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National Again Offers $2,000 in Prizes
Distribution of Prize Money Somewhat Changed-Regional Manufacturing Association Also to Offer Waste Prevention Prizes
Washington, D. C., July S.-Provision for a total of ten cash prizes for the ten best entries submitted, instead of nine as in previous years, is contained in tgday's announcement by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association of. its 1927-28 National Waste Prevention $2,000 Prize Contest.
At the same time eligibility in this contest, whose primary objective is to encourage men employed in the lumber industry to concentrate their thought upon the problem of increased efficiency in logging and milling and to develop ideas which will result in waste prevention and closer utilization, is definitely limited to persons employed or engaged in, or connected with, the manufacture of lumber and other sawmill products from stump to finished lumber, and those in the employ of timberland owners.
Another new feature which will be of interest to individual workers in the woods and mills is that devices, pieces of equipment, methods, operations, processes, ideas, or schemes that are now on the market as commercial articles or enterprises, whether patented or not, or which may be serving as a secondary source of income or "sideline" of men regularly employed in the lumber manufacturing industry, will not be considered by the committee in charge as eligible for entry or for competition in prize award. This does not mean that patented entries will not be accepted, but it does signify that this contest is conducted for employes who through their interest in their daily tasks and their ingenuity andinitiative willingly develop new or original, and practical devices and methods for preventing waste of material, turning more material into salable lu.mber, or lightening their individual task for their own welfare and that of their employer without thought of great personal monetary gain. And for the first time new and unusually meritorious "safety" devices will be accepted by the Contest Committee for considefationfor prize awards.
On the other hand, entries which are neither new nor original,,nor developed to a point of proven practicability, nor applicable to .or designed for use in logging or mi[l- ing, nor those which consist of merely an enumiration or description of known waste products or methods and their known uses or remedies, will not, as in past vears, be accepted for entry.
The $2,000 to be 'awarded, if ten worthwhile entries of general utility and adaptability in present day lumber manufacturing processes are presented, is divided into prizes as follows :
First Prize ..$750.00
Second Prize. .....$SOO.m
Third Prize. ......$ZSO.OO
Three Prizes, Each. .....$100.00
Four Prizes, Each. ......$ 50.00
In addition, contestants offering meritorious ideas of lorver rank will receive honorable mention.
(Continued on Page 14)
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