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Hardwood Lumber
"We are finding a good field for sales of Palco Redwood Bark Fibre through the lumber dealer," said Edric E. Brown, in charge of the by-products division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Fran,cisco, to a representative of this paper. "Redwood Bark is being used extensively for cold storage construction, and we have supplied this material for the insulation of many houses in the California valleys. The houses have been insulated above the ceilings, and it has been found that the temperature has been reduced as a result from 10 to 16 degrees. In cold storage work Redwood Bark is used in cases where the temperature is maintained around 20 degrees below zero."
Yard Manager Resigns
William Dinning, for many years manager of the South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francis'co, Calif., has resigned. Mr. Dinning is well known to the San Francisco Bay District lumber trade and was connected with the firm for the past eighteen years. He has not announced his plans for the future. Israel Horton, formerly assistant manag'er, rvill succeed Mr. Dinning.
W. R. McMillan, manager of Hammond Lumber Co., Inc., Chicago, arrived in San Francisco July 30 for a visit to the company's mills and the home office.
There are m:rny species, each with its own standard of grades, width and length limitations, and other trade conditions. The average lumber dealer has no occasion to know this technical information.
We carry at Los Angeles an exceptionally complete stock of hard. wood. It is, of couris€, a pa,rt of our seflice to furnish to lumber dealers information and guidance in hardwood matters.
Ve have succeeded in making many friends thrcugh our effofts and ability to relieve lumber yards from the burden of hardwood technicallties, the result to them b"irg a profit and an elimination of hazards.
Ve ask your inquiries.