3 minute read
Soft Ponderoscr LT'MBER MOT'LDING
Red Riverollers cr produc't and a service oI specicl value. A product derived foom cr lorest grrowth oI exceptional quality. Accurcrtely mqnufqctured, thoroughly and unilormly secsoned.
Yeqr round production and variety oI product mcrnulcrctured' at one point ltrve flexibility to MIXED CSR assortments and prompt deliveries.
Salec Oftce: 715 Vestern Pacific BldS.' loll So. Broadwey Varehousei L C L. Vholerale, 7o2 E. Slauron Ave. SAN FRANCISCO
Saler Ofice: 315 Moaradnoc& Building
Sales Ofice: 908 Financial Center Building would cut the cost of movies at least in half. There are countless people drawing huge movie salaries that couldn't possibly earn more than plain wages in any other walk of life; worlds of men getting twenty-five hundred a week couldn't earn the twenty-five without the hundred, in any other way. Mind you, there are plenty of good, smart men in the movies. But the practice of paying a fortune to the hooknosed son-in-law of the President and calling him a "Producer" and sich like, is a scandal that the public has a right to be protected from. But they won't be. wonder if anyone n., j".iu"l ouornn Hitler with a list of Jewish medicines so that he may warn his Nazi friends and followers against their use. For instance, they should not use the Wasserman or Kahn tests for syphilis, because they are of Jewish origin. Or, finding he has syphilis, he must not use salvarsan for treatment, because that is of Jewish his heart is bad he should not touch digitalis, which came from a Jew; or if his tooth aches he must stay far away from cocaine, alpo the result of a Jewish scientist. He couldn't possibly treat Typhus, because he would have to use Jewish medicines, and if he had diabetes he could not avail himself of insulin, because that is Jewish, too. If his children had convulsions they must just lay there and writhe, because chloral hydrate is Jewish; and he must not attempt the use of phychoanalysis because that too is Jewish. The list is interminable. But if Hitler is the man he says he is, he should allow his followers to suffer rather than depend on Jews for life and health. The Nobel Prize men Judassohn, Bruno, Bloch, and Unna; the great neurologists Mendl, Oppenheim, Kronecker, and Benedikt; the lung specialist Fraenkel; the surgeon Istael; the anatomist Henie; all are Jews" and their thoughts and discoveries are written large in the departments of healing in which they specialize. Hitler will have to do some artful dodging to stay healthy without Jewish aid. I'll bet the Jews would like to get an injunction to forbid his using Jewish scientific discoveries like those above mentioned, and many others.
The tallest tree on earthls *"" "" the earth. And it isn't one of the giant Redwoods of California, as you would naturally think. There is a Eucalyptus tree lying on the ground in Victoria, Australia, that measures 470 feet in length. And by the way, the botanical name of the tree is Eucalyptus Amagdalina, which is from two Greek words that that mean "well covered."
Two thousand years ; ;; asked: "If care was not taken in the breeding, would not your dogs and birds greatly deteriorate? And what if the same principle holds of the human species?" Today sociologists all agree that that same principle DOES hold, with regard to humans. And they likewise agree that we should control the breeding of the unfit, the feeble-minded, the diseased, and the criminal, whose children eventually become whrds of the state. Segregation of the feeble and the unfit is one of the foundational thoughts of eugenics.
Looks like the lumber market prognostications in this column last issue, were in the niche of time. From Coast to Coast the lumber pot is boiling, and business is looking up remarkably. The latest reports of lumber production, and distribution, show that the balloon is on its way up. There is need for wisdom and for common sense on the part of the industry in meeting the situation that is developing. For there is going to be a big market the rest of this year. No one knows just how big.
Heap Of Good Reading
Dear Jack: Check enclosed for a continuation of a heap of good reading, a lot of good information, plenty of good horse sense, coupled up with good thoughts for a little money.
lod bless you, my boy. Keep a goer.r.
John C. Light
John C. Light Lumber Company
Miami, Arizona