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This mcrk is your cssurcnce ol thoroughly, properly, crnd unifqnly Kiln Dried Ponderosa
Pine Lunber, Mouldingn, cad Cut Stoch
E\|ERY month ol the ye<r.
Kcnncrth FqIlB, Oregon
Centrcl Ccrlilomia
Pyroid Lumber Saleg Co., Ocrlclcrnd
Southeta Ccrlilornic cmd Arizong
General Saler Office: Eugene, Ore.
Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
E K Wood Lumber Co., Loe Aagelee
New Model Moisture Register for Lumber L. G. Vocker and R. C. Peach Appointed With Plastic Housing
A netv model of Moisture Register, an instrument for testing moisture content of lumber, {eaturing a light, durable plastic and chrome plated metal housing, is announced by Moisture Register Cornpany, 5117 Kinsie Street, Los Angeles, California.
This instrument determines moisture content in percent-
Field Representatives
Lee G. Vocker and R. C. Peach, native sons of the Pacific Northwest, trainecl and experienced in arcl.ritecture and construction, have been appointed to the staff of traveling field representatives of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. according to a recent announcement by the Bureau.
I\Ir. Vocker's work will center mainly in New York state and New England, and Mr. Peach will carry out his red cedar shingle education and promotion in the northern Middle West.
Both are graduate architects and have actively practiced this profession. Mr. Vocker was graduated from Washington lJniversity and Mr. Peach from Washington State College. Mr. Vocker's experience ranges from rvork in lumber dealer and contractor fields to lumber association promotion and F. H. A. activities. NIr. Peach has worked both as a g'overnment architect and in the private architectural field.
The duties of these two men lvill follow closely those of the other members of the Bureau's well-knou,n staff, rvhich consist largely of educational contacts with lumber dealers, architects, contractors, carpenters and others in the construction business. It is expected that with their architectural backgrounds they rvill be of very tangible service to lumbermen as regards shingle applications and specifications.
age by means <lf electrode contact, giving instantaneous results by dial reading. It is applicable to all types of woods.
Formerly manufactured with aluminum castings, Moisture Register turned to plastic construction in vie'lv of defense needs, lvith extremely satisfactory results in lightness, portability and durability. Weight of the nerv model, complete, ready for nse, is 5 lbs.
Redwood Used In Fort Baker Structures
All the framing and siding of the hospital units and other buildings norv under construction at Fort Baker, Marin County, rvill be of California Redrvood. About 1,000,000 feet will be used.
Southwest Lumber Mills Opens New Store
Formal opening of the new department store of the Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc. at McNary, Ariz., rvas held Saturday, J:;.ly 12, and an invitation was extended by Dan T. Benchoff, manag'er of the mercantile department, to everyone to attend and be guests of the company on that day.
The new store is housed in a modern builcling l00x120 feet, is finished inside and out in natural Knottv pine, and represents an investment of about $75,000. It replaces the one destroyed by fire three years ag.o. During the interim the company's store was in temporary qLtarters.
The store has fluorescent lighting throughout, neu. bint,vpe shelving, chromium turnstiles and railings, air-con_ clitioning and heating appartus. All fixttrres are .f the latest design and type.
Baised PcnelBcised Mould Verticcrl Grcrin Fir Philippine Mchogcny
(Write ur tor pictures of there doors)
Ten Years Ago Today
From August 1, 1931 lssue
"My Early Recollections of Lumbering," written especially for The California Lumber Merchant by Captain Dollar of San Francisco appeared in this issue.
H. S. Morton, member of the Supreme Nine, B. E. Bryan, Vicegerent snark of the San Francisco Bay District, C. I. Gilbert and J. B. McKeon attended a meeting of the Tom A. McCann Hoo-Hoo Club at McCloud.
Officials, salesmen and employees of the California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, held their annual picnic at Balboa Island, July 18, and all remained over for the Tournament of Lights at Balboa in the evening.
For the purpose of forming a nelv association to replace the two organizations, the California White and Sugar Pine Association of San Francisco and the Western Pine Manufacturers Association of Portland, a meeting of pine manufacturers, including members of the above associations and non-association members was held at Klamath Falls, Ore., Jaly 22-23. It lr'as voted to form a new association to be known as the Western Pine Association, and will include all the territory from British Columbia to New Mexico.
Ventura County retail lumber dealers held a barbecue outing the evening of July 20 at the home of L. R. Byers, manager of the Sun Lumber Co., Ventura, in Ojai.
Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, announced the appointment of H. E. Whittemore as general manager of sales. He has been with the company for several years. Mr. Whittemore is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, class of 1916.
E. A. Wright opened an office in Los Angeles to represent the Washington Veneer Co. of Olympia, Wash. He was formerly manager of the Pacific Mutual Door Co. with headquarters in Tacoma, Wash.
Redwood Display Card Popular
A special counter and window display card featuring Redrvood as "the Architect's Wood" met rvith such popular approval among western lumber dealers, to whom it was recently distributed by P. E. Qvqr€nd, Cali{ornia Redwood Association, San F-rancisco offrce, and J. W. Williams of the Los Angeles office, that a second printing of the card had to be ordered. Designed to tie the individual dealer directly in with the sales-building series of Redwood advertisements appearing monthly in popular Sunset magazine, this smart display is made of stout cardboard printed to simulate a piece of Redwood board.
Packed with eye-appeal, the card is 13 inches rvide, 19 inches high, and constructed with supports to hold it firmly in an upright position. On its face is a rectangular recess in which a copy of the ad appearing in Sunset is inserted each month. To the left of the ad in tl-re recess is printed the direct 1is-in-r'as advertised in Sunset." The caption of the display piece reads: "Redwood the Architect's \Mood."
The series of magazine advertisements carfies the thought-inspiring theme that when architects build for themselves, they choose Redwood. The ads contain pictures of architects, as well as the homes they have built with this durable r.vood, and the copy expresses, by direction quotation, the high regard these architects have for redwood as a building material.
The Weyerhaeuser new motion picture in technicolor, ttTrees and Homes," was shown at the meeting of the Lemon Grove Chamber of Commerce. Lemon Grove, on July 7. Stephen Westover, of the Lemon Grove Lumber Co., arranged for the showing of the picture which was handled by R. O. Zumwalt, of the Benson Lumber Co., San Diego.
"Trees and llomes" is an industrial story showing views and scenes of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company's operations at Longview, Wash. Viet's of one of the giant log rafts entering San Diego Harbor which supply logs for the Benson Lumber Co. were also shown.