1 minute read
Barr Lumber Company
Mr. Jack Dionne, Santa Ana' calif" Jaly 7' 1927' Calif. Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dear Mr. Dionne:
I congratulate you on the very remarkable issue of The California Lumber Merchant on its fifth anniversary, July lst. This issue of your valuable journal certainly far out-shines anything of that kind I have ever seen.

It is artistic and interesting, and well-balanced from start to finish. At least, that is my humble judgment.
Very truly yours, (Signed) O. H. Barr, Pres., BARR LUMBER COMPANY.
Large and Assorted Stocks of
Believe It Ornot
Arthur B. Griswold who covers the Peninsula and Valley territories for the C. D. Johhson Lumber Co. has just returned from a fishing trip spent near Fortuna, California. The fishing was done in Eel River, in that part khown as the Fern Bridge Pool, the grounds of the old Sand Bar Club.
Arthur reports a very successful trip and states he caught the first large "steelhead" which was taken from the water this year and says he thinks it would weigh about ten pounds. However, we are inclined to argue with "Gris" on this subject, for a recent article appearing in the Rod & Gun Club column of the San Francisco Examiner. stated the fishonly weighed eight pounds, sowe presume the other two pounds that Arthur added is mostly fish story.