1 minute read
Now is the time to Buildand.-
Now is the time for you to advertise that fact.
. There- "t _ jolt so rnany Dg!I"r" coming into yotrr trade territory each day, week, montfi and year. Are the other business firms making a harder play to attract there dollarr thanlou?
T+ gverybgdy- .$at .riou have a plan service- that you are fully equipped io t"t"" them with planr, materials, home building ideas and can provide competent Contraciors.- - -
Lots of folks like_ to- buy homer at a price; cooperation witfi contractorr makec it po*dble for you to attract this particular business.
WE WILL FI,'RNISH YOU WITH ONE COMPLETE SET OF DETAILED PLANS AND SPECI. FICATION!, oNE LARGE HAND-CoLoRED MoUNTED pIcruRE, oNE MATRIX oF u.uSrna- TION AND PROOF COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT. THE COnApLEiE SET FOR $6.50 and thir price goes folany plen featured in your equipment and for aE rnany ar you can rse.