1 minute read

Lumber Firm Adds New Department

Anglo California Lumber Company has installed a new been selected as distributors for these lines, enabling us to department to handle the Gold Bond Insulating Boards and broaden our servi,ce to the lumber dealer," said Henry M. Gold Bond Hardboards of the National Gypsum Company (Mac) Luellwitz, president and general manager of Angio of Buffalo, N. Y., which has appointed this firm as wholesale California Lumber Cornpany to a representative of this distributor of these products. paper.

The new department is headed by c. E,. Birdsel, in-

"National Gypsum company has only recently come into sur.arlon engrneer, iormerly with paraffine companies, this territory' but distribution of their Gold Brand products who is working in ,conjuction with architects, contractors Eastof the Rockies iscomplete from their 11 modern plants in which they manufacture about 130 r.vall and ceiling prodand lumber dealers on insulation problems. u,cts bearing one trade-mark, to sell through retail lumber "\Me are h"ppy to make the announcement that r,l'e have and building dealer outlets."

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