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Samples of Opinions About "Cullud Fun"

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"Ilave been hearing Jack tell'em since 1910, and I know 'CULLUD FUN' is going to be a prized possession." Ken Smith, Los Angeles, Calif. ,. t< :f

"Send two copies of 'CULLUD FUN.' We enclose draft." Chesbro-Todd Lbr. Co.. Toronto. Canada. AlF*

"f always enjoy your stories immensely. Please send me a copy of 'CULLUD FUN."'. J. G. Kennedy, Seattle, Wash.

"I certainly want one price rl?y be." R. E. Products, St. Paul, Minn.

{.*{< of the first copies, whatever the Saberson, Weyerhaeuser Forest * {< :1.

"I have been stealing your stuff for years. I certainly want a book as soon as published." C. H. Griffin, Jr., Manager California Redwood Association, San Francisco, Calif. *.*<*

"Just can't get along without 'CULLUD FUN."' Frank Daniels, Dascomb-Daniels Lumber Company, Kansas City. ***

"Attached find check for'CULLUD FUN'. Please rush." L. J. Hackett, Manager, The Celotex Company, Los Angeles, Calif. ***

"Please send me a copy of ICULLUD FUN.' I.hope you sell a million copies." Ernest E. Woods, Kan.sas City, Mo., Secretary, Southwestern Lumbermen's Association.

"As an old Louisia""" *n. OJo*" the Southern Darkey I know myself and family will appreciate and enjoy 'Cullud Fun."' R. C. Witbeck, San Francisco, Calif.

"If the two dollars ,o"i""lrrr.an" mail it would not hurt so much as should your book of stories be lost." W. H. Sievers, Everett, Washington.

"The prospect of gettiig ],r,i, ".rrr"s in book form is good news indeed. Please enter my order for the first copy." Art Hood, Associated Leaders, Chicago, Ill. '

"I want one copy and probably several." J. W. Royall, The Texas Company, New York City.

"f want Dionne's new book as soon as available." E. F. Swanson, Eagle Rock Lbr Co., Eagle Rock, Calif. ***

"Hurry up and get the book out." Wm. Horsley, The Izzard, Company, Seattle, Wash.

"Send me two copies of 'CULLUD FUN'. I was telling one of my friends in Honolulu about it and he immediately wanted one." Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co,rnpany, San Francis"o, *""tjt * as they are off the press." J. L. Duncan Lumber Co., Portland,

"Put me down please. I know it will be good and well worth the price." O. E. Renfro, Kansas City, Mo.

"Send me four. "" .r,J ,J ",lrorr"nh my copy." E. p. Hunter, Waco, Texas.

"Have often wondered why you did not compile your stories in some form where they could be unlversally enjoyed." H. P. Barnard, Alton Box & Paper Co., Alton, Ill.




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"Enclosed find check for 'CULLUD FUN'. We all enjoy your favorite stories and especially your Vagabond Editorials. They seern, to get better with each publication." E. E. Scarboroqgh, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Pedro, Calif.

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