3 minute read
The Friend-Making Salesman
Bv Jo.k Dionne
Ponce de Leon rocrnred the ecrrth seeking the Fountain ol Youth, crnd he hcrd it with him cll the time crnd didn't know it.
For the Fountcrin ol Youth is the GOOD WIIJ oI your lellows,
The lrieridstrip, the trusL the good will, the benevolent interest oI the lolks you know is the Fountain of Youth, the Alcddin's lcrmp ol true succeas, the one cnd only gctewcy on the Road to Hcrppiness.
Be ctrr cgreecble, smiling, plecrscrnt, lriendly galesmqnt
Every finn wcnts thai kind ol c salesmcnl Every child wcnts thcrt kind oI c lctherl Every womcrn wcnts thcrt kind ol c husbandt Every employe wcnts thqt kind ol c bosst Every business wcnts ihcrt kind of a hecdl tn fcct, everyone wcsrts to lind likcble, lovcble, kindty, cgreecble, interested people wherever they go, cnd whcrtever they do. We wqnt cll ol our contccls to be that wcy, crnd we remember thct gort oI man when the otherwise vclucble but LESS PIEASANT cnrd FRIENDLY person is lorgotten.
In this series of scrles <rrticles, I.EG WORK hcs been ncmed the F'IBST FTTNDAMENTAI. But il your legs ccrry cr glum mug to cqll on cr prospect, they would serve lhe cquse better by leaving you ct the office. II they ccrrry good cheer cnrd intelligent cnimcrtion crlong with them, however, they will plecse the prospect even though he sigms no order blcnk crt the moment.
George lvl Cohcur's song "Alwcys Lecve Them Lcrughing When You Scry Goodby," is line selling philosophy. II you lecrve ecch prospect feeling delinitety brighter cnd happier beccruse of your ccrll, you cre c long distqnce on your selling rocrd. He will be glad to see you bcrck. Then il your proposition is ct sound one and you are ccpcble oI explcrining it intelligently, cnd you mcke iust the right number ol ccrlls. cll the elements oI successlul selling will be bcclcing your plcy.
San Diego Lumbermen tVill Hold Golf Tournament August 13
San Diego lumbermen will hoLd a "Hoo Doo" golf tournament at the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, Saturday, Aug. 13, 1938, at I .00 p. m. The green fee is $1:00 and covers everything.
If you cannot play golf, come out at 4:30 p. m. and join in the fun. This will be Lumbermen's Day and the Committee has arranged a fine program. Many prizes will be awarded to the winners in the golf tournament, there will be fine entertainment, guessing games, and a free buffet supper will be served at 6:30 p. m.
"Come one-come all." is the Committee's cordial invitation to all Southern California yard managers, salesmen, office folks, owners, wholesalers, and guests.
The Committee in ,charge includes D. Frank Park, chairman; Meryl Bennett, Ed Culnan, Al Frost, Harry Whittemore, Bill Cowling, Harry McGahey, Harold Peterson, George Klicka and Frank Nolan.
Changes in Sales Organization
Several changes in the sales organization of The Celotex Corporation, including promotions of personnel, have been announced bV J,Z. Hollmann, general sales manager of the corporation.
Marvin Greenwood has been appointed assistant general sales manager to succeed Lee Bartholomew who sailed June 15 for England to become sales manager of Celotex, Ltd., the company's English affiliate. Earl A. Donk will take Mr. Greenwood's place as manager of the St. Louis office.
Mr. Greenwood joined Celotex organization in 1925 in the company's general offices. He entered sales work in 1926 and was appointed manager of the St. Louis branch in 1936, in which position he remained until his recent promotion. Mr. Donk spent thirteen years with Celotex in the St. Louis branch.
Vacations In Installments
Zeno H. Mauvais, salesman for J. E. Peggs, San Francisco, is spending the week-ends with his family in the mountains east of Sonora, in place of a regular vacation.
Going and Coming
Harry Mcleod, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, spent a few days in San Francisco the past week.
P. W. Cowbrough, sales manager of Meadow Valley Lumber Co., Twain, Calif., and Mrs. Cowbrough, were Southern California visitors the latter part of July. Mr. Cowbrough, and Rey E. James, the company's Southern California representative, spent several days calling on the trade.
Leo and llerman Rosenberg, Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, and their wives, sPent their vacations at the Grand Canyon.
Dick Loveday, Los Angeles retailer, has returned from an eastern trip. He drove back in his new automobile, a Hudson terraplane.
Art Penberthy, Tacoma Lumber-Sales, Los Angeles, is back from a business trip to the Northwest'
W. B. Wickersham, Pope & Talbot Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Mrs. Wickersham, spent the last two weeks of July vacationing in the Northwest.
George Gorman, Gorman Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a Los Angeles visitor on July 16. George came down to get his airplane at the Grand Central Airport, Glendale. which he left there a few weeks previous for a major over-haul. He flew the ship back to San Francisco.
J. W. Mcleod, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles, and family, will leave August 8 on a vacation trip to Seattle where they will visit Mrs. Mcleod's folks. Mr. Mcleod will be back at his desk about September 1.
LeRoy H. Stanton, and Mrs. Stanton, have been touring through the state of Oregon.
Bill Cuzner, Kerckhofi-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co', Los Angeles, and family, spent their vacation on Vancouver Island. B. C.