly be helped by a wealth of new construction, but Oak Flooring does not depend on ng\M \Mq1k-practi'cally all of the old buildings in your community are live prospects for Oak Floors-if you don't believe it, put a live-wire salesman out equipped to talk terms of a finished job afrd let him ring door bells for a few weeks-if you won't do that, develop a mailing list and use freely the helpful literature that is available for distribution to your trade.

*From an address deliaered at the Annual Conaention of the Arkansas Assocration of Lumber Dealers.
PANELS SUGAR PINE WHITE PINE WHITE CEDAR SPRUCE wzooEs coAeH &r w;"T.*c.g,gpER r tJM BE[,9,0. F' Ld6 fll't srocT Los Angeles BOAT

Forestry Blend Shingles Reach Volume Sales

Although announced only three and a half months ago, Forestry Blend Shingles have now reached volume sales throughout the west, ac'cording to the manufacturer. Pioneer Paper Company.

The reason for this immediate acceptance of the new product is due largely to the fact that it is the first successful departure from the ordinary asphalt shingle design that has taken place in several years. Color effects are not dependent upon the arrangement of one or more solid colored shingles, but through a patented manufacturing process, sweeping blends of colors drift and intermingle over the entire surface of the roof. The result is a soft general color effect that is not unlike the distribution of tones effected by the mixing of several colors on an artist's palette. The combinations of colors were created by eminent color authorities, and while Forestry Blends are applied in the form of individual and strip asphalt shingles, the colors are so drifted across the unit shingles that the efiect originally inte-nded by the designer cannot be lost when laid on the roor.

Specially constructed shingle machinery with patented slotted discs which distribute across the asphalt coated felt base the proper combinations of the vari-colored crushed Yosemite rock surfacing, is the factor which has made possible this new development in roofing manufacture.

According to J. H. Plunkett, General Manager of the Pioneer Paper Company, the value to the dealer, aside from its nnusual beauty, is the importance of being able to carry a complete stock of colors with a smaller investment than has heretofore been possible with shingles of solid colors.

Will Continue Operating as Usual

I. W. Fuqua of Los Angeles was appointed as rec,eiver in equity for the Frank Graves Sash Door & Mill Co. on June D. The appointment was made upon the petition of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, a Wash:ington corporation, and the reoeivership was consented to by R. E. Imhoff as president of the company. It is understood that the company will continue operating as usual.


N. Vincent Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Parsons of Pasadena, Calif., was married to Miss Rhuey Altman at the bride's home in Arlington, Texas, on June 20. Mrs. Parsons is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wyley F. Altman of Arlington, and a graduate of the lJniversity of Texas. Mr. Parsons is a graduate of Occidental College and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. At present they are living in Pasadena and plan to spend part of the summer in the High Sierras.

"Nate", who has been associated with the lumber business in the Los Angeles district for the past several years, and Mrs. Parsons motored to Texas for the wedding of their son. It was their first vis:it to Texas and they were highly pleased with the Lone Star State.

With Wm. Smith Lumber Co.

F. H. Krohn, formerly associated with A. B. Gritzmacher, and with Reynier Lumber Co., San Francisco, is now with Wm. Smith Lumber Co., wholesale lumber dealers, San Francisco, calling on the trade in Northern California territory.

$sO MONTHLY INCOME Guaranteed You fo, LrJ"

Buy a Pacific Mutual Life Annuity

An income you cannot outlive. To purchase $50 monthly requires only:

$3.870 ftom a mar age 71.

$4.660 if 70-$5.420 if 6t.

$6.4r' if 60-g7.400 if 5r.

No medical exanination. Higher and lower incomes and othcr ages in proportion.

Plase Mail Thir Couporr

lVithout obligation please advise what income I would receive from an Annuity purchased bv $- ---- ,- -, -- -- ---------Cash.



Born Month Day Year



322 Pacifrc Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles

Phone: TRinity 9501 - Home Phons: VErmoat 3l0,il


"Only the Piston movestt

Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity.

Weights 10 to 20 lbs.

Priced at ll00 and up.

Electrtc Drllls' All Stzes

Portable Gr{nders and Bench TYPes

Goncrete Surfacerc

Strand Flextble Shafts and Equlprnent

Electrlc Hand Saws

Oanders . Pollshcrs . Bulters

If e iob can be done witfr an electric tool-we have it. M.


308 Eaet 3rd St. MUtud 7508 TOOLS RENTED Loo Angeleo




Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1E00 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.


Young lady with thr,ee years' experience desires stenographic position. Lumber preferred. Permanent position preferred. Will consider temporary, vacation relief, etc. Will consider positions in or out of Los Angeles. Address Box C-399. care California Lumber Merchant.


Lumberman open for position with retail or wholesale lumber firm, as manager of yard or selling. Several years' experience with Southern California retail lumber concerns. References. Address Box C-401, care California Lumber Merchant.


Henry M. Hink, sales manager of the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, will return to his desk July 2O from a two weeks' vacation spent in the Feather River countrv.


P. A. Dame, Western sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., returned to his San Francisco headquarters July 11 from a two weeks'business trip to the Northwest, where he 'i'isited the company's factories at Seattle and Van,couver, B. C., and also made a side trip to Spokane.


Max Cook, manager of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau, San Francisco, has just completed a three weeks' trip in Southern California where he called on the lumber trade. He traveled down the Valley route to Los Angeles and returned by.the Coast route.


Earl Hazelton, associated with his father, J. B. Hazelton, Hazelton Lumber Co., Orland, Calif., with his family spent the Fourth of July holidays camping in the Lassen National Park.


Fifteen years with Los Angeles lumber firms. Office, counter, private secretary, notary, typing, creditman, collections, general bookkeeping,.securities, rental and proper- ty management. References. Interview appre,ciated. Address Box C-398, care California Lumber Merchant.


Young man w'ith several years' retail lumber experience in Southern California wants position. Familiar with office details and sell'ing. References furnished. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-4O0, care California Lumber Merchant.


Lumberman familiar with details of wholesale lumber business wants position in wholesale office. Has had several y,ears' experience with wholesale lumber firms. Has had experience in selling and also good stenographer and bookkeeper. Address Box C-4O2, care California Lumber Merchant.


Gus Hoover, Los Angeles, and his two sons, Bob and D,ick, together with a party of several friends from Fresno, recently completed a two weeks' camping trip in the High Sierras. They spent several days on the headwaters of the Kern and King rivers at the base of Mt. Whitney. He reports that fishing in the mountain streams was excellent. Pack animals were used to convey the camp outfit over the high mountainous country.


Harry Graham, sales manager of the Pioneer Paper Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a month's business trip calling on the tracle in Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas.


Harold Plummer, Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a Southern California visitor during the past week where he spent a few days conferring with E. A. Goodrich, manager of their Los'Angeles office.


Harry Aisthorpe, assistant manager of the Griswold Lumber Co., Chico, Calif., is spending his vacation in the High Sierras.


We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.

lnterior Decorative Panels
FOR, THIS BOOKLET 9j5-967 sourrr ALAMEDA sTREET Tclcpbonc T&inity cr57 MailingAddrerr.'P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Station IOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA PrNnl SrocroraVrNEER in OAK Quarlerd whrte Eain vvhitc WalnutBIRCH
?tu RED GUM Quaaetd Fwnd. UnselecledOREb ON PINE lifornia I o,Veneer Eo
AIso a Cornplete Line of Pressed.WooilMouldings
fvrnffOCnfSV White

GoodAtorni nE, llve something to tell you abou t your roo4"

Seler lor Wecver-Henry roofing are mcintaining a sterdy incrccse. And why they are, ir no secret. Aggressive Wecver-Henry dealers have taken a few matters into their own hcnds. They are not waiting for business to come to them through contractors, roofers, or other good sources. They are not waiting for voluntery action on the pail of owners whose homes need new roofs. The days of waiting for business are oyer. Weaver-Henry dealers have taken the field. lt's more profitable, they have found, to meet and rell prospects direct. To scll them thoroughly and complete-

ly on W- H brand o[ roofing fint, then turn the job over to a rooler or carpenter. { Lers chance for a slip thir wey,. no competitive bids to meet, more profit, rtronger businers relations with contractor, carpenter, cnd roofer curtomerr. t$ Our dealer are going through their teritories rpotting bad house tops and when they do it's: "Good morning, I've something to tell you about your roof." And then they tell all about Weaver-Henry rooling --- which is plenty, and interesting. 4 Profits for active dealen who hcndle Weaver- Henry roofing are increcling. Sales are proof.


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Articles inside


pages 38-39

"Le/s Get Into the Front Ranhs"'

pages 35-37

Difficult Materials Cut By New Tacoma Factory Installing Tungsten Carbide Saw Improvements

page 34


page 33


page 33

Findlay-Millar Timber Co. Sawmill at Kolambu$an Destroyed

page 33


pages 30-31

The Lumb er Industry

page 30

Rail Freight Rates Re'duced From Oregon and Northern California

page 29


page 28

Pacific Lumb er Co. Ships Redwood Bark Fiber East

page 27

Knotty Pl ne Grows in Popularity

page 26

Coast Counties Lumbermsn Enjoy Social Meeting

page 25

Farm Structures Bureau and Retail Dealers Cooperate in Pnze Contest

page 24

of 118 Cars Sp eeds Easf

page 23

Rednnood Empfue Sprcial Train President Hoover Sends Good Will Sponsors of

page 22

Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Announces New Grading Rules

page 19

Lumber Persona,lities A. S. Murphy

page 18

The Douglas Fir Industr)-rg3t

pages 16-17

May We Too Be Instructed

page 15

Srrd.ft, this PLAN BOOII

pages 11-13

Monarch Screen & Mfg. Co. Take Over Cowan Line and Sales Organizations

page 11

Lumberman Wins Golf 1 Trophy

page 10

Federal Trade Commission Dismisses Philippine Mahogany Case-Four Years Litigation Wins Recognition of Philippine Woods

page 10

Pacific Coast Lumbermen Los Angeles Wholesalers Oppose Proposed Rail

page 8

Vagabond Editorials

page 8

Secret of Retailer Success Lumber to Fore in New SPort

page 7

V.sabond Editorials

page 6


page 5

Shaw Bertrary 9pen Pittsburgh Creosoting Industry to Have Office - Exhibit

page 4


page 4
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