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"Moose" Redling Makes Fine Pitching Record
Baseball scribes in Southern California are busy this summer lauding the excellent chucking record of Chas. "Moose" Redling, gtar pitcher on the Ingleu'ood High School team. "Moose" is not the only star pitcher in the Redling family, as his brother Frank who is connected rvith the Los Angeles office of the J. R. Hanify Co., pitched rnany r-ictories for the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club team a ferv years ago.
The Inglewood High School team has won the B"y league championship for the past tvr,'o seasons. Here is "Moose" Redling's record for the past season; won 7 games ; lost none; struck out 76; allowed 1 earned run; only 3 runs scored against him; pitched 4 shut-out games : walked 12 batters; no wild pitches.
Many of the coast league mag- nates are trying to get him to sign his name on the dotted line. On the last trip of the Oakland team to Los _Angeles, he rvas at lVrigley Field warming up with the Oakland team, and needlJss to say. brother Frank was on the side-lines to see how ,,Moos6'i p_erformed. However,. before entering on a baseball career, "M.oose." will probably complete his-studies at high schooi and college.
State Association Directors to Meet August 3
H. A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, will hold a meeting of the Ass,ociation directors on Saturday, August 3. The-meeting will be held at the plant of H. V. Cowin, Inc., at 1958 EaJt 64th Street. Los Angeles. All lumber dealers, members of lumbei dealer firms and their salesmeu are to be the guests of H. V. Corvan, Inc. at their plant on that date fr,oml :00 to 3:00 P. M. where there will be a preview showing of the i930 models of the Cowan Custom-Built-In Cabinets.
Eleven New Members For State Association
D. C. Essley, manag'er of the California Retail Lumberryen'! Association, reports the follorving new members ol the State Association who have signed up since the list gf 11.0 was pub_lished in the last issue of this paper.
Puilders' Supply_Co.
Salinas Lumber Co. .
Watsonville Lumber Co. .
Ellis Bros. Lu,mber Co.
San Carlos Lumber Co.
Sequoia Lumber Co.
George F. Cleese Menlo parl
Sunnyvale_LumberCo... Sunnyvale
Growers' Lumber Co. ..
D. & S. Lumber Co. ..
-Mr. Essley i._ -"9ry making his home in San Jose. His address is Box 316. San lose.