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l8o7 East
Calling On Mills
, A. C. Penberthy, Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, is on a two weeks' business trip calling on the firm's sarvmill connections in the Northwbst. He is traveling by automobile and is ac,companied by Mrs. Penberthy.
Vacationing At Lake Tahoe
, M. A. Harris, president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber .Co., San Francisco, left June 29 to spend his vacation at ll-ake Tahoe.
Back From Alaska Trip
J. A. Brush, presiclent of the Brush Industrial Lumber Company, and Mrs. Brush returnecl recently from a month's business and pleasure trip to Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska.
When visiting Canada they attended the annual convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Dealers' Association held in Victoria, B. C.
Visiting Northwest
Walter Koll, Los Angeles, president of A' J' f<oii ef""i"g Mill, Ltd.,lt on i three weeks' trip to Seattle. ile motored north over the, Redwood iiint *"rr "nd Coast route. He visited- the Redrt$l t"itt. in I:Iumboldt County and the Transi;;ifr.'e;: op"tttio"t at Port orford, ore' Mrs' koif it accompanying him on the trip'
Laminex Plywood Goes Fishing
Wholesalc to Lumber Yards
SA$H, ll00R$ and PtllEtS Complete stockhand of
"Pick-up-and-go" fishermen like the idea of portable boats, but seldom find one that meets all of their requirements. Such an angler was Tacoma Fire Captain Van Bevers who turned his idle moments to portable boatmakirg. Lightweight, high strength Laminex plywood and an ample amount of paint solved much of his problem. A well thought out plan and competent workmanship solved the balance.
Months of use in both lake and salt water proved the success of the portable idea, substantiated Laminex claims of resistance to water and weather damage. As the snapshot shows, the transportable boat has sufficient room for both fish and fisherman.
Retail News Notes
The Sun Lumber Company softball team of Beverly Hills is leading the Hollywood Men's League, and on Tuesday evening, July 6, at Fiedler's Fairfax Field, defeated the Los Angeles Water & P,ower team by a score ol 7 to 4. H. L. Jensen is manager of the Sun Lumb,er Company team.
Ross Blanchard, Blanchard wood, and Mrs. Blan,chard, are lowstone National Park.
Lumber Co., North Hollyon a motor trip to the Yel-
Arthur G. Post has been appointed manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. yard at Delano, succeeding Leslie Adams. Mr. Post has been connected with their Delano yard for some time.
Leo E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a motor trip to Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies. Leo took his trailer along and reported a fine vacation. Ife covered 4B0O miles on the trip. Mrs. Hubbard and their two children accompanied him.
A cornplete stock of air-seasoned or kilndriedshingles ready for imrnediate delivery.
Fortuna, California
CLASSIFIED Ratc--32.50 Pcr Columr
Good Opportunity For Young Retail Lumberman
ADVERTISING lnch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Lumber Salesman Wanted
Will consider financing young retail lumberman with following in Los Angeles County. Must be practical man and able to operate retail yard. Write full particulars, giving experience, age, etc. Address Box C-672, California Lumber Merchant.
A good opportunity for a live energetic young man selling wholesale lumber in the Los Angeles and Southern California territory. Redwood and cargo experience preferred' Auto necessary. Address Box C-675, California Lumber, Merchant.
For Sale
Retail Yard, 60 miles from Los Angeles in fast growing territory. Will make attractive deal account of ill health. Write Box C-674 California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Position As Bookkeeper
Young lady experienced bookkeeper and secretary in wholesale and retail lumber business desires position. Address Box C-67L, California Lumber Merchant.
By well acquainted California lumberman, who is thoro.tgt ty experienced in the wholesale business and as retail yard manager. Prefer to remain in Northern California' Address Box C-670, California Lumber Merchant.
Want ambitious young man to sell White Pine, Sugar Pine, Spruce and Hardwoods to wholesale trade in Los Angeles. Real opportunity for right man.
Lumber Inspector Wanted
Want high class man experienced in grading Hardwoods, White and Sugar Pine.
Telephone Klmball 5111. 2055 E.51st St.
Good Business Opening
Lumberman to invest $10,000.00 in an old established lumber mill and millwork plant situated in the East Bay district. Either as a partner or will sell outright. The party who invests to take full charge. This is a real oPportunity in a fast growing community. Address Box C-673' California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Yards For Sale
Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.
Yard in suburban town' new building, clean stock. Lease $75 per month includes fine modern apartment. Stock $1,500, equipment $251), doing $2,500 business monthly without soliciting.
Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Going and Coming
Chris M. Wininger, Pyramid Lumber Sales Co., Oakland, left July 3 on a business trip to the Northwest. He is calling on the firm's mill connections in Washington, Oregon and Northern California, and expects to be back July 19'
Jas. B. Over,cast, sales manager, Strable Hardwood Co', Oakland, returned recently from two weeks' vacation trip to Southern California.
Jim Farley, assistant Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Fran'cisco, is taking his first vacation in four years. No one knows where he is, as all that he would tell was that he intended to camp out "somewhere in the Redwoods." He will be back at his desk 'Jaly fr.
Lloyd Cole, manager of the Los Hammond Redwood Company, has Angeles office of the returned from a visit to the ,company's mill at Samoa and the head office in San Francisco.
M. W. Parelius, representative in Portland of MacDonald & Harri.ngton, San Francisco, recently made a lGdav trip to California to visit the firm's head.offi'ce in San Francis'co and the Los Angeles offi'ce. I{e was accompanied by his wife.
Carl Hornibrook. sales manager of the Ewauna Bo:< Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., spent a few days in Los Angeles last week on company business.
W. P. (White Pine) Johnson, buyer for Anglo California Lumber Company, Los Angeles, re'cently returned from a three weeks' trip around the mills in Northern California and Southern Oregon.