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Sohafer Bros. Lumber & Shinsle Co. Lumber and Shipping
Old Growth Fir and Hemlock Packaged Lumber Red Cedar Shingles
BY Barrett Hanawalt
Manaset, Fiik & Mason, South Pasadena, Calif.
i Thor" of us who are vitally interested in the wood shingle posure, the shingles begin to pile up on the roof and thus industry are equally concerned over the constant decreas- the pitch becomes still less. ing of the roof pitches being designed by the architects on In actual practice and after crawling into many and suntni,f"""'.""T drv attics to determine the effects or various exposures or rise in l2-inch run ror rvood shingles was positiverv the even as low as 3Vz-inch rise in l2-inch run as a steady diet, making its way through and between the shingles simply with occasionally a shed roof over a porch or loggia even because it could not run ofi as fast as it was falling on the flatter. roof. A wind blowing against a flat roof will hold the water I If we, who are selling shingles, would have the intes- on it during a rain and it is under these circumstances that 'itinal fortitude to refuse to guarantee our materials and the best laid shingle roofs will leak if too flat. iworkmanship on such low pitched roofs we wouldn't have to sit by a few years hence and see some other material re- Is there anything that can be done about it? Yes! As covering these present day low pitched shingle roofs. We far as stopping the leaks is concerned' If a strip of felt believe that we are doing the wood. shingle industry a very papef is laid between all the coufses in such a manner that great injustice when we fail to speak up in no uncertain the felt is not exposed to the weather at any point and if terms concerning the use of wood shingles on roofs where the width of the strip is double the exposure of the shingles' the pitch is so low that leaks are certain to result. a watertight job will be the result' This will add at least
A great many of the builders and even some of the ar- $1'50 per square to the cost' counting the cost of the paper chitects seem to think that by cutting down the exposure and the extra labor of shingling it in' to 412 inches or even to 4 inches on such flat portions they wouldn't it be far better for all of us to insist upon car, ,rr"ke a watertight job. As a matter of fact, the exact greater roof pitches and to promote this idea before we opposite is the truth. The flatter the roof the longest ex- have completely lost the present volume in wood shingles po.,rr" possible is to be desired. By decreasing the ex- we are now enjoying?