1 minute read
Thb Moose Call and the Advertisring E,ffort
One of the best explanations of the way in which intelligent advertising does its work, and tvhat that work consists of, and how it ties up with selling, that ever came to our editorial desk, was issued recentlv by an eastern advertising concern, the John E. Porvers Advertising Company, and is nrore than worth lvhile reading:
"We pick up our moosehorn and start calling. The moose may be a long way off when he hears the call. He doesn't pay any attention at first. But the call is so insistent that, after a while, he begins mor.ing in our direction. We don't know he is coming nearer to us. We cannot see or hear him. t If he was a half mile away and has moved up 100 yards, so far as we are concerned, he might be 10 miles alvay. If we could actually know he is coming nearer, we woulcl know we *'ere making' progress. But we don't know,
"We can quit calling and he rvill stop. Or we can keep on calling and he will movd up another hundred yards. But still we won't know.
"After a while he begins ansrvering our call, bud he is so far oft we can't tell very much about it.
"Then he comes still closer and his answer is plainer, and we can tell where it is conring from.
"At last lre is in sight close at hand. The guide has done HIS rvork. It is nou' up to you.
"If vou are a good shot-if vou are a goorl 56ts564nyou bag him.
"Advertising cuts dorvn the distance betrveen you and the prospective buyer. It talks to people you cannot see. It has an effect on them you cannot notice at first. After a rvhile, in answer to your persistent calling, they come close enough for you to deal rvith them-if youp advertising is good and persistent enough-and if your salesmanship is as good as your advertising." ***
Honestly, isn't that a simple and splendid expllanation of u'hy you advertise. and u'hat eftect it shoutd have on your business ?
Vere Hunter On Sick List
Vere Hunter, popular San Francisco lumberman and'a member of the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co., is confined to his home in Piedmont ln'ith sickness. His many friends hope that he rvill convalesce quickly and will be able to return to his office at an early date. For