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Organize to Urge Small Home Construction
At a well attended meeting of business men in the Los Angeles territory held at the Hotel Ashmun, Belvedere Gardens, on Tuesday evening, July 26, it was voted to form a permanent organization to study the best methods of financing the construction of small homes. N. Whitacre, Whitacre Lumber Company, Los Angeles, who acted as temporary chairman of the meeting, was authorized to appoint a committee of five to draft the ,constitution, by-laws and aims of the organization which will be presented at the next meeting.
This is the third meeting that has been held and at all sessions the matter of financing the small home owner through government long term loans at a low interest rate has been discussed. The committee that arranged for the meeting included N. Whitacre, R. M. Ashmun, Kenneth Smith, M. H. McCall and James Comer. Following the dinner there was an excellent musical program.
E. L. Swift
Eugene Leo Swift, a member of the lumber firm of Swift & Co., San Francisco, collapsed on the street in San Francisco, July N, and. died shortly afterward at the hospital. Physicians said the cause of death was a heart attack.
Mr. Swift was 49 years of age, and was a native of San Francisco. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, and his brother, Edward D. Swift, with whom he was associated in business-
Purchases Yard At Los Gatos
W. W. Peed, widely known California lumberman, has purchased the Norton-Phelps Lumber Co. yard at Los Gatos, Calif. The Norton-Phelps Lumber Co. yard at Los Gatos was established thirteen years ago by the late E. H. Norton, his son, J. E. Norton, and H. K. Phelps. The Norton-Phelps company will retain their yards at Aptos and Twin Lakes.
Mr. Peed, the new owner, was .connected with the Hammond Lumber Co. at Eureka for twenty-nine years, and has been in 'charge of production for the Monterey Bay Redwood Company for three years. He will operate the yard as the Los Gatos Lumber Co.
New Yard At North Hollywood
The Vineland Builders Supply Company has opened a retail lumber yard at North Hollywood, Calif. R. E. Burmeister and A. T. Hilton, who have both been asso,ciated with the retail lumber business in Southern California, are the new owners. Thev will carry a line of lumber and building materials.
Stockton Yard Has Fire
.Fire destroyed a shed in the yard of the Star Lumber Co., Stockton, Juty 24.
We don't believe in selling direct to every "dealer next door." 'We want the strongest, the most progressive dealers in each territory. When we have them, we protect them from over-crowding of territories. 'We won't load a territory with dealers to start wildcat competition, and we're sticking to that policy.
No business, no matter how exceptional the pro. duct is, can be permanently successful unless it is mutually beneficial to both the manufacturer and the dealer. This fact has been too frequently forgotten in the building material business. 'We're not forget. ting it!
The very fact that we have an unusually sound and firm merchandising policy is one important reason why so many leading companies in the building material field arenow CanecStructural Insulation dealers. Ffere are some of them-Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Securit! Materials Co., Los Angeles; Sterling Lumber Co., Oahland; Sudden Lumber Co., San Francisco; Blachstoch Lumber Co., Seattle; and Lumber and Warehouse Su00b Co., Seattle.
We want you to know about this merchandising policy of ours. You'll like it. And then, discover for yourself how remarkable Canec Structural Insulation is in comparison with the usual insulation board. Write us now for information.
Canec Structural Insulation Features l. Appearance: dual curface-orie eide sotin. aoooth, tho other burlap texture; plearing neutral oolor.
2. Struoturel Strenlth: unequalled by any other insulation board.
Insulation: agoinstheat, oold, oound-mex. imum in proportion to weight, tbioknesr and struoturel Etrength. Rot-proof, vermin.proof, odorless. Paokagin!: oarefully and oonveniontly pocka{ed in stendard buildin! sizoe. Stooks: warehouge stooke maintsiaed in prinoipal Coaet oiticc lor eervioe to dealers.
General Sales Ofrces, 215 Marhet St., San Francisco Los Angeles Offce, 1014 Architects Bldg., (MU 7412)