1 minute read
Worse Yet
They were sitting at the shady end of the cotton gin dur- "No, Suh," replied the other, ,,Ah nevah has nuthin, lak ing the noon hour, and got to swapping yarns. dat happen to me. But Ahse had a heap sight wus things "Boy," said Bigfoot Sampson, "did you evah walk five happen." miles to git some chicking meat, and when you got to de "Whut?" demanded Bigfoot. hencoop you fine de white folks is planted a bear trap, "Onct in de Ahmy Ah done talked back toa Fust a spring gun, an' a bitin' dawg?" Sarjint.,'
Glenn O. Fogleman, resident manager, California Door Company, Los Angeles, was in San Francisco July 19 on his way to visit the company's mill at Diamond Springs, Calif.
Attends Bohemian Club Celebration
A. W. (Bates) Smith, manager of the Los Angeles office of MacDonald & Harrington, attended the annual Hi-Jinks of the San Francisco Bohemian Club, held at Bohemiarr Grove, July 16 to 30.