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Mcmulcctnred byOtyMptA I|ENEER CO. ._ pioneer plywood tvfir*
Dbtributed Exclusively Since l92l by
Wcrchoure: 16{10 E. Wcrbiagrton Blvd. LOS ANGEI.ES
"Eleven Small Homer" Leaflet
A new, four-page leaflet showing smart pictures and floor plans of "Eleven Small Homest' has just been announced Ly the California Redwood Association. Designed esplcially to aid Redwood lumber dealers and salesmen "rrr*"t the growing inquiry about small homes, the attractive sheet also will be used for answering coupon inquiries from the advertisement on Redwood usage shortly to appear in the Small Homes Year Book-Fall Edition' t941.
The eleven small homes represented lvere collected from many difierent localities in the United States, each exemplifying a particular architectural style'
In direct address to the prospective home owner, the leaflet reads, in part: "If one of the houses seems suited for your use, shor,v its picture and floor plan to a local architect. His knowledge of local weather conditions and building laws will enable him to design a similar house for you suitable to the area in which you live'"
This helpful leaflet is a reprint of material contained in the booklei, "styling Your Home," and may be secured by dealers without cost from their Redwood salesmen or the California Redwood Association, 405 Montgomery Street. San Francisco, California.
Small Home Building at Peak
Washington, July 26.-Consttuction of new small homes under the Federal Housing Administration program in June continued to expand, Administrator Abner H' Ferguson announced todaY.
A weekly average of approximately 5094 houses were started under FHA inspection last month, compared with 4806 in May and 3710 in June, 194O. This marked the highest rate of construction ever achieved under the FHA program.
Harry B. Carvar
Harry B. Carver, pioneer Santa Paula businessman, passed away in Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, on July 16' He was 64 years of age. Mr. Carver was secretary-treasurer of the Peoples Lumber Company and a director of the Santa Paula Citrus Fruit Association.
John t. l(oehl & $on,
Doors Stne
Main Ofiice SAN FRANCISCO 110 Mrrkct Stea PORTLAND LOS ANGELES Plttock Block 5995 Wibhirc Btvd.
Sittin' in the mornin'
Under the cocoa tree, Wonderin' if your nutty, Cause you seem to be.
Sittin' round at noon time
Eatin'with your knife, Braggin' bout you're leadin' Lion tamer's life.
Sittin' in the evenin'
Under a pepper tree, Wonderin' if some pep Will ever enter thee.
Livin' in this dreamland
Gazin' at the ground, God won't help you nowhere, Just a sittin' round.
The young lawyer who had just got his license to practice, hung out a shingle over his office door that read: A. SWINDLER, LAWYER.
A neighbor saw the sign and suggested that it would be much better for a beginner to put his entire name on the sign, instead of just the initial.
"I can't do that," replied the young lawyer. "Why not?" asked the neighbor.
"Because my first name is Adam" replied the young lawyer. GOLF
There was a man in our tourn who happened to advance, His left foot very far in front while taking up his stance; And when he found he had a hook, which wasn,t very nice, He put his right foot out in front and got himself a slice.
And then, of course, there was the proud father who told his friends that his Freshman son was getting along grand at college, especially in the languages; he had just received three bills, twenty for Latin, forty for Greek, and a hundred for Scotch.
Japanese Advertising
The Japanese merchants believe in realistic and direct wording in their advertising. Flere are some excerpts from ads in a Japanese newspaper that will give you an idea of how they go at it:
"Our merchandise is forwarded with the rapidity of a bullet."
"Our marvelous paper is as strong as the hide of an elephant."
"You will be received in our store in a stupefying manner. Our employes are as amiable as a father trying to marry off his daughter without a dot. You will be received like a ray of sunshine coming after a horrible day of rain."
"Our vinegar, extra quality, is more bitter than the anger of the most diabolical mother-in-law."
It's nacheral enough I guess, When some gits more and some gits less, For them-uns on the slimmest side, To claim it ain't a fair devide: And I've known some to lay and wait, And git up soon, and sit up late, To ketch some feller they could hate, Fer goin' at a faster rate.
The signs is bad when folks commence, Afindin' fault with Providence, An' balkin' 'cause the earth don't shake At every prancin' step they take. No man is great 'til he can see How less than little he would be If stripped to self; and stark and bare He hung his sign out anywhere.
My doctern is to lay aside Contentions, an' be satisfied. Jest do your bcst, and praise or blame That follers that, count jest the same. I've allus noticed grate success Is mixed with troubles, more or less, And it's the man who does the best That gets more kicks than all the rest.
National Delense Positions Open For Calvada Lumber Co. Going Ahead---lvory
Industrial Specialists
Trained personnel in every branch of industry. science and business is being called to Government service in this time of emergency. Individuals rvho knorv industrial methods and processes from first-hand experience are needed to contribute their part toward the integration of the expanding defense program. The Civil Service Commission has just announced an examination for Industrial Specialist positions paying from $2,60O to $5,600 a year. The examination (Announcement No. 102) is open for one month only. Applications will not be accepted at the Commission's Washington office after August 7.
Industrial specialists may be called upon to perform any of three types of jobs. The first is that oI liaison representative in developing and maintaining working relationships with manufacturers of materials or equipment vital to the defense program. Secondly, they may act as consultants on industrial materials, methods and processes, or they may examine and evaluate data secured from the reports of various industrial concerns. The third possible assignment is that of investigator and analyst in the field of industrial materials, which involves the collection of data on production techniques, uses, consumption, and market supplies of particular materials.
To qualify for these positions, experience is required that has given the applicant a thorough knowledge oI' production methods and processes in one or more manufacturing industries. This experience may have been in industrial management, planning, engineering, cost accounting, business analysis, or research. Applicants may substitute resident study in an educational institution above high-school grade, up to a maximum of 4 years, for this general experience. For each of the positions, applicants must have had some experience in one (or in a combination of not more than three) of the following industries:
Iron and steel ; Non-ferrous metals; Machine tools ; Ordnance; Aircraft, marine and automotive equipment; Railroad repair shops; Radio and other electrical equipment, supplies and apparatus; Textiles; Forest products ; Paper; Printing and publishing ; Chemicals ; Plastics; Products of petroleum and coal; Rubber products; Stone, clay and glass products; Leather and its manufactures; and Food and kindred products.
Pine Co. to Sell the Stock
The Calvada Lumber Company, located at Massack, just east of Quincy, Calif., is going forward on a program of cutting Pine lumber. The millis operating in the Collins tract which produces about an equal proportion of soft-textured Ponderosa Pine and fine old Sugar Pine. The mill is an 8-foot band, operated with steam and electric power. At present it is running one shift, but is figuring on two shifts in the near future. Planing mill facilities for turning out shop and common boards as well as dimension are available.
The output of the mill r,vill be sold by the Ivory Pine Company, a wholesale and manufacturing concern, having its principal office in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Inquiries for the stock may be made from the Klamath Falls office and through the company office at Massack, Calif.
Thomas P. Hogan, Jr.
Thomas P. Hogan Jr., of the Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland, passed away suddenly in Piedmont on July 12.
Mr. Hogan was born in Oakland in October, 1891. He graduated from St. Mary's College in 1911 and went into business with his father. A few years later he organized the Waterfront Sash & Door Company, which was later merged with the Hogan Lumber Company. He was active up to the time of his passing as the head of this concern, which is engaged in the wholesale and retail lumber and millwork business.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen D. Hogan; three sons, Thomas P. Hogan II[, Albert D. and Robert Hogan; his father, Thomas P. Hogan Sr.; two brothers, Charles and Mark Hogan and a sister, Mrs. Bert Carter.
Funeral services were held in Oakland on July 14.
Applicants are rated on their education and experience and upon corroborative evidence. An oral examination may be given to determine further an applicant's qualifications for the positions. No written test will be given. Further information and application forms may be obtained at any first- or second-class post office or from the Civil Service Commission in Washington.