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Dry lumber ls strongest. . mostdurable.....most eeonomleal. Long-Bell trade-rlsFked lumber ls thoroughly seasoned and earefully manufaetured.
Dqy lumber, pnopetrA pneshranhr ossures a mlnlmum of ehan$e after lt ls put lnto eonstruetlon.
Long-Bell trade-marked hnmber ls profltable to handle, gllvln$ complete satlslaetlon to buyers and brlngtlng them back to a dealerts yard agaln and agaln..rlot as prlce buyers bat ac bayert of qaalltg.
Beauty. minimum of labor in layiog ead durability are tf,iee important qualificztions of Long'Bell trade-marked bak dooring. And, because of there oualities . cconomt! Tbe fust-time user is almost i'nvariablv a repeat-iustomer, for experience proves its econo'my a6d satisfaction. Buililerc are doding Loog-Bell lrade-marked f,-oorinp a most valuable - home sales aid.
The Loog-Bell King Doorthe door that io a few short years has "set the style" in doors. Ioset panel, flusb moulding, waterproof glue, excellent workmaoship-this door, made throughout of Califoroia Wbite Pioe, is strong, beautiful aod ecooomical.
Douclas Fir Lumbcr. Tioberr, Door and Window Froes' Trimpeh Wcriem Hemlock Lumber: Wertem Red CcdT Siding and Shinsla; Soutbe- Pine llmber and Timbcr; Southcm Herdwod Lumbct end Ti-bc-; Oak Elooring,*CELLizcd Oak Flodog St-riPe'*CELLized O.t nor Piankc, *CELLi-;ed Oak Floot Bloclc;-Qalifomia-White Pinc L.-U.i. S."hind Doon,Box Shools: Crcocoted Southem Pioc Lumbq. Tloberr, Ports, Poles, Tiec. Guard.Reil Ports' Piling;
Lons-BeU Frames are made of soft-texrured, old growth yellow Douglasfir, with hearrwood p1edomrnatrng, provrorng a sruroy, durable frame.The machine work is unexcelled. The precision of the workmansbip aslures faster and more accuralte assembly on ghe io!, --utgh tigbt fiuing ioints. Long-Bell Frames pledge maxn ' mrm consrmction oalae.