2 minute read
Matters for Consideration at Meetings in San Francisco, Palace Hotel, Aug. I ,2, 3. National Lumber Mfgs. Assn.
August 1, 2:00 P.M.
1. Meeting-National Lumber Manufacturers Inter-Insurance Ekchange Advisory Committee.
August 2, 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.
2. Meeting-National Lumber Trade Extension Committee.
Authorizdtion of budget. Authorization of Advertising Schedule. Location of initial field offices. Presentation of fire-proofing process. (A.J. Norris Hill-z0 minutes).
August 3, 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.
1. Financial: Consideration of semi-annual auditor's report and criticisms.
2. Transportation: Memorial to Railroads asking investigation of basis of rates on substitutes in relation to lumber. Report on Application to Railroads for restoration of penalty charge on detention of transit cars.
3. Economics: Reiommendations from Committee. R. B. Goodman, Chairman.
4. Forestry: Forestry Committee report of Recommendations by Geo. S. Long. Cohsideration of Government Timber Sales Policy. Forest Management for continuous cutting and its effect on productioh. Maj. D. T. Mason (30 minutes.)
5. Export Tbade: Report from Capt. E. A. Selfridge, U. S. Lumber Trade Commissioner to the Orient.
6. Taxation: Recommendations from Committee. F. G. Wisner, Chairman.
7. Inter-Insurance Exchange: Joint Meeting with Advisory Committee.
8. Administration: Date and place for next Directors Meeting.
A dinner and entertainment will be tendered to the Directors jointly by the California White & Sugar Pine Association and the California Redwood Association at Marquard's at 7:@ o'clock Tuesday evening.On the afternoon of that day the ladies of the party will be taken for a tour of San Francisco.
After the Directors' meeting on Wednesday, according to present plans, the visitors will start on an extensive automobile tour of the pine forests as the guests of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association. There will be abundant opportunity on the proposed trip for visitors to see lumber mills and logging camps at operations in both the Sugar and White Pine regions. Messrs. C. Stowell Smith, Burton Adams and W. G. Kahman are arranging the trip on behalf of the California White & Sugar Pine Association.
The conclusion of this trip will permit any of the visiting directors who may go to the North Coast to visit the Forest Lumber Company at Pine Ridge, Oregon, enroute from San Francisco to Portland, to which a cordial invitation has been extended by the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company.
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Theexteriorbeauty of these homes is carried into the interior throughtbr use of "Pcrfection" Brand Oak Floring.
Yjq q"!, dgpend upon- "P-erfection",fn threemodernplants operatcd.bv skillcdlumbcrmen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper scasoning and kiln-&ylng, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and 3tays sm@th. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leadinglumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand. Thsc's a size and grade for everystructure, new or old, Write today for {ull particulars.