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ssGhromated Zlne Gbtortdett
Pressure Trea Teid Lumber
Now Treated and Stocked at Our Long Beach Plant for Immediate Delivery to Lumber Dealets
Clean Odorless Paintable Termite and Decay Resistant Fire Retardant a a
Buy "BAXCO" for Service
Prcmpt shipments from ilr stck, Exchange senice-dealer'! utreatcd lmber fq our Chmated Znc Chloride rtock plur charge fr treating.
Trcating deale/c om lumbermill rhlpments to our dck or trock lotr fru dalcr'r yard.
Exclusive Sales Agent in California for wEsT GOAST WOOD PnESEnVtNG CO. Seattle, Vash.
Frank ParkMakes Hole-ln-One
Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa, Calif., joined the golfers' hole-in-one club on July 24 when he made a perfect shot with a number eight iron on the 1l0-yard 13th hole of the La Mesa Country Club. The ball landed about two feet short of the green and rolled into the cup. With Frank, Ed Culnan, Bruce Carmichael and Frank Messag'er, made up the foursome.
Ed reports that Bruce had just placed his ball about four feet from the cup. Frank said: "You think that was pretty good, don't you ? Well, boys, you ain't seen anything yet. Watch this one !" And then he hit his famous first hole-in-one.
Frank's feat on the golf links is bringing him many honors and lots of publicity. Here is what Monroe McConnell of the San Diego Union, in his column "Chips and Birdies," wrote in the July 25 issue:
"D. Frank Park, La Mesa's biggest booster, now is in a position to recommend the brand of holes-in-one his community produces, for Frank bigged one for himself yesterday on the llGyard 13th hole of the La Mesa club. Among others, Park was playing with Frank Messager, the Flying Frenchman, when the ace was made and probably will never hear the last of it. Others in the foursome were Ed Culnan and Bruce Carmichael. The accomplishment entitles Park to membership in the Union-Jessop hole-in-one club and that organization's medal of honor."
Ben Tepe Visits Southland
Ben Tepe, White House Lumber Co., Canadian, Texas, is visiting his son, Cliff Tepe, who is connected r,r'ith the Arcadia Lumber Co., Arcadia, Calif. Mr. Tepe operates twelve retail lumber yards in the Texas Panhandle territorv.
Spend Vacation At June Lake
Percy Youst, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Mrs. Youst, spent the last two weeks in July vacationing at June Lake in the High Sierra. Percy is an expert angler and reported the fishing was very good.
New Booklet for Home Builders
Stripping the subjects of thermal insulation of buildings and vapor seal protection against damp walls bare of all technical phrasing, The Celotex Corporation has issued a booklet for prospective home builders which explains the modern construction of walls in such understandable terms that any person can grasp the complex problems involved in their design.
With eight pages of four-color illustrations, the booklet takes apart piece by piece a section of the wall of a modern home. The functions of plaster, Celotex Vapor-seal lath, Celotex Vapor-seal sheathing, "breathng space" between studs, and wood siding are graphically and simply explained.
The booklet ties in with extensive publicity recently given insulation and vapor seal protection of homes by women's and household magazines, and quotes them as stressing; "l-\{ei5ture which condenses in wall and topfloor ceilings comes from within the house, not from outside; 2-The simplest, surest way to prevent this is by means of a properly located 'vapor seal'; 3-To be effective, this seal must be located on or near the warm side of the insulation itself, or near the warm side of the wall." Modern construction, the booklet points out, meets these specifications.
Distribution of the booklet, according to LeRoy Staunton, Celotex advertising manager, will be to prospective builders, and will be made through architects, dealers in building materials, contractors and direct to names obtained by national advertising.
Named To Council
Robert J. Parish, trade promotion representative of the Redwood Export Company in Australia, has been named to a seat on the council of the Timber Development Association of Victoria. Mr. Parish was named to his position with the redwood industry in June, 1937 and is one of the widest known younger lumbermen in Australia.
Lou Simpson Addresses Convention
"Current Certainties InA Time of Low Visibility" was the subject discussed by Lou Simpson, head of Pioneer in Los Angeles, before a recent meeting of the Pacific Box Manufacturers Association. in San Francisco.
Hunters Cautioned to Be Careful With Fire
Deer hunters planning trips to areas opened to hunting in California August 1 and August 10 are reminded by foresters that cautious use of campfires and burning tobacco is mandatory in the woods and chaparral brushfields. With the first of California's deer hunting seasons opening at the time of greatest forest fire hazard, Regional Forester S. B. Show of the U. S. Forest Service has asked nimrods to observe sportsmen's rules in keeping fire out of the woods and being careful with fire arms.
Major precautions outlined in national forest regulations are: smoke only in camps and at places of habitation ; free campfire permits must be secuied from Federal, State or County forest officers administering the area in which the hunter is to make camp; a shovel and ax are required for each automobile or pack train entering national forest land.
National forest areas included in districts open to hunting August 1 contain portions of the Mendocino National Forest and the northern part of Los Padres National Forest Both forests contain various game refuges closed to hunting. The deer hunting season opening August 10 includes much of southernmost Los Padres Forest in Ventura, Santa Barbara and part of Kern Counties.
Both the Mendocino and Los Padres Forests contain areas closed to public travel and use during extremely hazardous periods of fire danger. Regional Forester Show has directed the hunting public to inquire of forest supervisors about closed areas before planning trips to either of the national forest areas. Los Padres Forest Supervisor S. A. Nash-Boulden has headquarters in Santa Barbara. Mendocino Forest Supervisor Frank Price's headquarters are at Willows.
Limits in hunting districts opening August 1 and 10 are two bucks per season. Does, fawns, and spike bucks can not be taken. The California Fish and Game Commission classifies a spike buck as a male deer with unbranched antlers on both sides.
Hopea Comes From Borneo
There is much that is interesting in the shipments of the various foreign hardwoods received by large hardwood yards.
For irtstance, recent shipments received by the Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, of Hopea from Borneo, a wood used principally by boat builders and also where dense, hard material is required, contain timbers 4 inches and thicker, some running to 40 feet in length and up to 16 inches in width, without a blemish of any kind. These dimensions indicate that the timbers were sawn from very large logs. The wood is dark brown in color ancl corresponds to Australian lronbark.
Frank Adams Coast Visitor
Frank R. Adams, Eastern sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, Chicago, left San Francisco July D fior Chicago after visiting the Pacific Northwest, the company's mill at Scotia and main office at San Francisco.