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How Lumber Looks

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Current new business of 216 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended July 16 was 22 per cent over production. This group reported production approximately nine million feet more than the previous week. Shipments for the week were 18 per cent over production. Unfilled orders increased 8O0r000 feet, new export business was 2r53lro00 feet morer' and new domestic cargo orders werc lr535rOOO feet over as compared *ith the previous week's businss. New rail business decreased lr24lrOOO feet, while the local cade was 46trOOO feet less than the volume reported for the week before.

Production, orders and shipments at these 216 mills for the week were as follows: Production, 4713751542 feet; Shipments, 55r92V,991 feet; Orders, 57,8111988 feet.

Details of orders and shipments at these mills for the week follows: Orders-Rail, 171574,609 feet; Domestic Cargo, l9r273rllt feet; Expott, 1614131143 feet; Local, 4,5511125 feet. Shipments-Rail, l9rt09r057 feet; Domestic Cargo, 2015421763 feet; Export, 1115211046 f.eet; Local, 4,5511125 f.eet.

A total of. 321 mills reporting to the Association for the week ended July 16 operated at 19.1 per cent of capacityr:rs compared to t5.7 per cent of capacity for the previous week and 39.6 per cent for the same week last yeer. During the week 212 of. these plants were reported as down and 109

The lumber situation in California was quiet during the month of July, but the trade reported a considerable increase in inquiries during the last fifteen days of the month. Retail stocks are reported very [ow. The passage of the Federal Ffome Loan Bank Bill was well received by the trade and it should be of gteat benefit to the industry ilsl s(x)n as the banking system begins to function. The increased prices for wheat and livestock and the reports on bumper grain crops in the middle west reflect a better business outlook.

Unsold stocks on tlre public docks at San Pedro on July 27 totaled,318131000 feet, as compared to 4r275rOO0 feet for the previous week. Cargo arivals at San Pedto for the week ended July 23 were very low and amounted to 515051000 feet, which included 9 cargoes of Fir carrying 4r733rOOO feet, and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 772rOOO feet. 45 lumber vessels were operating in the Cdifomia service on July 23, with one vessel, the Missoula, operating off-shore; 65 vessels were laid up.

Production during the week ended July 16 remained at low ebb, according to telegraphic reports to the National Lumber Manufacturets Association, having arnounted to but 110,292.OOO f.eet at 641 leading hardwood and softwood mills covered by reporting regional associations. Orders receiv"d by the.se mills amounted to ll7r875rOOO feet, while shipments were 11715361000 feet, both approximately 7 per cent above production. A week earlibr (the July 4th holiday week) 645 mills reported production of 92r422rOOO feet, with orders 17 per cent above and shipments 5 per cent above the cut.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended July 16 reported new business from 12O mills as 2lr247r000 feet; shipments, 2016891000 feet, and production, 19,050,000 feet. Orders were 12 per cent above production and 3 per cent above shipments. Shipmenrc were 9 per cent above production.

The Western Pine Association for the week rcported new business from 111 mills as 29r327rOOO feet; shipments, SO/O6rOOO feet, and production, 3615381000 feet. Orders were 2O per cent below production and 4 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 16 per cent below production.

187 hardwood mills gave new business for the same woek as 7r7O7rOOO feet, or 17 per cent above production, and shipments 718801000 feet, or 20 per cent above production. Production was 615821000 feet.

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