2 minute read


Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.


Experienced lumber and building material salesman who can take off plans, estimate and do office detail work is looking for an opening in Northern or Central California. Prefers small or medium size yard. Married, age 41, and has own car. At present employed. Address Box C-719, California Lumber Merchant.


Lumberman-exceptionally qualified through 20 years experience in retail and wholesale business for position as bookkeeper and/or assistant to sales manager in wholesale, retail or mill office.

Five years Southern California retail yard work as bookkeeper, estimator, counter sales, etc. Alert, active. Age 42 -single-go anywhere. Available now. Address Box C-717, California Lumber Merchant.

New Government Booklet--"American Hardwoods and Their Urer"

In an attempt to inform the users of American woods with practical knowledge and interesting facts, there just has been released "American Hardwoods and Their lJses" by the Forest Products Division of the Department of Commerce. This is in line with its current program of preparing a series of booklets on American woods and their uses. For those seeking basic information on the selection of hardwoods for specific purposes this publication is ideal.

This new booklet, written in popular style with many interesting illustrations, will prove to be of particular value to wholesale and retail lumbermen, building contractors, architects and wood-using industrialists. Teachers and students, farmers, home owner and prospective home builders will find it an excellent source of practical and educational information; and to all those with a zest for knowledge as a means of satisfying a natural curiosity for the American hardwoods which they use and contact daily. An outstanding feature of this booklet is the narrative or anecdotes that add human interest to the discussions of the important hardwood species.

The new bulletin introduces the reader to America's outstanding commercial hardwoods and describes in detail the means of identifying them, their principal uses, properties and grades, together with a review of the hardwood industry, industrial developments, and the domestic and export trade.

The sale of thousands of copies is anticipated since already over 5 thousand copies have been spoken for. It may be secured from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., or through any of the thirty-one Dis-

Salesman Wanted

Well established Portland wholesale firm wants capable salesman covering Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Self financed; split profit basis. Give references. Address Box C-718, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Suburban lumber yard in Southern California. Very clean. Real estate $6,000 but would lease to responsible party. Building, machinery, trucks and all yard and office equipment $12,000. Stock about $10,000. Best living conditions and competitive situation very fine.

Also good yard in Coast City. Improvements and equipment $10,0fi), inventory $10,000, ground leased.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

trict Offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The 76page bulletin, designated as Trade Promotion Series No. 178, sells for 15 cents a copy, but may be purchased at 25/o discount if ordered in lots of 100 copies or more.

lssues lllustrated Bulletin

"How to finish Harbord Plywood" is the subject of a well-illustrated bulletin just issued by the Harbor Plywood Corporation, of Hoquiam, Washington. Architects, contractors, and carpenters rn'ill find this useful in Harbord Plywood construction.

There are unlimited new treatments open to the craftsman who works with Harbord Plywood, its manufacturer points out.It not only creates permanently beautiful exteriors, but it is a perfect interior finish for either new or old walls-at a cost that any family can afford.

Because of the simplicity of the installation of the large panels of Harbord, interiors featuring large unbroken areas, horizontal mouldings, vertical paneling effects, and curved surfaces, may be accomplished.

The following points in reference to Harbord Plywood are explained in the bulletin:

1. How to fit the panels-standard masonry or standard wood frame construction.


2. Varioirs joint treatments.

3. Various wall treatments expressing modern interiors.

4. How to apply to old plaster walls.

5. Staining.

6. Painting (formulas for general purpose decoration).

7. Wallpapering over Harbord Plywood.

Copy of the bulletin may be secured by writing the Har. bor Plywood Corporation, at Hoquiam, Washington.

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