4 minute read
Martin Installed President Hearing on Recommended 35-cent Minimum
of Sonora Lions Club
Arthur Rollin Martin. So-
the Sonora Lions Club
il.{. wednesday noon, July 2, in t.;i*ri the Indian Room of the So- anqual club installation.
Mr. Martin was born at Santa Paula. He graduated from Occidental College in 1922, coming to Sonora in 1925 where he became associated with Hales and Symons fnc., and now in the capacity of lumber yard manager.
Always active in Tuolumne Connty's civic and patriotic services, Mr. Martin is Scout Commissioner, Tuolumne District, yosemite Council, Boy Scouts of America; vice-president, Sonora-Mono Ski Conncil; member Tuolumne County National Defense Committee of the California State Guard; member, Winter Sports Committee, Tuolumne County Chamber of Commerce; forrner vice-president, Central California Lumberman's Association; former president, Sonora Ski Club; and served for ssveral years as adjutant, Melvyn Smythe post No. 58, American Legion.
He is married and has tlvo daughters, June, a senior in the Sonora LJnion High School and Virginia, a Sonora Grammar School seventh grade student.
Scope Of Fha Told Committee
Washington, Jrly 15.-A. H. Ferguson, Federal Housing Administrator, told the House Buildings Committee today that the FHA had insured mortgages of $3,10g,493,539 on "small individual homes', up to Tune 30.
He added that another g374,422,@4 of tortgages had been approved for rvork under way an<l an additional $379,539,O2O had been committed.
Wage for Lumber and Timber Products Industry Set for August 5
A public hearing on a proposed 35-cent minimum .rvage for the lumber and timber products industry u'ill be held in Washington, August 5, General Philip B. Flerning, Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, announced today. The hearing rvill be held in Conference Rooms A and B, Interdepartmental Auditorium. Constitution Avenue. between l?th and 14th Streets, before Henry T. Hunt, principal Hearings Examiner of the Division.
The 35-cent rate was recommended by a majoritv of the committee, equally representative of employers and employees in the industry, and the public.
The lumber and timber products industry covered by the 35-cent wage is defined as:
"Wood saw milling and surfacing; .rvood re-working, including but without limitation kiln or air drying, ancl the manufacture of planing mill products, dimension stock, boxes, and wood turnings and shapings; and the mannfacture of specialized timber products including but without limitation shingles, cooperage stock, veneer, plywood, and veneer packaging; provided, however, that the term does not include cooperage or the manufacture of cigar boxes, cork products, reed and rattan products except vegetable and fruit baskets, or furniture and furniture parts as defined in Administrative Order No. 1O8.
"The manufacture of any product covered under this definition shall be deemed to begin with the unloading of the raw material at the mill site."
Persons interested in presenting evidence at the hearing should file a notice of intention to appear with the Administrator before August 1 containing the following information: the name and address of the person appear-- ing; if he is appearing in a representative capacity; the name and address of the person or persons he is repre_ senting; whether he is appearing for or against the recommendation of the committee; and the approximate length of time required.
The fiftieth anniversary of the International Order of Hoo-Hoo will be held at the Arlington lfotel, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, October 8-lO, 1941.
Changes in Mill Personnel
C. H. Vincent, formerly assistant resident manager of the Lassen operation of the Fruit Growers Supply Co., has been transferred to the company's Hilt operation to take the position of resident manager, succeeding W. Holmberg, who has resigned. Mr. Vincent is a member of the Susanville Rotary Club, and a past exalted ruler of the Susanville Lodge of Elks, and past commander of Thomas Tucker Post No. N4 of the American Legion.
Mr. Vincent has been with the Fruit Growers Supply Co. since 1920, and assistant resident manager since 1931.
A. I. Lucero has been appointed as assistant resident manager, replacing Mr. Vincent. He has been auditor and office manager of the f,assen operation for the past fourteen years, and is active in Susanville community affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Griffen III are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Carol, at the Santa Cruz Hospital, July 3.
Mr. Griffen, familiarll' known as "Chuck," is sales manager of Monterey Bay Redrvood Company, Santa Cruz.
It is interesting to note that all four of Carol's paternal great-grandparents are alive. Also that both of the greatgrandfathers are prominent lumbermen. I{omer T. Havward being still active as president of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company, Salinas. and C. H. Griffen, pioneer Southern California retail lumbernlAn, now retired and living in Los Angeles.
Log Raft Reaches Mill in Two Sections
The giant log raft of the Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, which broke in two on July 7 ten miles southwest of the San Francisco Lightship; reached the company's mill in tu'o sections on July 14. The fore section of the raft was in tow of the tug Sea Lion, and the after section was towed by the Sea Ranger.
The 1000-foot log raft contained 5,270,743 feet of Douglas Fir and Hemlock and left Astoria, Ore., June 28. Despite the accident off the Golden Gate it arrived in San Diego 24 hours ahead of schedule. A survey will be made to determine what footage was lost when the raft split in two.
This is the 119th log raft to be towed to the company's mill from the Columbia River since they began operations in San Diego more than twenty-five years ago.
Adds Paint And Hardware Department
The Home Lumber Company of Chula Vista has installed a complete paint and hardrvare department with Bob Anderson in charge. They will handle the General Paint Company's products and paint. Thomas J. Rutcher is owner of the Home Lumber Company.
James Young, fonner Yuma, Ariz., business lnan' is now a resident of Escondido where he is a partner of Lomax Smith in the o'ivnership and operation of the Palomar Lumber Company. The firm announces the addition of a line of roofing, insulation and building materials.
Doys soved ore dollors edrned.. but speed olone is not enough. You gel24hour concrete with "Yelo',' but you get importqni greoter sirengths ot oll oges, too. And "Yelo" is eosy to work. Specify it when you wont speed plus quolity in "high-eorly'{ Portlond Cement.