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E. A. Goodrich Opens Retail Lumber Yard

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E. A. Goodrich, widely-known Southern California lumberman, has opened a modern and up-to-date retail lumber yard at 5141 Via Corona Street (near Beverly and Atlantic Boulevards), East Los Angeles, which he will operate as the Goodrich Lumber Co. A compiete line of lumber and building materials will be carried, and the cornpany's slogan is "Modernize With Goodrich."

On the partition between the store and wareroorn are displayed large panels of Redwood, Douglas Fir, Knotty Pine, Ponderosa Pine and Philippine Mahogany plywoods and Masonite. Other materials will also be added here at an early date.

Adjoining the main building is the moulding and finished lumber shed. In the yard are carried stocks of rough lumber, shingles, sand and gravel. The yard is entirely enclosed with a 6-foot wire fence.

The office, store and wareroom building is 40 x 40 feet and is built of Knotty Pine, the exterior being finished with a coat of shellac and varnish. The interior has a high-beamed ceiling and there are plenty of windows. It has a cement floor. The store and wareroom ar€ each 20 x 40 feet, and the partition between has a l2-foot opening with a short cement ramp leading from the store to the wareroom. Paint stocks and other building supplies are attractively arranged on shelves. The store has four large windows in front and another on the side in which various building materials carried are displayed. The counter is made of Knotty Pine that has been shellaced and varnished. They handle the Sillers' line of paints and varnishes which is manufactured by the Sillers Paint & Varnish Co. of Los Angeles.

E.A. Goodrich, owner, known to his many friends as "Dooley," has been associated with the lumber industry throughout his entire business career. He was Southern California manager for the Union Lumber Co. for about twenty years, and later was identified with the lumber brokerage busi" ness. Before coming to Southern California he was connected with the lumber industry in the Inland Empire with headquarters in Spokane.

C. S. Turner, formerly with the San Gabriel Valley Lumber Co., is assisting him in the office and store.

"Dooley" extends an invitation to his friends to drop in and see him at his new place of business.

News Flashcs

LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' trip in the Northwest where he called on the mills.

R. A. Mackin, Hallinan Mackin Co., Ltd., San Francisco, spent last week at the company's Los Angeles office.

Hamilton von Breton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, rvill be back after the first of the month from an extended business trip through the South, East and Middle West where he is visiting the lumber consuming centers.

Wayne Mullin, Mullin Lumber Co., Los Angeles, spent a ferv days last week in Berkeley and Palo Alto.

Jack Ivey, Los Angeles, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, has been spending a few weeks in the East Bay territory and Northern California calling on the dealers. He will return to Los Angeles August 4.

Leonard C. Hammond, president of the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles yard last month.

George Lounsberry, Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles, attended the annual convention of the Rotary Club in Denver. Colo.

E. L. Reitz, E. L. Reitz Co., Los Angeles, is back from a business trip to the Northwest.

C. W. Hornibrook, sales manager, Ewauna Box Compan1r, Klamath Falls, Ore., r.vas a recent Los Angeles visitor.



Booth-Kelly Douglae Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customerg thc quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what tfiey're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

Deer Hunters Cautioned of Forest Fire Danger

San Francisco, July 26.-It present rveather conditions persist, deer hunters will encounter extremely severe forest fire danger everywhere in California.

Regional Forester S. B. Show has issued a fire prevention warning emphasizing the need for rigid adherence to fire regulations and especially for extra caution with the use of smoking tobacco and campfires.

"The areas opening to hunting on August 1 and 10 are tinder dry," the regional forester said, "and likely to remain dry for an unusually long period.

"f should like to make a public appeal asking all sportsmen to observe care with fire in any form as a protection to watersheds and wildlife areas."

The August I to September 15 deer season is open in the coastal region from the southern boundary of Monterey County to the northern boundary of Mendocino County and a part of Humboldt County.

From San l-uis Obispo County south through Los Angeles County the season opens August 1O and carries through September 9. Elsewhere in the State the season is from September 16 to October 15.

New Sawmill

Twenty-five men will be employed in the new sawmill erected at Greenville, Calif., by Kenneth Fitzer, owner. The mill will work trvo shifts and will produce 40 M feet of lumber per day.

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