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We invite lumber deqlers to tcke crdvantage oIour well aEsorted stocks oI







Modern lccilities lor quick shipments at our storage yard

655 East Hlorence Avenue


Tclcphoue Tllornwcll 3ll{ Collcct

LGt rs quote you o! youl lequfuencnts

Decidedly dillerent is this three-bedroom home, which displcys a combincrtion oI becuty, efficiency crnd comlort, crnd one in which cr mcrximum cmount oI real home vcrlue cnd convenience hcve been incorporcted into minimum lloor area.

It isonly one oI the mcny qttractive smcll homes shown in the 'Modern Low Cost Homes" book, issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Burecru, whose plcnning service is under the supervision oI Wm. E. Chcrdwick, Regirstered Structurql Engineer.

!(/estern Pine Ass'n Semi-Annual Mecting August 13-14

The semi-annual meeting of the Western Pine Association will be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August 13-14,194I.

The Executive and Economics, the Grading, Promotion, Research, Statistical and Traffic committees will meet on Wednesday, August 13.

The Board of Directors' meeting will open at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, August 14. The morning session will be devoted to the business of the Association, including action on the Comrnittee recommendations, financial matters, and reports from the Association officers. In the afternoon, the meeting will be turned over to the Trade Promotion Committee for the purpose of bringing to the membership a more thorough understanding of this major Association activity. No papers or speeches will be scheduled. Instead there will be a panel discussion, with the Promotion Committee Chairman acting as master of ceremonies and four members of that Comrnittee, four staff members and the Association advertising counsel participating. A highly instructive and worthwhile program is assured.

Some time during the session on Thursday it is expected that an industry leader, rvho is a member of the National Lumber Relations Committee will discuss this vital program with the group.

Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Squires Married Twenty-Five Years Renew Pledge

In a beautiful wedding ceremony on Sunday, July 13, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo D. Squires again pledged their troth after twenty-five years of married life in the presence of seventyfive relatives and friends. The wedding was held in the garden of the bride's sister, Mrs. L. B. Brown of North Hollywood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edward Spirer of North Hollywood.

Mrs. Berniece Rice was the matron of honor. Gail Squires, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Squires, a student of Santa Barbara State College, acted as best man. The bride was given away in marriage by her brother, W. F. Suppe. They received a great many silver gifts and felicitations from their many friends.

Mr. Squires, well known Southern California lumberman, represents several mills with offices in Los Angeles.


Walter A. Stippi.ch, Wichita, Kansas, lumberman, is on the Pacific Coast calling on his connections. He was in Los Angeles for a few days last week, and left on July 27 for San Francisco. From there h'e will go to the Northwest. He expects to be on the Pacific Coast about five weeks.

Attending Convention In New Orleans

Lemoine Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Company, North Hollywood, is in New Orleans attending the International convention of the Lions Club. He is president of the North Hollywood Lions Club.

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