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Mcrde on the lcrgest hot plcte press in the United Stcrtes Boil it-Socrk it-Steam it-The plys ccnnot sepcrrcrte

KSFO Salutes Pine Industry Monday Ordinance Calls for Use of Grade - Marked Night, August 1

San Francisco, Calif., J:uly 26.-".\ Salute to the Pine Industry of California" is scheduled over radio station KSFO, San Francisco, Monday evening, August lst between 9:@ and 9:15 P. M. (PST)

This program is another in the series sponsored by KSFO to acquaint Californians with the major industries of the state and since its inception has developed an increasing audience of enthusiastic listeners.

Members of the Western Pine industry are cooperating with the radio station on this program. C. C. Stibich, sales manager of Tahoe Sugar Pine Company and chairman of Western Pine Association Promotion Committee, as well as Walker B. Tilley, California district representative of the Association, will be interviewed.

Station KSFO, affiliated with the Columbia Broadcasting System, operates on 560 kilocycles.


Locklin Dernier and Miss Edna Sculley were married at Yuma, Ariz., on July 4. They spent their honeymoon touring Arizona and Southern California, and will make their home in Los Angeles.

Mr. Dernier is well known in California lumber circles and is connected with the E. M. Dernier Service Bureau of Los Angeles.

Lumber for All Framing Members

The City Council on July 13 passed an ordinance revising the Los Angeles city building code requirements for rvood construction in buildings and providing for the use of grade-marked lumber for all framing members, such as joists, studs, rafters, columns and beams.

Grade-marking of lumber will be in accordance with the rules of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association under the supervision of Association inspectors. The ordinance was drafted by C. Makutchan, superintendent of building, and C. V. Welch, chief of the building division.

If alrproved by the Mayor, the ordinance will become effective 3O days after first publication.

Going and Coming

Ross Blanchard of the Blanchard Lumber Company, North Hollywood, vacationed for a week at Idyllwild around the middle of July.

Max Cook of The Pacific cisco, spent several days in company business.

Lumber Company, San FranLos Angeles during July on

E. G. Davis of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been vacationing at Balboa Island.

(Vrite us TODAY for pictures of these doors)



Frank N. Dudley, 56 years of age, of the Dudley-Thomas Lumber Co., passed away at his home in Santa Monica, Monday evening, July 25, following a heart attack. He had been ill only a few days.

Mr. Dudley was a native of Nebraska and had been a resident of Santa Monica for the past sixteen years. With his partner, Ernest L. Thomas, they formed the DudleyThomas Lumber Co. there fifteen years ago. He and Mr. Thomas had been associated in the lumber business for the last twenty years, four years in the East before coming to Santa Monica.

He was a member of the Kiwanis Club. Masonic order. Charnber of Commerce, and Bay Builders Exchange.

Mr. Dudley is survived by his widow; a son, Ward, who is connected with the Dudley-Thomas Lumber Co.; a daughter, Mrs lVlildred Tileston of Santa Monica, and a sister, Mrs. Florence Doyle of Beatrice, Neb.

Funeral services were held at Santa Monica, Thursday afternoon, Jaly 8, and were attended by a large number of lumbermen.


Norris R. Wentworth, president of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, passed away suddenly in Bay City, Mich., July 11 from a heart attack.

William Donovan

William Donovan,83, one of the founders of the Donovan Lumber Company, Aberdeen, Wash., died in Aberdeen on Thursday, July 14.

He is survived by his son, Francis J. Donovan, Aberdeen, and two daughters, Mrs. Florence Donovan Sheridan of A-berdeen, and Mrs. John P. McGalloway of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

Mr. Donovan was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and spent his whole life in the lumber business. He gained his early experience working in sawmills and in the woods, starting as a boy of 13. In 1892 he and the late Patrick O'Connor organized the Donovan-O'Connor Lumber Company in Menominee, Michigan, and in 19O4 Mr. Donovan, Mr. O'Connor and Thomas G. Atkinson founded the Metropolitan Lumber Company at Metropolitan, Calif. In 1910 he and Mr. O'Connor and others formed the Donovan Lumber Company in Aberdeen.

Frank J. O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Company, San Francisco, attended the funeral in Aberdeen.


Mrs. Carolina G. Fletcher, Tl years of age, widow of the late J. W. Fletcher who was prominently associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years, passed away, Thursday, July 21. She was the mother-inlaw of W. P. Frambes of Los Angeles, assistant sales manager of the Masonite Corporation.

Besides her daughter, Mrs. Frambes, with whom she resided, she is survived by one sister and three brothers. Funeral services were in Los Angeles, Monday, July 25.


FHA Loan Completed for

Los Angeles Housing Project

-to shqre in the business octivity thot the federql "pump priming" wos designed to creqte.

Finding well roted buyers Ior your products is mqde comporotively eosy by the conveniently orronged cnd indexed Lumbermen's Credit Roting Book. The nomes of NEW concerns storting up-new buyers---cre furnished promptly in TWICE-A-WEEK Supplements to this book.

From no other single source is there cvoiloble to you such o weolth of informotion to qid your soles monoger in {inding desiroble customers ond to guide your credit mqn in extending credit ond collecting your occounts.

Test this book qnd supplementol service in your own office-without obligotion-on our populor 30 Doy Approvol Plon. Write us qt either qddress below.

Two million, five hundred thousand dollars formally was turned over to the managers of the Wyvernwoocl project in East Los Angeles by the Bank of America for construction purposes, it was revealed on July 27.

This transaction took place after the Federal Housing Administration offices here had authorized the insured loan for the financing of the 72f-acre residential community near the intersection of East Olympic Boulevard and Soto Street.

This is said to be the largest single FHA insured loan made by the housing branch of the Government.

. The Wyvernrvood project calls for the erection of I42 two-story residences, containing 1102 rental living units, and a business district already planned.

Contract let recently to Lindgren & Swinerton calls for completion of the structures within a year.


California Redwood ties were laid on the rail facilities of the S. F.-Oaklancl Bay Bridge three weeks ahead of the contractor's schedule. More than 105,000 Redwood ties will have been used .ivhen the facilities are completed, representing nearly 7,000,000 board feet measurement.

Cellophane \(/rapped Insulite Samples Adiudged Outstanding Packages

Minneapolis, I\finn., July 5 - Attention value plus a simple illustration rvhich instantly conveys to consumers the utility and beauty of its building materials has been so remarkably well achieved by The Insulite Company, Nfinneapolis, Minnesota, manufacturers of modern building materials, thatit has brought to the companv the distinction of receiving the Gold Award in the transparent wraps group of the All American Package competition sponsored by the Modern Packaging, the magazine of the packaging industry, in a country-wide competition recently held in New York. The competition attracted 21,0@ entries which were divided into twenty groups and a total of 62 arvards were made to contestants.

As shown in the illustration, the cellopl-rane sample rvrap solved the problem of showing a sample ancl clemonstrating the manner in which the procluct is applied to a wall and its appearance when installed. A series of multicolored printed wraps u'hich utilize the boarcls themselves as background for outline drarvings demonstrate the manner of use and appearance when used. Thus, in one instance, workmen are shorvn lifting a panel into position for erection upon a wall rvhile, in another case, the appearance of ceiling tile boards is shorvn by an outline dra'iving through which the board appears. Even the device used as a lock to prevent joint separation betrveen the studs of the company's Lok-Joint Lath is shown actually attachecl to the board ancl construction detail is incorporaterl into the clesign pattern of the wrap.

The designs were created by Charles Kenneth Foslien, senior artis: in The Insulite Company's Advertising Department.

The Gold Medal au'ardecl The Insulite Corrrpanv is the first known to have been won by a building material mantlfacturer for distinctiveness of sample rvrappirlg, ancl lvas presented to E. W. Morrill, general sales manager of the company, at a formal banottet helcl in Chicaeo. at n'hich all awards were presented and a colorecl sounrl pictrrre fealuring the winning entries rvas shown.

Monolith Portland Cement Company Has Record Month

Robert Soldini, Sales Manager for Monolith Portland Cement Company, Los Angeles, is pardonably proud of the fact tbat June, 1938 was the biggest month in the history of the company from a standpoint of shipments. "We are going full b!ast," said Mr. Soldini. "and our business is very good."

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