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Earl McCormick Makes Second Dealers Sell Redwood Bark Hole-in-One Within Month
Earl McCormi,ck, McCormick Bros., San Diego, for the second time within a period of one month shot a hole-inone at the La Mesa Country Club, Thursday, JuJy 14. He rvas playing with D. Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa, and Ed. Culnan, Chas. R. McCorrnick Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Mr. McCormi,ck sank his tee shot for a hole-in-one on the 1l0-yard 13th hole. Just twenty-five days before he made a similar shot from the same tee registering the first ace of his golf career. He is the 2oth player to join the San Diego Union-J. Jessop & Sons Hole-in-One Club and has the honor of being the first repeater in the club's history.
Lumberman In Auto Accident
R. O. Wilson, of the R. O. Wilson Lumber Co., San Francisco, rvas the victim on July 19 of a serious automobile ac,cident on the highway near Liverrnore, when a truck crashed into his car ancl wreckecl it completely. Mr. Wilson fortunately escaped rvithout any broken bones, but is in St. Joseph's Hospital, San Francisco, suffering from bruises and shock. The truck driver admitted having been asleep at the wheel.
Waverly Tilden has succeeded his father, the late E. M. Tilden, as president of the Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley.