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Millwork Institute Meeting

(Continued from Page 10) dran.n by Walter Spicer of the Barr Lurrrber Company, Santa Ana. When the Enrpire Planing Mill n.as called, Harrl' Gaetjen instructed Bob Grant to drarv nurnber 13 for him. NIr. Grant put his hand in tlie hat and n'l.ren the envelope lvas opened, it revealed number 13.

N{r. Bernhauer then tolcl u.l.rat the certification plan meant to the Millrvork Industry. He said it tvas no closid proposi-

Addressed Meeting

E. A. Nicholson outlir-recl the r.arious rrrice schedules which had been created several vears hence and stated that he had alr'vays been an ardent supporter of standardized prices. He compared the Nlillman's 5/o profrt rvith the profit of the Automobile man, and saicl thatonly right itrices would make the Industry a flourishing one.

L. G. Sterett of the llammonct Lumber Company, Los Angeles, gave a report on the nerv price book which he explained as being 'rvorked out on a basis of cost. He addecl that it rvas flexible, simple and anaiytical and rvas perhaps the finest ever produced. It rvas brought out that such a book rvas o{ r'ital irnportance and should have the support of the entire Industry. A discussion of publishing such a book follon'ecl, and a motion n'as entertained and passed to do.so. A stlrvey of the orders for the books proved verl' satlslactory.

H. W. Gaetjen, past president of the Institute, made a short talk on the advantages of merchandising and cooperation, rvhich terminated the morning session.

C. W. Pinherton, tion and urged every member of the Institute to sencl in their application as soon as possible, stating that delaying such a move was absolutely prolonging prosperitv. It rvas explained that those rvho had tl-reir licenses and laltels corrld stamp any job rvhich u.as turned out accorcling to the N{. I. C. standard under the certification olan.

H. A. Loke

The afternoon session was opened 61' Clem Fraser, Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alamecla, ir.rtroducing H. A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. Mr. Lake told of the retailers meeting n'ith the loan men and illustrated that such a combination was very beneficial to both parties concerned. He reported the amazing results in the North benefited by cooperation, rvhile there rvas not much volume, the method of sustaining prices rvas marvelous, and created rnuch better business conditions. Mr. Lake said the retailers had negotiated transactions rvith the Cement dealers and that they tvere ready to "play ball" with the Sash and Door men.

(Continued on Page 46)

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