1 minute read
Bcginning with thc Augur-t lrt iouc of tLir-put' licatlon. w-c will crrry i &lnttncnt of crclurivc .dt.rtirc-"rtr by lumlcrncn end lunbervouco of California who irc rcching poritionr vith rholcralc or rctril lunbcr conccrlr. Thcro "ldr' vill bc carricd rt no cort to thc rdvcrtircr, or to thc cB' pioy.r, and thcrc rrG no rtringr lttechcd to thc ofrcr'
Rcrlizing thet thcrc ir I ccrtein rnount ot un'tn' ploynaat in tumbcr circtcl, end dclirilS to .eoirt ia lhlt"".t wry wG Gltl' 'wG oficr thir rcnicc, rnd urgc itr frcc urc.
Ar rn cnploycr, will yo-u do -your -part. Rced thcrc edvcrti-r"ni.ait, notc thc qurlificrtionr, rnd rcc if vou crnnot uac onc or EotG of thc rncn or rotnc! *(o ."" rttcmptin3 to gct il conncctioa with you' Wc alro urgG thlt tLir rcrvicc bc rcconmcndcd wLcncvcr yoat-"o-a in contect with ronconc rcching a porition.
Thc copy rhould rcrch our Lor Angclcr of6cc not latcr than- thc 25tt, for thc iruc of lhc lrl or thc l0th, for thc nid-month iruc. Stetc your qurli6cationr, pert crporicncc, ctc.
A. B. Wastell, I\{anager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, iJon a two weeks vacation to Portland and other points of interest in Washilgtgn and..Oregon. He is aciompanied by his flmily and they-wi[ret-urn to San Francisio around the first of the month. Durine his absence, Mrs. G. W. Fraser, the Association Secrefary, has been in charge of their San Francisco omce.
Reine Chauplin Takes Charge Of Office For Allan Turner
Reine Champlin, who has had considerable lirmber experience lvith the Pioneer Lumber Co. and Kent Lumbcr Co. of Seattle, has taken charge of the officq of Allan Turner, the rvell known San Francisco wholesalef. During Mr. Turner's absence while calling on the lumbgr trade of Northern California, she rvill look after the afilirs of the San Francisco omce.
The copies of your valuable journal seem to be in such demand iir the office here that it is.difficult for me to gct a copy for my files. Will you please mail'a copy direct to me.
W. B. Laughead, /c Red River Lumber Co.
Trvo Fords passed by. Each one had a different sisrr. One of them said: "Move ov€r, Henry; here comes Lizzie." Another said: "You can't see my Mayonnaise, she's dressing now."