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Abbeys Register and Year Book

Western Lumber Industry 1929 Edition Now Ready

A minute ud accurate guide to all branc-hes of the Lumbff Industry ot Wastrringto, Oregon, Califomia, Idaho, M6tua, Colmdo, Nevada, Arizm, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Alaska, British Colunbia, the Philipplnea and Hawaii.

In personnel infroHon given includes President, Mamga, Superintendenl Sde Muager, Purchasing {gent and Master Mechanic. A Cmplete list of mrchinery and equipment, daily epacity, qrcies of wood nwed, etc., enable the SeUer to the Industry to select Sal,as Prcpecte ud Lumber Buyers to plee orders ud inquiries intelligently.

Over lQ0O0 listings in the bok which include: Saw, Pluing ud Shingle Mills, Woodworkers, Logging Operatios; Box, Vener, Pulp, Paper, Dm, Sreh, Cros Ams, Hmdles and Funiture Muufcturers, Machine Shopo, Hotels, Berding Ho*q Geneal Stores, ud Commisles operated by mills md cmps; County Commiesi@ers in Califomia, Oregon, 'Wuhingtu, Idaho, and a list of Easten Lumber Buyers.

Order this valuable reference book today. 317o of the firru in the previous edition eliminated nd 35la new firms added.

510-516x794, Pasec Price $7.51)

Publiahed by The Industrial Service Go.

Shedock Bldg., Portland, Ore.

'uaaulauurcd. u<lon -Ciaw

Official Certification Stam? ol the trfillzuorh Institute of Calilornia.

Orrie W, Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau...,....San Diego

A. W. Koehl, John W. Koehl & Son Inc.. ......Los Angeles

R. H. Garland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co,.........San Diego

H. J. Olson, Alhambra Planing Mill... .....Alhambra

R. A. Emison, Santa Ana Lumber Co,..., .Santa Ana

E, W. Cummings, Watertite Casement Hardwareto....Los Angeles

R. A, Niclas, Consulting Cost Specialist.. , ...Los Angeles

Owen King, West King Lumber Co..... ..San Diego

H. W. Brown. H. W, Brown Sash & Door Co,. .Los Angeles

Glenn Fogelman, California Door Co.. Los Angeles

D. R. Mentzer, Cadwallader-Gibson Inc.... .....Los Angeles

E. A. Nicholso,n, Pacific Door & Sash Co.. ......Los Angeles

Leo Rosenberg, Hipolito Company Los Angeles

H. E. DeArmond, T, B. Hatton Co., Inc.. ......Los Angeles

Kenneth Smith, Lumber Dealers Ass'n. of Los Angeles. Los Angeles

W. I. Oznent, Whiting & Mead. .Los A-ngeles

Percy Dixon, American Mfg. Co.. .......Los Angeles

Geo. Nicholson, Pacific Door & Sash Co.. .......Los Angeles

Ollie Topham, Weaver Lumber Co.. Los Angeles

Charlie Miller, Pacific Door & Sash Co..... .....Los Angeles

H. J. Didesch, Millwork Institute of California. ..Los Angeles

J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant". Los Angeles

Don Philips On Vacation

Don Philips of the Hart Wood Lumber Companv, Los Angeles, accornpanied by Nfrs. Philips, has becn enjoying a rnotor trip through the Northwest. N{r. Philips, rvho has been rapidly making quite a name for himself in the golf world, rvill spencl several da1-s at Redrvay to polish up a ferv of his 'n'eaker shots in preparation for the National Amateur Tournament at Del \{onte. He rvill also spend part of his time in \rancouler lisiting the various points of lnterest.

Russell Gheen Visits Bay

Russell T. Gheen, Los Angeles, California manager of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.. visited the company's San Francisco office July 15 and 16, and attended the regular Tuesday meeting of the Douglas Fir Club.


ttOnly the Piston movestt

Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity.

Veights 10 to 20lbs.

Priced at f,100 and up.

Electrtc Drills, All Slzes

Portable Grlnders and Bench Tl4les

Goncrete Surlacers

Strand Flerdble Shatts and Equlpnent

Etectric Hand Sawe

Sanderc Pollshers . Bulfers

If a job can be done with an electric tool-we have it.

Wanted Experiencedyoung Man

Wanted for Imperial Valley Yard ap experienced young &an aB full charge bookkeeper, estimator and oflice "man. Give experience and references first letter. Bax C-27O, California Lumber Merchant.

WHOLESALE SALESMAN OPEN FOR POSITION, Wholesale lumber salesman with fifteen years' exper-' ience selling Douglas fir, redwood, white and sugar pine'in California is open for a position. Familiar with the mill end of the btrsiness, having had several years' experience in mill operations in the Northwest and Callfornia. Knows the California retail trade, having had experience in both Northern and Southern California. Addresi Box C-273. Care California Lumber Merchant.



Man, 49, wants light work. Owned and operated my -: -own retail yard for 25 years. Best relerences as to integ: ! rity,responsibi1ity,etc.R.F.Green,914Sacramentost., Vallejo, Calif. , "

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