This maf,lc is your aserrrimce of thoroughly, properly, and uniformly Kiln Dried Pon' derosa Pine Lumber, Mouldings' and Cut Stock EVERY month of EVERY year.

This maf,lc is your aserrrimce of thoroughly, properly, and uniformly Kiln Dried Pon' derosa Pine Lumber, Mouldings' and Cut Stock EVERY month of EVERY year.
tLo!! rt <ALvAxtz!D flltu l'rond F (Ytlui lolto u u/ro 4ro ll'Lon6 F FrulAYrNc Irolrhro / orto
l', a' 1 4' :rrr:e rir|6la/ i^tlro *trr 6J 6llv^it:tt trirri r^rt, lFTtr r^irL/ r^vt 6rrx !ErcTto, t ,iri6!E nA'L!o fo taooj o' + q./xri6l!, i^t!rD to /iraTrri6 lio x^No cLr{c*!D. It ro/ U' tt|rtr
rEATNlq tt?o/ot! 6'7oa l!'^ri6!a, S' rtrurrtrrc FrtEEFAtt or, 6Y?Jsh 6o^p9.
' -/tlcr-e CoucrtHc. Well "/rctrolt.
D!o@ 93 6^!v rrzto !t'rfl/uLATrx6 nD!srolig.
NOTE: eecr ?^ral r, ATr^cilD to JtuD, rrrff TialE 6t aorioi f,ret flAtl, DllvEil lttoudff /hEAThriG AT !Ac{ cNo oF tAilEL Ar0 trtt wo loa cALvAirz!9 c^rrr6 ratl/4t txTccxl9tAr€ /Tuo/ C'9'rtr rorro lu"arila ^cr" loJ cA!vAxrzEo
Douuue Coup.lrnc Wnlt "frctron'
Ured Errlusiuelg on IIfERIHCRSCRI PR||C|'S
WEATHERSEAL is a shop-built panel made locally by care- fully selected reputable concerns under Franchise arrangement.
WEATHERSEAI, delivery to the job does not depend on overtaxed transportation facilities that are needed for vital War activities.
WEATHERSEAL is flexible to any type or desigrr of house or building of stud construction. Panel is standard 2 ft. by 8 ft. size in a coMPLETE unit of Sheathing, Building Paper and RED CEDAR SHTNGLES, ready to nail right on the studding. Sheathing may be Gypsum board, Insulation Board or Plywqod- All time-tested standard materials. Fabricators operate under WTATHERSEAL Patent 2,256,435. F.H.A. accq)tance nationally.
OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY-Fo; wcll lrted €n€rg?tic conc€rns In mlny rrr.r to frbrlcrt. WEATHERSEAL Panels under an cxcluslve Franchbe artrnS€rn3nt.
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r. c. Diouae. p,.,.Hl'Prl'*i ffi'#;olT?"11.#lS:r. Brccl, socrrrcry puDtir!!_q thc_-lr! qad ol ccch noatb ct
P"f{t-._{ rtc_-lr! cad l5rh ot
5O.0-10 Crntrcl lulldhg, t08.Werr iSttrh !rra,
ADAMS Clrculcdoa llclag.r uugr, tur w..r !Et! srr .i,.Lor 4!gclrr. Cd., lolopholr Vldllo lSrBS a! Soc-ord-clcr ucttor Septrub., fS, igAa'"t rd: i|ili O|Eie -ir -- Lor Aaeol-, C-tiloraic,'uadoi-la- "fiT";hl; jffi
Lumber production during the week ended July lg, 1942, was 7 per cent g'reater than the previous week, shipments were .3 per cent less, new business 3 per cent less, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills. Shipments were 7 per cent above production; new orders 16 per cent above production. Compared with the corresponding week of. 1941, production was 5 per cent less, shipments 4 per cent less, and new business one per cent less. The industry stood at 134 per cent of the average of production in the corresponding week of 1935-39 and 150 per cent of average 1935-39 shipments in the same week.
Reported production for the first 28 weeks of. 1942 was 2 per cent below corresponding weeks of. l94I; shipments were 5 per cent above the shipments, and new orders g per cent above the orders of the 1941 period. For the g weeks of 1942, new business was 25 per cent above production, and shipments were 14 per cent above production.
The ratio of unfilled orders to gross stocks was 21 per cent on July 18, 1942, compared with 47 per cent a year ago. Unfilled orders were 14 per cent greater than a year ago; gross stocks werc 24 per cent less.
During the week 451 mills produced Z(f.,Z3Z,W feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined, shipped ?fl6,M2f/JD feet, and booked orders of 311,628,000 feet.
Lumber orders for the week reported by 369 softwood mills totaled D7,8&,W feet, shipments were ZZZ,lg3,W feet, and production was 256,573,,000 feet. 96 hardwood mills for the week gave orders as 13,764,000 feet, shipments 13,879,000 feet, and production 11,659,000 feet.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended July 18, 95 mills reporting, gave orders as 84,930,000 feet, shipments 89,818,000 feet, and production ,99,231,@O f.eet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 4g0,320,000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended July 18, 103 mills reporting, gave orders as 33,825,000 feet, shipments 32,358,000 feet, and production nJ40,W feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totale d \6Z,O7S,W.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended July 18 reported orders as 172,1O5,000 feet, shipments I39,740,W feet, and production 123,388,000 feet.
Starting from a dry chain motor, fire destroyed the planing mill of the Pelican Bay Lumber Co. at Klamath Falls, Ore., on July 14. The damage was estimated at $100,000. The planing mill will be rebuilt.
TTith millions of feet going into wanime housing (two million feet for one project, alone) Royal Oak Flooring not only is contributing- in substantial volume to the natioo's war effons;'but also is preparing new sales gtound for dealers in the postwar period to follow'
For, today's building, with its many restrictions and exacting requirements, is a proving ground for th9 future' Iow<ost housing, occasioned by the war, promises not only to continue but to gain momentum with the lifting of priorities and other wartime resuictions. Building materials which prove up under today's rigid tests, will be the dealers' sales leaders tomorrow.
Today, Royal oak Flooring is meeting evely requirement of Government and private building including low-cost housing, remodeling and home reconditioning. By the same token this premier hardwood flooring will be in full suide with the dernands of tomorrow to provide lasting beauty and economy wherever hardwood floors can be speciEed'
Follow the building uend with Royal oak FloorinS manufacnred in all grades and sizes of standard suip and ptank in "v" or flush joints. Foifurther information, contact our nearest sales representative' or address: FoBDYCD-OnossDTT
To fire the gats that kill the rats, We need the man behind The gun; and likewise need the planes The Japs and Huns to find. To get with speed what armies need, Let's all start on the run, And get behind, and push behind The man behind the gun. ***
Sure ! And the best and surest and quickest way that we stay-at-homes can get behind the man behind the gun, is to dig down, and cough up, and buy War Bonds and Stamps. The plan is simple, straightforward, and certain. The holder of those certificates cannot lose, and is certain to gain. He is buying the safest security in the world in the most convenient form in which the securities of a great government has ever been offered to its people.
There is only one reason needed for buying War Bonds and Stamps, and that is, yOUR COUNTRY IS AT WAR; a desperate, all-out war that threatens our very existence, and don't you ever let anyone tell you differently. If we win we win our liberty, and if we lose we lose every_ thing that makes life worth while. It's as simple as that'
Your country is building up the greatest war machine ever devised by the mind of man, and to pay the piper it needs every penny that each man, woman, and child can save and lend, in order to feed, clothe, house, arm, equip, and sustain the armed forces of America, and to win this righteous war in defense of American honor and American safegr, and the cause of free men throughout the whole world'
If we are to win, we must win as a united people. The savings of all of us, yes and our capital as well, is necessary if we wish to hasten the victorious ending of this great world conflict. WAR BONDS ARE LIFE SAVERS. A single strand in the cables that uphold the great bridge between San Francisco and Oakland, is not very strong. But tens of thousands of these strands, bound together into one great steel thong, together upholds this mighty
thorofare. And so it is with our individual doflars with which we buy war securities. Individually we cant do much about winning the war. Collectively we are indestructible. ***
When our brothers and sons were called by their country to take up arms in her defense, you did not hear a single soldier decline the issue because his service alone was too puny to win the war. Each man was ready to do his part. The great army thus formed is going forward to battle to risk everything that life holds dear for the safety and protection of our homes, our families, and our native land. These are the men for whom you are being asked to save and lend your dollars. A COUNTRY WORTII I,IVING
IS A COUNTRY WORTH SAVING AND LENDING FOR! Buy War Bonds and Stamps, and strike a blow for Freedom.
We have been in the war now only a little less than eight months, yet every day the pages of our newspapers bring the names of boys who have paid the price of Liberty with their lives. And as the war widens and deepens, those lists will grow longer and more frequent. Words fail us as we strive to give even faint utterance to our feelings as we contemplate those lost young lives. One of the world's greatest orators, R. G. Ingersoll, was a Colonel in the Civit VVar, and fought throughout that great conflict. And after the war was over, in one of his golden addresses on the subject of patriotism, he uttered these inspired words with regard to the soldier dead:
rl. * ,t
"These heroes are dead. They died for Liberty. They died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land that they made free; under the flag they rendered stainless; under the bolemn pines, $re sad hemlocks, the tearfql willows, the embracing trees. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless palace of Rest Earth may run red with other warsTHEY are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of confict, they find the serenity of death" I have one sentiment'for soldiers, living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead:,,
I read the other day a recital by Lt. Col. Warren of the last days on Bataan. He tells of finding himself in a foxhole on Bataan when death fell on every side. With him in that hole was a Sergeant. He found himself praying aloud, and as he looked at the Sergeant, he found the soldier doing the same. And the soldier, unabashed and unashamed, said to Col. ![/arren: "There are no atheists in fox-holes." That story will stand a lot of reviewing and thinking over'
Reminds me of another Sergeant, and I'm ashamed that at this moment I can't remember his name. I mean the one who led his squad of American soldiers on a wild charge at the battle of Belleau Wood during the first World War, and shouted as he sprang forward: "Come on' you So-andSo's! What do you want to do, live forever?"
of honor, as they offer their lives that Liberty shall not perish from the earth. Oh, Liberty, what prodigies, what miracles are performed in thy name! For Liberty is the great word that all the good have spoken. It is the hope of every honest hgart, the spark and flame in every noble breast, the gem serene in every splendid soul, the many' colored dream of every American brain I rF**
A free man says: "This is MY air, MY sunshine, MY earth, and I have a right to live, and love, and hope, and aspire, and labor, and to .enjoy the fruits of my labor-A FREE MAN !" Yes, Liberty is the golden fringe on tlre mantle of glory that must eventually encircle the earthwhen this awful war is won. To this intrepid nation that loves Liberty above all things there can be no defeat'
Randolph churchill says that a British soldier is a better George M. Cohan issued the good advice, "Always leave man than a German soldier because the German fights with a them laughing when you say goodbye." I got a good laugh scowl, and the Britisher fights with a laugh, and a surge of out of trhis one. And the funny thing about it, it's genrb enthusiasm like unto that of the American Sergeant at Bel- ine. It seems that the old prophet Isaiah predicted the leau Wood. During the first World War every mail home present automobile and tire situation, as well as some of brought incomparable and almost unbelievable stories of the the priorities and rationing of the present moment' If you grim and gnsly humor of the American soldiers in the face doubt it, turn to the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, of death. Of course they were scared. But they laughed and to Chapter 3. Verse 18, Chapter 3, says: "fn that and they joked just the same. And they did their duty as day the Lord will take away . . their round tires like the God gave them the power and the courage. They fought for moon." Verse 19 of the same chapter' goes farther, and Liberty, that most precious of all human possessions. And says that He will take away "the chains." Verse 21 says He a generation later their blood kin are doing the same today. will take away "the rings," and Verse 23 predicts the taking * * * away of "the hoods." And then Verse 25 says: "Thy rden yes, today millions of chivalrous young men in the bloom shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war'" And of youth and the sparkle of glorious manhood, are making Verse 22 tells the women that they shall lose "the changing the United States the hope and beacon of the human race; suits of apparel," and Verse 24 predicts that they shall have while their dear blood reddens the paths of the highways no more girdles.
J. H. (Jack) Cosper, manager of the Vallejo Lumber Company, Vallejo, left July T lor Columbus, Ohio, to serve as Captain in the U. S. Army Engineers.
DtslBlauloRs oP
tL. lltlord Blvor Lurbor Coapclt ll6loqd. Cdllonlo
r th. Sh.rlb-&36 CoaprnY !od, Orritoa
r X.Eb.t oI thc Wcrtcra Piac Anoclstoa, Portlqad, Orcaoa
SHEVLIN PflNE Res. U. S. Pdt. Ofi. ETCU'IYE OFFTCE S Flt t tlotloral 8oo Lbc Bulldbg MINMAPOIJS, MINNESOTA DISITICI Ef,tES GICE9: NEW YORK VCHICAGO 'Y;l*$tq-;l'9"''fi,"Ss'1"-8.ff*i r"'# SAN FRANCISCO lGtr Mocdaoct Bldc. El6rcol TlXl
3in PauoFura Bldg. PnosFst 615
Washington, July 23.-Aiming at more rigid conserva_ tion of trucks, the Ofiice of Defense Transportation today ordered that, effective August l, over-thetoad or long dis_ tance contract and private carriers must reduce their total mileage by at least 25 per cent as compared with the cor_ responding month of 1941.
Certain adjustments will be allowed for increases or de_ creases in business during the past year.
Heretofore the mileage reductions have applied only to carriers engaged in local delivery service. Today,s order broadens the requirements to embrace over-the_road con_ tract and private truckers. Common carriers, those which hold themselves out to the general public to transport prop_ erty for hire, are not afiected by the mileage timitaiions when engaged in long dista.nce service.
All farmer-operated and all tank trucks are exempt from the entire order.
A general permit also was issued exenrpting for three months any private or contract carrier from certain pro_ visions of the order when engaged in transporting farm products to market, processing places, warehouses or to other carriers or in hauling supplies back to the farm. The permit exempts such trucks from the 25 per cent mileage reduction and existing rimits on the number of deriveriJs.
S"1 Francisco, July- lrl-All Sit[a spruce logs of grades 1 and 2, and cants and flitches of these logs,leld iy in_ dividuals, private companies and governmental agericies, are frozen in the hands of their o*rrer. as of Julyle and their processing after that date prohibited, "*""pt ofon the authorization of the director general of op.r"i'ionr, by the terms of conservation order M--1g6, WpB Lffi"i"l, *"r. advised today.
_ Only exceptions to these restrictions are cants and flitches held for plane production by manufacturers of aircraft.
The new order was issued to conserve all domestic aero- grade spruce lumber for the construction of war planes.
Grades are to be determined by the standards prevailing 9_1 August t, 1942, in the several producing districts ii W.ashington and Oregon listed in the orderl Alaska logs will be graded in the district to which they are first d"elivered.
San Francisco, July 23.-Conservation order L-41 which put non-essential construction under stringent control, today was liberalized in several respects by amendment No. 2, the regional WPB reported.
This amendment permits an owner to begin recoqstruction of certain types of non-residential construction damaged or destroyed after today, provided immediate restoration is "necessary for the prosecution of the war or to protect public health or safety." Provision is made for subsequent application for authority to complete the job.
Construction authorized in the amendment is defined as all construction other than residential and agricultural including commercial, industrial, recreational, institutional, highway, and utilities. To restore "other restricted construction," however, the builder must notify WPB by telegraph within five days of the damage, setting forth cause of destruction, fuqrction of damaged structure, estimated cost of reconstruction and reasons immediate reconstruction is necessary. This notice must be followed within two weeks by application for authorization of reconstruction on the usual form PD-200. There is not commitment, however, that priorities assistance will be accorded and the WPB may at any time order construction to stop.
Already in operation is a quick method of restoring agricultural structures. Where emergencies arise the county war boards of the United States Department of Agriculture may give immediate relief by authorizing reconstruction.
Washington, July 14.-The Office of Defense Transportation today ordered a 4O-mile an hour speed limit for over-the-road trucks operated by common carriers as a means of saving tires and prolonging the life of engines and running parts.
At the same time, ODT announced cancellation of a requirement that over-the-road trucks be loaded to at least 75 per cent of capacity on return trips.
The actions were contained in a revision of general order establishing a more flexible standard for conservation of such transport equipment, which takes efiect August 1.
San Francisco, July 2S.-Prices for Western wooden agricultural containers-extensively used in the shipping and storing of fruits and vegetables-have been rolled back to the levels prevailing in October and November, Price Administrator Henderson advised the regional OPA today.
In most instances the ceiling prices, which are contained in maximum price regulation 186, Western wooden agricultural containers, are lower than those which prevailed last March, Mr. Hehderson stated. The dollars and cents maximums become effective Jaly D, 1942.
In accordance with this method of production, the regulation sets up tables for "shook" prices on the one hand and for assembly and extra charges on the other. The maximum price for any completed box is the result of the addition of assembly charges to shook prices. Payments for warehousing services are also provided.
All shook produced in the Western area, which is defined as California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, IJtah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, are included in the scope of the regulation. In other words, the maximums apply to shook manufactured in California and shipped to Florida for assembly. However, the maximum prices do not apply for assembly warehousing and less than carload delivery charges when these operations take place outside the Western area.
Washington, Joly 24-West Coast hemlock and Noble fir of "aircraft grade" which are used as a substitute for spruce in airplane manufacture have been placed under the pricing provisions of maximum price regulation 109, aircraft spruce, OPA announced today.
War Department recently determined that it will accept these woods as substitutes for spruce in airplane production. This resulted in the establishment of an aircraft grade of west coast hemlock and Noble fir, which may be sold at the same maximum price as prevails for aircraft spruce. The establishment of this ceiling price was contained in amendment 1, to maximum price regulation 109, aircraft spruce.
OPA emphasized that only West Coast hemlock and Noble fir of aircraft grades which are accepted by the buyer as a substitute for spruce are affected by the amendment. If they are not accepted by the buyer as interchangeable with aircraft spruce, they remain priced according to the provisions of maximum price regulation No. 26, Douglas fir lumber and other west coast lumber.
San Francisco, July 17.-Two new California areas have been added to the defense housing critical area list, according to Washington advices received here today. They are: Bishop and Dos Palos.
Until recently but few of our people realized, that dry lumber and plywood are a vital and necessary war material and can replace steel in many cases. The slogan .,Wood Releases Steel for Victory" is now an accomplished fact,' but it is still not widely known or fully appreciated.
Properly seasoned wood is light-it is stronger in proportion to its weight than steel and can be used in many places to replace steel and other metals where these metals are vital and needed for other uses.
This is the first time in our history when every plant manufacturing every species of wood in every region of our country is operating at maximum capacity and can sell their product as soon as it is properly dried and ready for marketing. You hear no complaint from any section as to inability to sell the particutar kind of wood they manufac ture. Competition between different woods and different sections has disappeared for the time being.
There is a shortage of modern drying facilities at many lumber and wood working plants that is proving a ..bottleneck" and prevents prompt delivery of many items made of wood that must be carefully dried to meet the moisture content specifications of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The demand for dry lumber has depleted yard stocks of air dried lumber and it is now necessary to kiln dry more lumber green from the saw.
Many plants have old type dry kilns that can be modernized and equipped with recording and regulating instruments, properly designed fan equipment, and thus made capable of doing accurate seasoning of all species and thick_ nesses of softwoods and hardwoods. By using the old kiln building and all the old metal equipment a minimum amount of new material is required and the total investment reduced to a minimum.
It is said that only 2l/o of all steel manufactured in America is going into commercial use. If this is true, g7%% !s 1ow going into direct war work while 2l/o is goirrgirrio indirect war work through commercial channels. fn" to.ber and wood working industry is at present getting only a small portion of this Z%%. I doubt if "rry steet noiv being used is yielding such great returns for the war effort as th; small percentage of metal now going into the manufacture and drying of forest products.
For comparison the relatively small quantity of steel for one new or remodeled double track modern Dry Kiln 104 feet long will produce daily approximately 20,00o board feet of properly seasoned softwood lumber plr day o, "ppro*i_ mately 10,000 feet of green hard'r,ood boards per day.^ 'Since dry kilns are operated continuously 3O days per month, this
means that one modern kiln room will supply the Army and Navy with about 600,000 feet of dry softwood lumber per month or over seven million feet per year or one-half this quantity of dry hardwood.
A modern, automatically controlled dry kiln will satisfactorily season either hardwood or softwood green from the saw to any desired moisture content and rvith much less degrade than air drying.
Lumber and plywood is now being used to replace steel for innumerable war uses and modern dry kilns will aid in turning out quickly dry lumber for the following war equipment: airplanes, airplane propellers, gliders, gun stock, war and cargo ships, pontoon timbers, army truck bodies, tent poles, army cots, cantonment camps, lumber for crating bombers, munition boxes, food packages, wooden barrels replacing steel drums, defense housing, and hundreds of oiher uses.
In remodeling old type kilns much less steel is required than is needed for constructing new dry kilns since the metal in the old kilns is used. There are many plants, especially among the small mills, who previously had no kilns but may need new dry kilns should the demand for dry lumber become more acute.
Most of us have forgoften that many of the products recently made of steel were formerly made of wood. The shortage of steel has reminded us that wood will not only "release steel for victory," but wood is really better for making furniture, filing cases, and innumerable other items. We should not become discouraged because of delay in getting priority or because a previous application for priority was denied by the War Production Board. It is essential that application for priority be made promptly and that the War Production Board regulations be closely followed. Plants who are in need of drying equipment to filI orders for the Army, Navy and Air Force should renew and be persistent in their efforts to get priorities. Perhaps when the War Production Board turned down their previous priority, forest products were not then considered a vital and necessary war material.
Wood is the most immediately available building material for war u'ork. A relatively small quantity of steel used in drying equipment will return "a thousand-fold', on the investment in the form of a steady stream of seasoned lumber and plywood, vitally needed to win the war.
When the officials and public are more fully aware of the situation, it is hoped that the.War Production Board will be more liberal in granting priorities and releasing material more promptly to plants that are in great need of it.
Harry E. Whittemore, manager of the Benson Lumber Co., San Diego, resigned on July 15. He was with the company eighteen years, starting as salesman, later as sales manager and assistant manager, and manager for the past six years. '
He has not announced his future plans, but after a month's vacation, he expects to be back in the lumber business again.
Mr. Whittemore is widely known in Southern California lumber circles and is president of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association. He is also president of the San Diego Employer's Association. Aty of his friends can reach him through the Lumber Association's offrce, 1348 E Street, San Diego, the telephone number is Main 6163.
Frank C. Lynch, president of the Benson Lumber Co., has announced that he will assume the active management of the company, and Cliff Roberts, who has been with the company many years, has been appointed assistant manager.
Appointment of Raymond Price as director of the Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station with headquarters at Tucson was announced by the U. S' Department of Agriculture.
He is being transferred from the Division of Range Research in the Washington office of the Forest Service, and succeeds Arthur T. Upson who recently transferred to the War Production Board as Chief of the Lumber and Lumber Products Branch.
Mr. Price is a native of Ogden, Utah. He has had wide experience in the manag'ement of renewable resources, particularly public and private range lands. He will assume his new duties at Tucson immediately.
Civilions, as well crs soldiers, should sqlute when the flog is being roised or lowered or when it pqsses (uncosed) in o porode.
A mqn not in uniform sqlutes by removing his hot with his right hond c:nd plccing it over his hecrrt while stcrnding upright with heels together.
A womcrn in civilion ottire ploces her right hqnd over her heort, while stonding upright.
Whenever the Stor Spongled Bcrnner is plcyed, c civilicon stonds upright qnd fqces the music, with right hcrnd over heqrt, except when the {log is being lowered ot sunset, on which occqsion he loces the llog ond sqlutes os described obove. The solute is held until the lqst note o{ the qnthem is plcyed.
The scrws make music dcry cnd night in "Pcul Bunycrn's" plcnt at Westwood as three shilts ccrry on in scrwmill cnd Iqctories. Record brecking production Ior War needs makes the scw crn o[Iensive wecpon and its tune cr song oI Victory!
?crul Buny<rn's"
Soft Ponderoscr cnd Sugcr Pine LT'MBER MOIIIDING PTYWOOD
Incense Cedcrr
Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some Lcss
I've just heard a big mosquito story from the army that seems to put it all over the next best big mosquito story f've ever heard.
This one is about the huge mosquitoes on the coast of Australia where our armed forces under General MacArthur are located. One evening just at dusk when the visibility waS low, one of those big Australian mosquitoes flew into one of our arrny hangars and lig and the attendant pumped fifty gallons of gasoline into it before he dlscovered it was not an airplane.
Up to this time I have always pinned my faith to thc
George P. Purchase, Los Angeles, formerly assistant secretary-treasurer of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers, Association, fnc., is now with the Santa Fe Railway operating department at San Francisco.
story about the mosquitoes around Port Arthur, Texas, where tlre swamps produce extra large ones. A fellow in Port Arthur'u/as awakened one night by the sound of voices, and looking up he saw two big mosquitoes sitting on the foot of his bed, looking at him. One of them said:
"Shall we eat him here, or carry him down to the swamp and eat him?"
The other answered:
"Shucks, let's eat him here. If we carry him down to tte swamp some of those BIG mosquitoes are liable to take him away from us."
Thomas J. Fox, secretary of the Fisher-Swartz Lumber Compiny, Santa Monica, has enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and is temporarily stationed at San Diego, Calif.
Sell lu"rber that yi6l& c prolit curd ldsting Eqtisldctior.. CA.C, the prclected luaber, i! cleo, odorlegg cod pointoblc. It f! lomite qnd desy resist@t and frc retcrding-. you cca ecll ii lor F.H.A., U. S. Govarnnent, Lor Anselei tiw-"na-6*w crd Unilom Building Code iobs. G?C trcat6d lunbcr ii slocked lor irrrmediata ghipnclt irr coEmcrcidl siz6s at Lno Eoqch.crrd Almcdq. ArL obout our e:chcrrgc gcrvicr coil oill shiment plca. cllm S* |rrb.UEST.G0IEI U00D pnEs[Rylilc C0..Srjrh 601 W. Ftttt 3L, Lor Aog.l.., Ccllt., Pboao Mlchlscr 8'31 &Xl MontgonorT Sr.. 8.E Frcacirco, Cnl- Pboro DOuilcr 3tl0
Washington, July 23-David P. Godwin, assistant chief of the fire control division, U. S. Forest Service, has been appointed national coordinator of the forest fire fighters service, recently established by OCD, James M. Landis, director, announced today.
The forest fire fighters service, Director Landis said, will be one of the basic units of civilian defense and will serve as a part of the national facility security program. The service will be comparable in organizational set-up to the civil air patrol. It will cooperate with the Department of fnterior, Department of Agriculture, state forestry ofiicials and private forest protective organizations, mobilizing the manpower necessary to safeguard timber resources in wartime.
State and local coordinators will be appointed and local working units will be organized in squads of eight to ten forest fire fighters. The emblem of the service will be a pine tree, in red, on the white triangle and blue circle used in all civilian defense insignia.
The volunteer fire fighting units will be trained by fire protection specialists of the various agencies under whom they will operate wherever increased manpower is necessary as a result of the added hazards to timbered areas in wartime.
Mr. Godwin becomes national coordinator after long experience in the field of fire control. He entered the Forest Service in 1908, serving as forest ranger and later, forest supervisor. From 1917 to 1919 he served in France as a Captain with the 10th Regiment of Engineers (Forestry), and the 1st Regiment of Combat Enginpers. He is a graduate of the Army General Staff College and Army school of the line. He returned to the Forestry Service after his army career and several years in private business.
Homer H. Burnaby, manager of the Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills, left the middle of July for the Officer's Training School at Miami Beach, Florida, as a First Lieutenant, and with the prospect of being transferred to the Santa Ana Air Corps Replacement Center as soon as his training is completed.
His father, Frank Burnaby, is president of the Sun Lumber Company.
O Arriving constantly at the Douglas Fir Plywood Association's research laboratory are panel sections representative of every member mill's daily production. The complete panels have aheady passed the routine yet critical o<ami':tion of the Asso' ciation'J mill inspectors. But to determine if they rtetture ,.P lally to the high indusuy standards established in cooperation with the National Bureau of Standards, our laboratory stafi cuts the sections into small specimens, carefully numbers them and subjects them to many series of tests. For instance, exteriortype Douglas Fir Ply'wood must withstand soaking, boiling and baking, among other things, without delaminatiog.
These tests assure today's putchasers that the Douglas Fir Ply' wood they buy fot war will give the performance they exlrct. In addition, these tests form ar important part of our inteosified research program utbicb is aimed at making tbe Doaglas Fir Plyutood yott uill bay alter tbe ur4r more t te' f*l to yoa rban eaet before.Doruglas Fir Plywood Assn., Tacoma,'S/ash.
'fO HE]P 3PEED VI CTO RY fhe Douglor Fir Plywood Indurtry ir devoting ifr enlire copocity to wor production, Wc know this pre grom hor your opprovol.
PlYllfAll+ol lboord grode
EII-Dl?A-wqtctprool type PIYtCOID+hsothing gtodc
ILYPANEI+obinct gtodc
PlYlOlll-concrclc form grode
fllitil Lunhr trom t liltle niil"
thon lSl,OOO
o grodc or lYPc of Douglor Fir Plywood lor cvcry pur' porc. A gcnuine poncl bcor onc of lhcso "grodc lrodq-morkr"r
There cre more_c1d bisggr senrices l"ittg rendered to the lumber foltcs by their lumber iour- ocls todcy thcn ever belore in history, just t{ongihe lines of keeping them posted t"g"tji"g th;-Uit";; thct they hcrve GOT to know to stcy IN business cnd OIII of iait- Ever'thinlc of itrcp
Thereishcrdlycrdcy-<ndcertcinlynever cr week-pcsses, without the vcrrious cuthorities in wctlbingto-n issuing some sort of legcl culnouncement or pronouncement thcrt directly and iurmeditrte- ly cflects the_evgrv{cry business of the lumber indushf. These things "t" mWS. ffr.i-"rill complied with. And,_like_crny other lcrws, igmorcrnce of thrm cmd th6ir ora.o cr"a 1rr""iing"i"t- nishes no excuse lor brecking or violcting t[em.
EYgty lumbermcn cflected_by cny_of these multitudinous new legcrl bonds clfecting the lumber or building industry, is compelled to abid€ by their provisions. For- him t";t thcrt he did not know crbout c certcrin new lcw, new rule, newiestrictiin, t"e* prioritv, ;; t;"" fixcrrion, new scles regulcrtiotL or cbout cny of the mcny chcrnges, vcricrtions, cune-ndments,- crdditions, or inter- pretctions to these legcl things, cvcileth nothinj, He is supposed to know them, to lmow how they cffect his business, crnd to cbide strictly bftheir provisio-ns.
Now you must understqnd thct the cruthorities in Wcshington who issue these new regulc- tions crnd restrictions do NOT send them to the individucls-or-even the firms-whom they aitl"tfv qffect. The makers oI th-ese lcrws simply lssue them, cnnounce their issucmce in lormcl w?ys, cnd leq-ve _it up_ to those qllected to find out lor themselves, crnd put th; r";; *to i"to .f."i "" Ji"- scribed in the documents themselves. II the individual does NbT keep ,rp "rittr them, cnd does NOT cpply them to his lusiness operctions, he violcrtes those tcrws cnia .'ipo""" himself to whctever pencrlties crre prescribed for such violction
Therefore it is up_ to every lgmberrngn_ to keep constcnlly cnd prccticclly in touch with every new order-ol cr legcl chcrcrcte; crffecting his business He musisecure-, deline, ticnslcrte into prccticcrl lerms, crnd- pyt into prcctice-in the dcily opercrtion oI his business crll the new rules, t.g"f"Ui*, lcrws, r-estrictions, priorities, freezes, ceilingi, crnd crll the e-endrrents cmd crdditions crnd d-efinitions to cll these rules, requlations, lcrws, restrictions, priorities, freezes, ceilings, etc. Rtt tttr"" thil;; il MU-ST- do. He-is givin no choice U fte is to continue business. How he is to so infonn hinsell is entirely up to him.
He hcs two such sources of informatioa- his lumber iourncl, cnd his lumber crsEocicrtion I lorow of -no other possible sources. Both crre on their guivering toes these a"v*,lwing to keep their Iumber friends, rectders, crnd members, sdely cnd ploperly-inlonned cboui the-neiu tegcrihings they needs must know: Eyery lumbermcrn who is oh trG toes should be able to gret-;crtu; rl- ceived-Ior his-entire_yecr_r's subscription to his lumber iourncrl out of ecrch qnd every issue, if he will ccrelully study the legcl news, crnnouncements, cnd explcncrtions thct directly cffLct his business.
We hcrve received in this office through the yecrrs literclly thouscnds oI letters from recrders scying "we could NOT do business wilho_ut your-good lumbei iourncl." They were excggerq- !io*. Up to ct few short months cao they COTLD-tliey certcrinly bOUp. But such letters-Jould !g l[[!"-!q{gv !v every lumbermcn t-o the lumber iourncl he recrds, crnd NOW TIIEY WOIID BE IITERAILY TRttE. For the lumbermqn who wcrnts to opercte his business under the let- ter of crll the new lcws thcrt hcrve been written of lcte "onceniing his fusiness, CANNOT-GET ALONG WIII{OUT IIIE tAlEST FACTS ON 1TIAT SIIBIECT NrNr HIS LUMBER IOURNEi BRINGS HIM. Even if he belongs to his lumber cssociation cnd receives its bulletins, his service and inlormcrtion would still bL mcde lre_quently more ecrrly, more complete, cmd -orr it -tor.!h thcn what his crssocicrtion ccn send him. _They 9o well togethir in these ti-.s, ttr" U"" funU"i iorir- nal, cnd the Iive lumber qssocicrtion. Both cnb iitot to tlie industry.
. Y"q, the dependable cnd live lumber_iourncrl is delinitely more vitcrlly essenticrl to the every- dcy-existence of the tum_ber industry todiy thcrn ever before in lumbir history. nna nfiif would be cn excellen! tryth for those to pondier who mcy be inclined to csk themsllves: "WHhi ABOUT LT'I'TBER IOI'RNAI ADVERTISING IN TUUiS IJKE TIIESE?-
Washington, July 24-WPB today cleared the way for the manufacture of not more than 500 giant "off-the-highway" trucks for use by mining and other essential industries and for export.
An "off-the-highway" truck is defined as a "motor truck, truck-trailer and/or trailer operating off the public highway, normally on rubber tires and especially designed to transport material, property or equipment on mining, construction, logging or petroleum development projects."
Production of the automotive giants was stopped May 31, 1942, by WPB.
These custom-built, heavy duty trucks range in gross weight from 40,000 pounds to more than 100,000 pounds, mounted on from four to ten wheels.
Today's order, amendment No. 1 to supplementary general limitation order L-l-E, provides that the industry may manufacture between July 1 and December 31, I94?, a maximum of 500 of the trucks for essential civilian and indirect military requirements.
The Celotex Corporation opened its new general offices in the 120 South LaSalle Building, Chicago, Monday, July 20. Approximately 265 ofiicers, executives and employes were transferred from the Palmolive Building where the company's general ofiices were located since June, t9D' They will occupy the entire twenty-first floor, most of the twentieth floor, and a section of the eighteenth floor at the new location.
The Celotex general offices have been located in Chicago ever since the organization of the company in 1921. Their building materials plants are located at Marrero, La.; Metuchen, N. J.; Port Clinton, Ohio; Marietta, Ohio; and Lagro, Ind.
Celotex has been headed by Bror Dahlberg since its founding in l92l.In addition to being president of Celotex, he is chairman of the board of directors of Certain-teed Products Corporation, which recently moved its general ofiices from Nerv York to the 120 South LaSalle Building' Other Celotex officers are: vice-presidents. Carl G. Muench, O. S. Mansell, H. .W. Collins, and M. F. Parsons; secretarytreasurer, Charles G. Rhodes.
A three-month tuition-free course in structural wood design has opened at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, school officials have announced.
The course is designed to familiarize structural engineers with the safe and economical use of lvood in construction work and is open to graduate engineers and those with equivalent training and experience. Classes will meet two evenings each rveek.
The course rvill be given under the R. R. Martel. Professor of structural C. Mackintosh rvill be the instructor'
No npo rAPE-No DELAY. You can get as L."y l"-""s Wheeler Osgood doors as you need tor a"v of the thousands of war housing proiecto' o""i riittt Wheeler Osgood and you are doing business with a concern capable aow-as for the past 5i y""t"-of completeli supplying y-our every need ior-doors. Interior doors. Exterior doors' Doors of Fir-one of the world's finest woods for door manufacture. Fir is uniform' super-strong, rot-proofed by nature and highly resistant to marring.
Remember-Wheeler Osgood can fill your wholc. ordcr for doors aowno matter bow big or how varied the ordcr rl' COLOR GRADED-Now you can speed up- thc handling- of ii't-rto"*i"s otders. Wtteelir Osgood'i sensalional nw "Color' 6;;di1;;;;'""i;;-ll, aJoi" shoris you at a- glancc thc g.radc, li"'il.'"'ir"l"a s"rilce of everv dooi in stocl'-Each door bcars i'til.iti-"iii"-"6liiua-ut'"t aitached to the bottom rail' On b"i;;;-c;;t"-a aoot" thic labcl features thc famour Whcclcr Osgood guarantec.
general supervision of engineering at C.I.T.
Washington, D.C., Jaly !4.-,,Unless the production can be increased, I think we may look for some further restrictions on civilian lumber trade and that these will in_ clude both softwoods and hardwoods,', says Wilson Compton, secretary and manager of the National Lumber Manu_ facturers Association, in discussing the industry outlook. Dr. Compton's full statement follows;
"Amended No. 2 to Lumber Limitation Order L_121 will encourage some and discourage others. Its extension signi- fies the plain fact that even with the restrictions on civil-ian uses and civilian trade the Army and the Nivy are even yet not able to secure the lumber they need. The deficiency is less than it was when L-121 was issued in May. gui it still runs in hundreds of millions of feet, and in the last three weeks has been increasing, as have also the aggregate Iumber requirements of the Army and Navy. The defense housing projects include more than 600,000 housing units. The War Production Board has not found it possible to provide the necessary lumber for all of these and at the -same time enable the operating war agencies to secure their urgent requirements. The same applies in part to farm building, although the way has been opened for lumber sup_ ply to urgently needed grain storage and livestock housing.
"LJnless the production can be increased, I think *. -"y look for some further restrictions on civilian lumber trade and that these will include both softwoods and hardwoods. As has been repeatedly said, there is no constructive answer to those situations except mort production. Reported pro_ duction the first six months of this year has beei about 4/o less than the first six months of last year. Continuing short_ ages of labor and materials and equipment are threaten_ ing further to retard lumber production. More liberal priorities policy on maintenance, materials and repairs for the lumber industry is, I think, likely to be announced next week. It will help. Some steps are already being taken to conserve necessary labor supply. These are not enough, but they will help. The Federal tax laws, especially the-atiow-
able deductions for depletion under the excess profits tax laws, in many instances are discouraging and retirding and severely penalizing over-time production of lumber and timber products, and the present inflexible applications of the price ceilings on logs and on lumber in many species and regions will be moderated before many mills arrd log producers will be enabled to respond to the urgent "pp"ai fo, maximum production of war materials by the lumler and timber products industries.
"IJntil these problems are closer to a solution than they are at present and until the armed services are enabled at least to secure their urgent, immediate lumber requirements, it may be expected that the civilian uses and civilian trades will temporarily have to get along with a more limited supply, and largely of species, grades and items which the war agencies themselves do not require. The War Production Board is itself co-operating in the efiort more clearly to indicate these classes of lumber which in many regions and localities are available in substantial quantites and which are not required by the war agencies_ at least not yet.
"ft is expected that these matters will be thoroughly ventilated and discussed at the meetings with the War Fro_ duction Board on July 16th and lTth of. its Advisory Committees of Softwood and Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers. Whether the lumber limitation after August 13th will con: tinue as a freezing order, or whether some other form of priorities system will be substituted for it, will be deter_ mined before the end of this month.,,
E. J. (Bud) Gilbert, ex-St. Mary's star football tackle of some years back and who has been superintendent at Lumber Distributors, Inc., Stockton, for the past seven years, reported this week to the United States Navy fnstruction Department at Roanoke, Virginia.
Announcement is made by the Pacific Mutual Door Company, Tacoma, exclusive distributors of Pamudo Plywood, that Glen D. Bessonette has been appointed manager of their Southern California sales office and warehouse at 1800 East Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, to. succeed the late Roy A. Fobes.
One of the most significant steps of recent years in locating and compiling authentic information of proper care of woodwork, has just been completed by Ponderosa Pine Woodwork, 111 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois.
The survey was conducted among lumber and millwork manufacturers, builders, dealers and jobbers throughout the country. The results, tabulated by Ponderosa Pine Woodwork, have now been embodied in an attractive folder which is being offered to lumbef dealers for distribution to their customers.
The folder, entitled "Pointers on Care of Woodwork,,, is an unbiased statement of the facts concerning proper care of doors, windows, frames, interior trim, cabinet work and other interior woodwork.
Glen D. Beesonetle in speaking of the present situatio.n regarding the supply of plywood, Mr. Bessonette
Mr. Bessonette has been associated with Mr. Fobes as his assistant for the past five years. He has a large acquaintance with the trade in Southern California and a thorough .knowledge of the plywood business. said to a representative of this paper:
"As a result of the demand for plywood for war purposes it is hard for us to get plywood for our regular customers, but they also recognize this difficulty and realize that we do our best. It will be my endeavor to maintain a minimum working stock in the warehouse for the duration.,,
Edmund Overend, son of Paul E. Overend, California Redwood Association, San Francisco, who has been flying in China and Burma since last September with the American Volunteer Group, and has a record of. L4 lap planes shot down, including five bombers, is expected home early in August. Since the A.V.G. was disbanded he has been ferrying planes from India to China.
Another son, 'Walter, is now flying in England with the American Eagle Squadron.
San Francisco, July 20.--Io save m6tal for war purposes, road signs put up in Northern California hereafter will be of wood, the California State Automobile Association announced.
In presenting the results of the survey, ponderosa pine officials point out that the interior woodwork of the home is the one thing that comes under the inspection of every guest during every moment of his visit.
Doors, windows, stairs, baseboards, moldings, panelings, mantels, china closets, kitchen cabinets and bookcases really "clothe" the home-add not only value but beauty and utility as well. Good woodwork, with proper selection of treated products and the proper care, should be a lifetime investment. ft, therefore, goes without saying, ponderosa pine officials state, that woodwork is a vital consideration and it should be selected with a view to high value and economy. The Ponderosa Pine folder "Pointers on Care of Woodwork" gives detailed ,information concerning methods of woodwork care, starting with the manufacturer, following through with the lumber dealer, covering the installation of woodwork by the carpenter or contractor, and ending with the owner's part.
A copy of the folder may be obtained free of charge by writing Ponderosa Pine Woodwork, l1l West Washington Street,'Chicago, Illinois. Imprinted quantities for custo-mer distribution may be had for a nominal charge to cover cost of printing and handling.
Dan Strite, salesman for the Hammond Redwood Com_ pany, Los Angeles, reported at Fort MacArthur on July 30 and will be assigned to the Officer's Training School.
Would ye learn the road to Laughtertown
Oh, Ye who have lost the waY?
Would ye have young heart tho your hair be gray?
Go, learn from a little child each day.
Go serve his wants and PlaY his PlaY
And catch the lilt of his laughter gan
And follow his dancing feet as they stray; For he knows the road to Laughtertown, Oh, Ye who have lost the waY!
The young mother with the very new baby at her side, called her colored cook in to show her the new and wonder' ful thing that had happened to her. After appraising the baby for a minute the enthusiastic cook declared:
"Missy, you sho' has got yo'sef a wonerful chile."
"Don't you think she is the most beautiful baby you ever saw in all your life?" asked the glowing mother, looking at her young one with undisguised.worship. But here the colored woman began backing uP.
"'Well, wait a minute, Missy," she said. "Ah couldn't zackly say dass de mos' beautiful baby Ah evah seed' You got to remembah I'se got fo' chilluns of rnah own."
n. c. rNcpnsor-L SArD:
Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of a wailing cry. From the voiceless lips of the unreplying dead there comes no word. But in the night of death hope sees a star, and listening love can heal the rustle of a wing.
He who can look on the lov ess of the world and share its sorrow, and realize some ing of the wonders of both, is in immediate contact wi(r divine things, and has got as near to God's secret as anyone can get.
The fact is, that civilization requires slaves. The Greeks were quite right there. Unless there are slaves to do the ugln horrible, uninteresting work, culture and contempl'a' tion become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure, and demoralizing. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine the future of the world depends.Oscar Wilde.
"What are you clipping from the paper?"
"An article about a man divorcing his wife because she went through his pockets."
"And what are you going to do with the clipping?"
"Put it in my pants pocket with my money."
When we say a man or woman we know is a thorobre4 we pay to him or her the highest compliment of which we are capable. There is not in the vocabulary of pleasant terms, a strong word. The keeper of a stock farm will tell you that a thorobred never whines. This is quite as tnre of the human thorobred. The visible signs of the invisible spirit are the eyes that are steady and shoulders that are straight. No burden except possibly the weight of many years, bends his shoulders, and his eyes meet yours in honest fashion because he neither fears nor has been ashamed at the bar of his own soul. He never complains, he keeps his troubles to himself, having discovered, as thorobreds do, that to tell troubles is to multiply them, and to lock them in the breast is to diminish and finally end them. IIe never talks about what fate has done to him. He knows he is master of his own destiny.-Ada Patterson.
Soon after a newly-appointed high court judge in one of the Eastern states had taken office he went into one of the county seats of his district to hold coutt. He was a man well satisfied with himself, and showed it plainly.
"Mary," he said to the Irish waitress in the hotel where he was stopping," how long have you been in this country?"
"Two years, Sor," said Mary.
"Don't you like it here?" asked the Judge.
"Sure it's well enough," sniffed the waitress.
"But Mary," said the Judge, "you have many privileges in trhis country you would never'have in lreland. For instance, in Ireland a waitress would never be chatting in this friendly fashion with a Supreme Court Judge."
"But, Sor," said Mary, calmly. "In Ireland you'd niver be a Supreme Court Judge."
A reporter was interviewing Thomas A. Edison. "And so you invented the first talking machine," said the reporter. Mr. Edison smiled. 'No," he said, "not the first onc. That was made long before my time--out of a rib."
Lieut. James C. Owens, Jr., of Los Angeles, one of the heroes of the battle of Midway Island in which twenty Jap warships were knocked out of action, and now reported missing, is the son of J. C. (Charlie) Owens, well known Southern California lumberman with J. Niederer Company of Los Angeles.
Lieut. Owens attended Los Angeles High School, where he was captain of the football team and starred in track. He entered the University of Southern California and played varsity football for three years. Graduating from the School of Engineering in 1934,he joined the Navy and was commissioned after flight training at Pensacola, Florida. Of recent years he was a flying instructor at Pensacola, Norfolk and on the West Coast.
He was married to Helen Marie Ross, a University of Southern California graduate in 1939. His parents last heard from him in late Mav.
Appointment of an Advisory Board for the Pacific Coast Lumber Industry was announced July 18 by War Production Board Chairman Donald M. Nelson.
The new board, representative of all phases of the industry and including both management and labor members, will advise and assist Frederick H. Brundage, recently appointed Western Log and Lumber Administrator of the lumber and lumber products branch of the WPB. Mr. Brundage will be chairman of the board.
Members of the board appointed are:
Colonel W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash.; former Chief Forester of the United States Forest Service.
Edward P. Stamm, logging manager of the Crown Zellerbach Corp., Portland, Ore.
Truman Collins, small mill operator at Pondosa, Ore.; past president of the Pacific Coast Logging Congress.
Edmund Hayes, owner and operator of the Row River Lumber Co., Portland, Ore.
Carl Winn, international vice president, fnternational Woodworkers of America, Portland, Ore.
Harold Evans, Plywood Division, International Woodworkers of America, Portland, Ore.
Bert Sleeman, fnternational Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Portland, Ore.
Kenneth Davis. Lumber and Sawmill Workers, fnternational Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Portland, Ore.
Lyle F. Watts, regional forester, United States Forest Service, Portland, Ore.
W. E. Cooper, Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, returned recently from an Eastern business trip. He visited Chicago and points in'Wisconsin and Michigan. While in Wisconsin he called on the retail yards owned by his concern.
SelI Fir-Tex Corclite lor uses in bqths, showers, kitchens, offices, stores, mcrkets, hospitcls, etc. Large stocks cvcrilcrble ct our wqrehouses, Write or phone for color chcrts and scles helps.
It urill pcry you to displcy this Eubcrnk ironing bocrrd, with its pcrtented swivel, iron receptcrcle, crnd all moving parts in metcl, not in wood.
Just as men who work in war industries are needed to back up those in uniform, women who keep homes comfortable and attractive are needed to back up the workers. The responsibilities of home making have been greatly increased by the war, according to a Norttrern and Southern California Homes Foundation statement.
"Women are using unaccustomed tools for the odd jobs which they used to turn over to the man of the house," say Bernard B. Barber and Orrie W. Hamilton, chairmen of the Foundation. "They are learning to patch plaster as well as they patch clothes; they are finding, as many other \ilomen who have gone into production plants have found, that there is a lot of satisfaction in the successful handling of tools, and that they can be just as deft with hammer and saw as they have been with broom and duster.
"The principle of repair or alternation as a first necessity of conservation is natural to women, and they are usually the first to see the ways in which their homes can be made more livable with little cost, and with little use of prohibitive materials.
"Many retail lumber and building material dealers are taking a direct and cooperative interest in the remodeling and repairing jobs undertaken by the homemakers in their communities. They have designs and patterns for cabinet work and furniture building; and are making a specialty of the cut lengths and specially turned pieces needed.
"Any clever woman may don overalls and do all the work required to make a bright, modern kitchen like the one shown here, and in doing so know that she is helping build the morale of her family of war workers-that her home is one of the millions of bright, cheerful, happy homes which are America's secret weapon, the chief incentive lor winning the war."
Millard C. White, whc.r resigned his position as manager of the Christenson Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently was presented with a gift of a l9-jewel Hamilton wrist watch by the employes of the company. The presentation was made at Mr. White's home in Oakland on the evening of. July 24.
ONE PET PEEYE of many housewives . . . rightfully is I lack of centrally-located cupboards for cooking utensils and staple foods. There is one sure cure for this condition the installation of modern, compact kitchen cabinets.
There are almost unlimited shapes, sizes, and styles of modern titcben cabinem that can be built by or for you . or purchased ready-to-install. Since the kitchen is one of the most used rooms in a house it should be planned for maximum efficiency and comfort.
Materials required to build a set of new kitchen cabinets arc plentiful. There is no shortage of wood and the few nails, screwg and small hardware itcms used shouldn't drain our supply of "critical" materials. The Government recommends home improvements during thc War as long as the work is done with a minimum use of metal.
A. E. Wolff of Kilpatrick & Company, San Francisco, left July 28 by plane for a business trip to Eastern Canada. He will return by Trans-Canada Airlines to Vancouver, B. C., and will visit Seattle, Portland and Eugene on his way home.
T. J. (Tommy) Gill, assistant to the auditor of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, is now a First Lieutenant in the U. S. Army. He reported to the Presidio, San Francisco, on July 8.
Washington, July 2S.-secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard today called upon all patriotic citizens to help win the battle on the home front against fires in the woods as a nationwide Wartime Forest Fire Prevention campaign was launched.
"Protecting our forests from fire means helping to win the war, and helping to win the peace afterward,,' he said.
The campaign, announced by Secretary Wickard in a coast-to-coast radio broadcast Friday night, is being planned with the active assistance of the Advertising Council, Inc., and with the cooperation of Federal and State forestry agencies, conservation groups, and other civic and patriotic organizations. Slogan of the campaign is "Careless Matches Aid the Axis."
The Secretary pointed out that wood is one of the vital materials of war, with vast amounts going into army cantonments, ships, planes, and hundreds of other war needs. In addition to the destruction of needed resources, forest fires can disrupt or damage communication lines or transportation facilities, interfere with military operations, and drain manpower from essential war work to the unproductive job of fire-fighting.
According to the Department's Forest Service, fires in normal times sweep over more than 30 million acres annually-an area larger than the whole state of New York
or of North Carolina-and cause millions of dollars damage to watersheds, timber and young growth, and the loss of employment and stoppage of industry. Of some 20O,00O fiies that occur each year,90 per cent are caused by man's carelessness, ignorance, or indifference.
This year the forests are in added danger from sabotage or incendiary attacks from the air. The fact that submarines have landed enemy saboteurs on American shores, and that firing the forests has been employed as a war measure in Europe, indicate that there is nothing fantastic about such possibilities, the Department said.
Every fire in our fields or forests this year is an enemy fire, Secretary Wickard said. In the end, it makes no difference if a great forest blaze is started by enemy action or by the carelessness of an otherwise loyal American.
Secretary Wickard urged every American to help in the campaign, by being on the lookout for efforts to set fire in the woods, and by practicing the utmost care with matches, smoking materials, and with fire in any form. Enrollment in local units of the volunteer Forest Fire Fighters Service, now being organized in many communities with the cooperation of the Ofiice of Civilian Defense, provide an opportunity for many patriotic citizens to render additional service in the battle against fire.
R. R. (Rudie) Henderson, owner of the Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, Calif., has announced his candidacy for the Democratic and Republican nominations for Congress from the Second California District.
"Rudie" is now busy campaigning and plans to visit all the towns in the district before the Primary election in August.
Time Magazine in its issue of J:uly 27,1942, carried his picture and an interesting article on his candidacy.
All previous construction records were broken in June, according to F. W. Dodge Corp. Building and engineering contracts awarded last month in the 37 eastern states amounted to $1,190,264,000. This was nearly 57 per cent more than the dollar volume of August, 1941, $7ffi,233,000, the previous all-time high. Comparisons of these two record months indicate roughly the impact of the war on the construction program: industrial building contracts last month were double the dollar value of last August; heavy engineering construction nearly doubled; non-residential building, other than commercial and industrial work, increased three-fold. On the other hand, commercial building contracts last month were a third less in dollar volume than in August of last year, and residential building was down 20 per cent. Last month's total was a little more than double that of June, 1941.
The June 1942 contract volume brought the total for the first half of the year up to $3,723,725,Offi.
The new Fir-Tex Coralite factory at 8t2 East 59th Street, Los Angeles, is working to capacity.
The plant is one of the best equipped in the country, and its baking oven is one of the largest in the West.
Described by the manufacturer as "The Baked Enamel Wallboard of a Thousand lJses," Fir-Tex Coralite is available in nine true pastel colors. These are: White, Ivory, Cream, Turquoise Blue, Persian Brown, Green, Buttercup Yellow, Sky Blue and Peach.
All panels are I/8" in thickness and come in the following sizes' 4'x4'-4 x6'-4'x8'-4'xl/
The trim for Fix-Tex Coralite, in addition to the colors already mentioned, comes in Royal Blue, Deep Green, Yellow, Dubonnette, Chinese Red, Black and Terra Cotta.
Dealers are recommending Fir-Tex Coralite for bathrooms, shower stalls, kitchens, breakfast rooms, recreation rooms, service porches, hallways, markets, dairy stores, theater and reception lobbies, barber shops, medical and dental offices, hospitals and laboratories, in fact for any room where a combination of beautv with sanitation is desirable.
"On the new storage depot program alone, we expect to employ around 35,000 wood trusses, thereby releasing more than 200,000 tons of steel. That much steel, it is estimated, will build 7,500 medium tanks," Col. Raymond F. Fowler, Chief, Supply Division, Corps of Engineers, said in discussing conservation of materials at a symposium sponsored by the Producers' Council.
United States Army Engineers have demonstrated during the last few months that it is possible to build, yet not use critical materials. Although it is possible for Army engineers to get critical materials, they use wood extensively in construction of hangars, ports, cantonments, munition factories, dams, and many other structures for rvar purposes.
D. R. (Dud) Else, of Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, has been appointed acting manager of the Christenson Lumber Company, San Francisco, succeeding Millard C. White who recently resigned.
When the flood tide surged about us And disrupted work and play, We pitched in and worked like Trojans, For we had to get away. And we asked no struggling stranger, "'W'hat's your race and what's your creed?" He was just a fellow mortal, Sharing in the common need.
When the hungry flames were roaring Through the center of the town, We ran gamuts of excitement, Here and there and up and down; But we didn't scorn the cultist Because he ate no meat, We hustled him to safety Beyond the smoke and heat.
When the nervous earth was shaken And the chimneys tumbled down, With one accord we rushed right out And fled the wobbling town; And we spent no time discussing Party lines and dubious tricks, 'We were far too busy dodging Falling walls and flying bricks.
Yes, this life is quite unstable, But we've got to see it through, Let's be friends upon the journey, You for me and I for you. And when storm clouds swirl about us And the tides of battle flow, Strong, united, one in purpose May we face the common foe.
A. Merriam Conner.E. M. Tilden, Jr., formerly a partner in Tilden-Forrest Lumber Co., Richmond, Calif., has organized the Tilden Lumber & Supply Co. to carry on a retail lumber and building material business at the same address. The Tilden name has been associated with this yard for nearly 4O years.
Efforts of heating equiprnent manufacturers to work out satisfactory alternate heating methods for homes to relieve the effects of the War Production Board's gaq limitation order is gaining headway, according to George D. Riddle, chief architectural supervisor, for the Los Arlgeles FHA office
Analysis at this time of alternate methods of heating indicates that oil burning equipment is the most logical and practical for adaptation to Southern California homes.
"In this connection, FHA has been working closely with the oil burning industry to develop equipment suitable for the typical, small, defense house. Several manufacturers are now getting into production on dual-register floor furnaces that will take stightly more space than the gas furnaces of similar design previously so popular in this district. It should be kept in mind, however, that oil-burning heating systems should be selected with care, giving due consideration to the limitations of service provided by the various types of equipment available in the market. In other words, the heating system should be selected that is the most readily adapted to the plan ol the house, and that meets the heating requirements of the occupant.
"Federal Housing Adiministration Minimum Construction Requirements provide that oil burners and controls bear Underwriter's label and that the entire installation shall conform with the regulations of the National Board of Fire lJnderwriters.
"Oil Burning equipment is a new experience for many Southern California people who should keep in mind that more problems are involved in the installation of a satisfactory oil burning system than are required in the case of gas. Flue height bears an important relationship to draft and adequate draft is essential to proper and efficient combustion of fuel oil. Also the height of chimney, if not given proper study, may adversely affect the appearance of a building.
"It appears that the advent of oil burning equipment will influence, to a certain degree, the character of Southern California architecture, in that, in order to meet the draft requirements, steeper roofs will be necessary in manJr instances to avoid chimneys projecting too far above the roof."
Many families and war workers requiring housing quarters in the critical war-industrial areas throughout Southern California will turn to existing houses rather than purchasing or renting newly constructed dwellings, according to Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California District Director, Federal Housing Administration.
This condition is brought about because of the urgent need of conserving critical war materials which of necessity restricts to the minimum the construction of new housing. Accordingly, every effort is being made to encourage home owners in defense areas to increase the quantity of housing for war workers by enlarging or remodeling existing structures.
Two types of financing facilities are available throughout Southern California. One for the purchase of existing houses at a monthly cost low enough to be considered equivalent to rent. Where an existing home meets FHA minimum standards as to construction and location, it is eligible for a FHA insured mortgage ap to 8/o of FHA valuation with terms as long as 20 years.
Another type of financing regards essential repairs or remodeling costs for the purpose of either restoring the property to sound condition or developing additional housing units through the conversion of partially used space, such as porches, attics, playrooms and the like. Sums spent for this character of work may be financed either in the purchase mortgage of an existing house, or such sums may be financed through Title I character loans.
All FHA mortgages are repayable in equal monthly payments covering interests, insurance premiums, and loan pay-off over liberal periods.
Lothar Blackman, brother of Clarence Blackman of th-e Blackman-Anderson Lumber Company, Oakland, has been commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy. He was sent to Dartmouth University for his initial training and expects to complete his course on the West Coast. He was graduated ffom the llniversity of California in 1941.
A special Balsam-Wool attic insulation sales program is being offered to all lumber dealers. This sales plan which has been tested and proved successful during the past year, has been developed to tie in with the national effort to conserve fuel.
Th entire national advertising program in Better Homes & Gardens, House & Garden, House Beautiful and American Home has been devoted to selling this idea to consumers. Inquiries are passed on to cooperating dealers. New direct mail and display helps of all types have been developed to sell attic insulation as well as attic rooms, cedar closets, picket fence and other allied non-critical items.
The program is built around the fact that the average home owner is vitally interested in attic insulation at this time because of the possible curtailment of fuel supplies during the wi4ter. People have money to spend and are particularly interested in spending it on a long range program which involves the improvement and maintenance of their homes.
Dealers who are cooperating in this program find their customers receptive to the attic insulation story. The plan gets the dealer in the house of the customer at which time he can sell not only insulation, but roofing, remodeling and all of the many non-critical items which the dealer has on hand.
The makers of Balsam-Wool are furnishing cooperating dealers with special newspaper ads, window displays, mov-' ing picture trailers, job signs, plus a great variety of other display items to tie in with the complete program. The company salesmen are in a position to set up the program in a community of any size. I
Complete inform4tion on this program may be obtained from the Wood Conversation Company or from the local representative.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. (Bob) McCullough are receiving congratulations on the birth of a baby girl, Carol Diane, in San Francisco, July A.
Mr. McCullough is manager of the San Francisco office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation.
Harry J. Graham, of Los Angeles, manager of the Compton, Calif., branch of the Floyd A. Fry Roofing Co.; passed away July 7 following a three months' illness. He was 52 years of age.
Born in San Francisco, his first position was with the Pacific Hardware & Supply Co. of San Francisco, as a salesman, and in 1910 he was transferred to their Los Angeles Office. In l9l4 he went with the Pioneer Paper
Co. of Los Angeles, now pioneer Division, The Flintklte Co., as salesman, and for many years was director of sales in the roofing department for the eleven Western states. June 1, 1939, he was appointed manager, in charge of both sales and production, of the Floyd A. Fry Roofing Co. at Compton, which position he held at the time of hls death. Having been prominently identified with the asphalt roofing -industry for over twenty-five years, he was -well and faborably known and very populai with the retail lumber trade on the pacific Coast.
_ He is survived by his widow, Mrs. phyllis Graham; a brother, James O. Graham; and two sisters, Mrs. Kathryn Lewis and Mrs. Mary Eldridge.
Funeral services, under Masonic auspices, were held Fri_ day afternoon, July 10, at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale.
Washington, July 25-Donald M. Nelson, WpB chair_ man, today appealed to all Americans owning standard type_ writers made since January 1, 1935, to sell them to the gov_ ernment. Mr. Nelson's statement launched a campaign in which housewives, g'rocers, doctors, lawyers, Uig ana tittte firms-everyone who can possibly spare such a machine -will be asked to volunteer their typewriter for war duty.
Two new illustfated leaflets have been prepared by the Western Pine Association that should prove helpful to many dealers, builders and contractors as a means of stim_ ulating interest in remodeling and improvements while wartime restrictions are hampering more extensive resi_ dential construction.
These topical leaflets are printed in two colors, replete with actual-use illustrations, folded to handy size foi en_ closures or counter handouts and well suited to use for envelope stuffers or direct-mail distribution.
Leaflet 312, "Nautical Bunks and Walls of Knotty pine,,, in its 12 pages folded to net size 3fuxSfu inches, i."r"ni, practical ideas foi builf-in bunks and other features ,for boys' rooms, girls' rooms or guest rooms that can be in_ stalled at moderate outlay for a worthwhile investment.
The other one is Leaflet 313, captioned, ..Make your At_ tic Livable," a 6-page folder, 3fux6 inches net size. It is well illustrated with appropriate pictures selected to sug_ gest how idle attic space may be easily converted inio cozy, habitable rooms within the timits of minimum cost regulations.
Sample copies of the respective leaflets, No. 312 and No. 313, will be sent free on request directed to the West. ern Pine Association, 510 Yeon Building, portland, Oregon. Quantity lots may be obtained at low cost, with ,p."i"t imprinting if so desired.
Air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment of com_ mercial types will continue to get repair material until September 30, 1942, under an amendment to p-126.
Cast-iron soil pipe (standard, medium and extra heaw weights) in stock June 1, L942 may be sold and installei 'ivithout violating the provisions of Schedule IV to L-42, The Emergency Plumbing Standard for war housing, r€quiring use of vitreous clay or concrete pipe in certain parts of the installations, must be followed.
Electric rang'es, frozen since May 2, 1942, in the hands of dealers, distributors and manufacturers, are released by an amendment to L-23-b for sale to the pubtic. upon cer_ tification as to need.
Home Office-Aberdeen, Wash.
lllanulaclurers of Douglas fir and Red Gedu Shingles
Wcrter cmd Rcil Delivery
Stecmrers-Anncr Schder cnrd Margaret Schcrler
Buying Office-Ree&trrort, Ore.
Sales Representative ol Robeil Gray Shingle Go., Itrc. and Gudiner L[[bel Go.
Saleg Ofrces
tOS ANGEI.ES ll7 w. grh sr-Tninity {271
SAN FRANCISCO I Dnunm St-Sutter U7l
From the Au$ust lr I:D22 Issue
The Los Angeles Times interviewed C. J. Laughlin, manager of the Los Angeles ofiice of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., on the manufacture of rotary cut veneer and they published an interesting article on this.
The Ambrose Lumber Peery Lumber Company Company purchased at Santa Barbara.
Lumber Company at Escondido, including the main building which provided accommodations for a full line of building materials, a modern planing mill, and a new ofiice'
The Varney Brothers yard at Heber, Imperial County' the E. L. was sold to M. H. Cavin.
Kirby-Bonner Lumber Company, Houston, Texas, large producers of Southern Pine, sold and shipped to a large Los Angeles retailer two straight cars of special edgegrain Long Leaf Southern Pine flooring.
Actual development work started on the first urrit of the new sawmill of the Los Angeles Lumber Products Company in the Los Angeles Harbor industrial district' Arno Mereen, production manag'er, formerly connected with the C. A. Smith interests at Marshfield, Oregon, was in charge of the work.
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, purchased a large tract of Redwood timber from the 'Wm. Carson estate. The timber totaled about 200,000,000 feet, and is located in Humboldt County adjacent to their sawmill.
Montgomery Lumber Company opened a new retail lumber yard at Culver City. Headquarters of the company are in Winner, South Dakota.
group of new buildings was erected by the A'L'A'
27fr to 70y'o mote capacity due to solid cdge'to'cdgc rtacking' B.*t q""[tt drying on lor tcopcraarrer ritt r fart tcv'r'ibl' circulation.
Lowcr rtacking corts--jurt rokd cdgc'to'cdgc rtecking in tho rimptest form.
Walter C. Ball resigned his position as sales manager for Chas. R. McCormick & Co. to accept the position of sales manager for the J. R. Hanify Co. J. Walter Kelly succeeded him.
An issue of the Merced Sun gave prominent attention to the plant and activities of the Cross Lumber Company of that city. An interesting story told what the company was doing in the growth and development of Merced, and photographs showed the ofiice, a part of the yard, and the stafi-numbering about forty people.
Ross E. Hall, H' Work and Roy Work purchased the Century Lumber Company at Long Beach. John W' Fisher, the retiring owner' stated that he would remain in Long Beach.
The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company of Los Angeles was incorporated with John Olsen as general manager. It was formed to own and operate the wholesale tumber properties and business of the McCormick organization in Los Angeles and at the Harbor in Wilmington'
Here wi,ll be li,sted, frorn issae to issue, narnes of men from t-he lumber industry who hazte entered,'*o, ,rriice. bi ann branch of the armed, foyce-s. Pleo^re send in the namis of oiy lumberman you knout of that u)e can list here.
Lloyd M. Hebbron, Jr., Hebbron-Nigh Lumber Company, Santa Craz . .Army Air Corps
C. E. Davies, T. M. Cobb Co., San Diego British Navy
Vincent Wilson, Central Lumber Company, Stockton Army Air Corps
Jas. R. Pierce, Paramino Lumber ComDany. SanFrancisco.. ........:.........Navy
Charles McMurray, L. H. Eubank & Son, Inglewood. .Army
Homer H. Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills . ...Army Air Corps
Larry }lemmings, Hammond Lumber Company, LosAngeles.... ....CoastGuard
Thomas J. Fox, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Company, Santa Monica ......Marine Corps
E. l. (Bud) Gilbert, Lumber Distributors, Inc., Stockton ...... Navy
Milton Nelson, San Ramon Valley Mill & Lumber Co., Danville .Army
Gene Mashek, Merced Lumber Company, Merced Navy
Harry Quentmeyer, Mullin Lumber Company, Los Angeles ... . Army
Dan Strite, Hammond Redwood Company, Los Angeles ....
Jim Frumento, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... ...Army
George Goldman, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles ... Army
Donald J. Hyde, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .. . .....Army
Samuel H. Kingston, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .Army
Gustave J. Krause, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .Armv
Francis Orr, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .Army
W. J. Samarin, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles
Leland Simmons, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .Army
Asburn A. Speer, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .Army
Robert D. Vance, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .Army
E. W. Bonham, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Arthur M. Dodson, E.K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Charles E. Drew, Jr., E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Milton Eidem, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Pete Rypdall, Jr., E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Lob Angeles .....Navy
Vincent J. Shaw, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, LosAngeles.... .....Navy
Earl W. Starkey, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Robert P. Stumm, E. K. Wood. Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
V. D. Whitmore, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
Bill Walmsley, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... .....Navy
J. Anthony Dever, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .. . Merchant Marine
Don Bennett, Sterling Lumber Company, Oakley....Army
Vic DeVore, Sterling Lumber Company, San Martin, Army
Merlin Martin, Sterling Lumber Company, Morgan Hill . ..Navy
Robert Bennett, Sterling Lumber Company, Oakley
Essential repair and maintenance programs continue to hold first place in construction importance in the Los Angeles Federal Housing Administration office according to Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California district director. "ft is an interesting observation," he said, ,,that during the first quarter of 1942 there were nearly 10,000 Title I cases insured, which involved loans of about $3,500,000. Primarily these loans were either Class I or Class 2 which requires that the expenditures of loan proceeds be only for alterations, repairs, improvements or conversions upon or in connection with existing structures-and that the resulting housing be primarily for war workers.,'
The urgent need for conserving critical war material results in a sharply curtailed new house construction program. Nevertheless, dwelling units are needed for war workers and many units can be developed through the activities of conversions of single families into doubles or triplexs, or making additional habitable quarters by adding rooms-enclosing patios, porches or the like.
"Obviously purely luxury repairs or luxury remodeling should be postponed," said Mr. Bingham, ..but essential repairs for the purpose of preventing deterioration or decay or a wasting diminution of physical value are considered appropriate purposes for Title I loans. Such essential work undertaken promptly usually involves only small sums which are richlv warranted many times over through maintenance of values and by avoidance of major ,"p"i* that might otherwise accumulate later on.,,
Loans to finance essential repairs may be secured under the Title f program in amounts up to $2,50O from qualified lendirrg institutions in all parts of Southern California. Such Ioans are repaid in equal monthly payments, with maximum terms being subject to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Board's Regulation W.
The Title f program also permits loans for remodeling or converting existing structures in the designated war in-dustry areas to provide additional living accommodations for war workers. Loans for such purposes may involve amounts up to $5,000 with terms of as long as Z years.
Las Vegas, Nevada, had its largest building activity during the first six months of 1942, according to the report of R. S. Norton, city building inspector. A total of 67g per_ mits with an estimated valuation of $2,L24,210 were issued during that period due to a large extent by the construction of the country's largest magnesium plant.
Building permits were for 452 single dwellings with a valuation of 91,502,504; 19 duplexes with a valuation of $1O7,196; 83 multiple family'dwellings to cost g47,675; 46 commercial buildings valued at $203,650, and alterations to ,t4 e'xisting commercial buildings to cost $58,235. Construction was also started on three hotels with 103 guest rooms, estimated to cost $105,000, a $21,375 addition to the city hall, and a $10,000 annex to the Clark county hospital.
I{ you require quick dependoble service, coll "Calil. Pcrrel" when you need plywood. We hqve o lcrge, well diversified, quolity stock of hqrdwood cnd softwood plywoods olwcrys on hcrrd lor your convenience.
955-967 sourg ALAMEDA srREEf, Telaphone TRjnity Cf,57
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2096,', ANr.rnx rrs ANGELES, CALIFORNTA
We invite lumber dealen to hlce advantrge of our wcll argorted gtocks of
ilo u ultilG$-wAttB0ARDS-P[il ELS
Car and Cargo Shipments of FN DffiETSIOT & TIMBERS
J Modern facilities for quick I
I rhipmenc rt oul storage I
Lor Angeler
Phone THornwell 3144
Telephone Collcct
San Bemardino 944 South E. Sbcet Phonc 343-33
let us quole you 0n your requiremcnts
opening in Eugene office for man with following qualifications:
(1) 30 years of age or less.
(2) Clean Habits.
(3) College Training.
(4) Lumber Sales or Purchasing Experience.
(5) Knowledge of Typewriter Operation.
(6) Married with at least one child.
WTitC thc R. G. ROBBINS LUMBER COMPANY' Eugene, Oregon, in detail at once.
R. B. Cosper, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, was a recent Los Angeles visitor. He spent two weeks with Jack lvey, the Bureau's California field representative, calling on the Southern California retail lumber trade. Mr. Cosper's territory is in the Middlewest,
What have you to sell in woodworking machinery in good condition?
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
J. Wm. (Bill) Back, of Back Panel Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Back recently returned from a four weeks' vacation tour of Northern California and the Pacific Northwest.
Visits were paid to the Feather River country, Crater Lake and many other places of interest in California, Oregon and Washington, also to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. They returned by way of the Oregon Coast and Redwood highways. The trip was made in leisurely fashion and Mr. Back took time to call on the firm's mill connections.
R. A. (Bob) Cole, Cole Door & Sash. Co., Los Angeles, left July 15 on a two weeks' business and pleasure trip to the Pacific Northwest. He called on the firm's mill connections and with Mrs. Cole, who accompanied him, visited Vancouver and Victoria, B. C'
George A. Hill, sales manager, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los Angeles, left July 18 on a business trip to New Orleans, and from there will go to Fort Worth, his former home, to spend his vacation. IIe was accompanied by Mrs. Hill, and will be back August 5.
Jack Holloway, Whiting-Mead Co', Los Angeles, is back from vacation spent in the San Bernardino Mountains.
Stuart Smith of Fountain-Smith, Los Angeles, returned recently from a successful fishing trip to St. Thomas, IJtah.
W. D. Dunning, Southern California representative of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, flew to San Francisco, July 23, to spend a few days in Northern California on business'
C. E. Davies, formerly with T. M. Cobb Co., San Diego, is now in the British Navy, stationed at Portsmouth, England.
D. G. MarDougall, MacDougall Door & Plywood Co., Los Angeles, has returned from his vacation spent at Lake Tahoe, Calif.
W. W. (Bill) Forrest, formerly a partner in the firm of Tilden-Forrest Lumber Co', Richmond, is now purchasing agent for Poole & McGonigle, boat builders, Oakland.
G. F. (Jerry) Bonnington of Lamon-Bonnington Co', San Francisco, returned luly 27 from a lGday business trip to the Pacific Northwest.
Bert Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, returned a few days ago from a trip to Washington and Oregon, where he called on the plywood mills.
W. R. Dunn, commission lumber salesman, has closed his office in San Francisco for the duration, and has taken a Government job in a San Diego shipyard.
N. R. Jernberg of Seattle, lumber buyer for Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., wholesale and retail lumber dealers, Honolulu, was a recent business visitor to San Francisco.
Harry G. Dowson, tion, Medford, Ore., business.
Al Derry, well ated with Anglo
sales manager of Medford Corporawas in San Francisco this week on
known lumber salesman, is again associCalifornia Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
D. H. Heineman, John A. Rudback Co., Los Angeles, left Jaly 27 on a business trip to Portland and Medford, Ore.
A. C. Pascoe, Los Angeles, Pacific Coast representative of Wood Mosaic Co., Louisville, Ky., left July 21 on a three weeks'trip to Louisville and East Coast cities
Henry Pries, sales manager of Angeles, returned JulY 20 from a sawmill at Johnsondale, Calif.
Mt. Whitney Co., Los visit to the company's
Arota Redwod Co. |zf ltar|rct Stt.t ................YlJho 2067
Arldnrcn-Stutz 6npmy, fU Ma*ct StEt .......,......1.GAr6!H f$0
Bohrtavcr-Morc Lumbcr Co525 MuLct Strat..,...............E)(bmot |?a5
Dut & Rued[ Inc., 2ll Fmt Strct ..................GArt.!d l!2
Dol$ccr & Caron Lubc Co., lllt Mrchaatr Exchln8r Bld8.....SUtt6 il56
Gucrrton &, ft0c Aruy Strut...,...,.......,...Atwatcr 1300
Hall, Jucr L, 1032 Mill. 81dg.,.....................SUtter 7521
Hammond Rcdwod Compmy .it Mdit;;t si;I.::.........Douglar 33r!
Holmcr Eurc&a hmber Co., ll05 Finmcial Crnrer Bldg.,......GArficld r92t
C. D. Johneon Lumber Gorporation, 260 Calllomia Strct............... GArfield 625t
Carl H. Kuhl Lubs Co., O. L. Rutuu, ll2 Markct Strat...Yukon 1460
LUMBEN, Lmon-Bomin3ton Conprny,
16 Callfornt Slrcct.,..............GAricld 8$f
MacDonald & Harrlnfton, LtL
16 Callforah St. ..................GArficld t393
Pacific hnbcr Co., Th.
lO Bush Str..t....................GArficld Utl
Popc & Tdbot, fuc, LuEbc Dtvlrl,oq
t|6l MrLct Strut.................DOug|ar 2551
Rcd Rivcr Lrnbcr Co,,
315 Monadnak Bldr.............,.GArfr.|d a92it
Salta Fc Lumbcr Co.,
16 Califomia Strat.....,..,.......EXbrook 20ta
Schalcr Brcr. f.unbor I SLlryl,! Co.
I Dnnn Sert.....................9tttt- ltTl
Shcvlin Pinc Salcr Co-
lll3O Monadnc} Bldr.............EXbrmk ?Ur
Suddq & Cbrirtmrm.
3lC Sr|pre StEt,...............GArficld 2E{6
Wcndllng-Nathu Co., trl Muk t Srnct .........,........,SUrt6 StaS
Wcrt Orc3on Lu-ber Co., l9&i Evur Avc. ..................AT'rtGtr StZt
E. K. Wood Lumbc Co. I Drumm Strst............,......ExbroL 37ft
\f,/eycrhmrr Salcr Co. ll9 Callfmia Strat......,.......,GArtr.|d !9?l
Ewrua Bc Co. (Pvranld Lunbcr Sala Co.)
Pacific Bldg. ....Gbncort 1293
GamGrston & Gren, 20llt Livingaton St.,..,..........KEIIog l-1t64
Hill & Morton, Inc.'
Dmnlon Stret Wharf ......'.....ANdovcr l0?ll
Hogan Lmber ComPany, Znd & Alicc Stretr.............GLco@urt 6t6l
E. K. Wmd Lmbcr Co.' Fredcrick & King Sdretr.......FRuitvalc 0ll2
Anatr Rcdwood Co. (J. J. Rra)
WhitG Bmth.r.,Fifth ud Brauan Strutr..........Suttr litas
Wbolcr Orgood Salor CorFrattm. 3el5 r$h 9tr..t,..................VAlcncir 2-2ll
Amcricu Lmbcr & Trratlng Co., UO N"w Montgomcry Strcet.......Sutt!r 1225
Baxter, J. H. & Co., 333 MontgomGry Strct..........,DOuglar 3t&t
Hall, Jmes L., l0ll2 Mil|r 81d9......... ...........Suttlr 7521
PoF & Talbot, lnc., Irrnbcr Dlvldon. {01 Mar}et Stncct .,................DOugler 25ll
Vrndcr lru PillnS & Liltnbar Co., 2ll Pino Stt!.t ....................Exhro& lgf
Wcndllng-Nathan C;oo ll0 Markct Strc.t........,........,..SUttc 5:[l
Callfomia Buildcrr Supply Co.
?0{l 6th Avouc ....Hl3atc Ol0
Hogu Luba Cmpuy, 2nd & Alie Srrccte....,.,.......Glcnourt 6E6l
\ryrstcm Du & Sarh Co5th tl Cyprcu Str.ctt..........TEmplcbr tl0O
Strablc Hardwod Cmpany' Firrt and Clay Stret3....,,..TEnplebr 55t{ Whitc Brothcr., 500 High Stret...........,........ANdovet 1600
5{10 Wllrhlrc 81vd.............. ".WEbrts 7t2E
Anslo Calilornia Lumber Co., -655 Er.t Fl,orcre Avcnuc.'....THomwall 3l'll
Atkintm-Stutz Company.
626 PrtrclcuD Bldg...............PRotpGct a34l
Bumr Lumbcr Gompuy, 0{55 Chrlevillc Blvd., (Bcvcrly Htllr) ...'....'.'...'BRadchaw 2-3tt
Can'& Cor L J. (W. D. Dunnln8)'
a3E Cbanbcr ol Comm@ Bldc. PRorpct tt13
Copcr, W. Esoe-soa niclfiota BHe. ............Mutual 2l3l
Darrt & Rurecll, Inc., trz E. 50th SL......................4ltu. alol
Dolbcr & Crrrcn Lubcr Co., 901 Fidclity 81dS...................VAndikc t79z
Fountain-Snith, lZt Pctrcleun 81dc.....,.'.......PRoepct {31r
Humond Rcdwood ComPuy, nfa So. Alrncdr SL ..........PRorp.ct AIB
Holmcr Eurcka Lmbcr Co., 7lt-712 Architsctr Bldg.....,.....,,Mutud 9rtr
Hovcr, A. L., 5225 Wllrhirc 81vd.,.,...............,.YOr|t ll6t
C. D. Joham Lubcr Corporetion, 616 Pctrclcun Bldg.. .,.....,.....PRospct 1165
Crrl H. Knhl l.rrnbcr 6r ?l| S. SFlrs SL..................VAnd|Lc t033
Lrroo-Pbilipr Lumbcr Co., |33 Prtrclcum Bldg...,....,.,.,,..PRilpat tl?r
MacDmeld & Hrninr"ton, Lld. Pctrclu Buildirg ...............PRo.pccr 3llt
Prclftc Lunbcr Co., Ths. 5225 Wtlrblrc Btvd. .......,..........Y(H. 116r
Popc & Talbot, Inc. l.rmbc Divlrion, 7ll W. Olynpic Blvd. ..........PRorpcct tZll
Red Rlvcr Lmbcr Co., ?02 E. Slaugon.. .CEntury 290?l .1031 S. Brcadway......,..........PRosp*t dlU
Reitz Co., E. L., 333 Pstrclcum Bldg...............PRorpect 2340
Smta Fc Lunbcr Co., 3rl Fhancial Catcr Bldg........VAnditc {{71
Schalc Bror L'-bcr & Shh8L Cr, ff Z W 9th Str-t....................TRjn|ty lat
Shcvlin Pinc Salcs Co., 3e Pctrclm Bldg...............PRotpcct 0615
SimDnn Indurtricr, lnc., 1610 E. llrarhtngton Blvd.........Pnpct 6lEo
Sudden & Chrldcneon, dtO Boerd of Tradc Bldg......,...,TRtnlty E6,ll
Taoma Lumbcr Sala, t3? Pltrolcun Bldt. ..............PRorp.ct fl|t
Wudling-Natha! Co., 5225 Wllrhirc 81vd.........,..........YOrk 1166
Wc:t Orcgon Lubcr Co. 127 Pctrclm Blds..,..,........Rlchmond 02El
W. W. \M&faroq 316 W. 9th Strot.......,...,......TR|n|ty {6il1
E. K. Wood Lmbcr Co, l?10 So. Alucda St- .JEframn 3lll
Wcycrhaeurcr Salcr Co.
920 W. M. Garland Bldr.........Mlchlgu C33l
Ansrlcm Lumbcr & Tntlnr Cc, le3l S. Brcadway.................PRdDGct 1363
Bgtc, J. H. & Cl. 6al Wot sth SM........,..,,.Mlcbfuu i29l
Porc & Tdbot lac- f-unbor Divi.l,oo, 7ll W. Olynpic Btyd.............PRdp*r lBr
A^ncrlcu Hrrdrod Cor f90| E. lsth ................PRdp.ct l2t5
Stmton, E. J. & Son, 2050 Est 3Eth Str..t ............CEntury 20211
Wcgtcm Hardwood Lumbcr Co.. 20l| E. fsth Str@t.,.............PRorpect 6lal
Califomia Dmr Compmy, Thc 4040 Dlrtrict Blv& ..............Klnbdl 2llr
California Pucl & Verur Co., 955 S. Alameda Stret ....,,.....TRinity e05?
Cobb Co., T. M., 5E0C Central Avenuc..........,....ADamr llll?
Eubanl & Son, Ine, L. H. (lnglcwmd) {3il W. Rcdondo BIvd.........'..ORc!on &1163
Kchl, Jno. W. & Son, 652 S. Myarr Strect................ANgclu trtl
Mutual Mouldinr & Lunbcr (br 9300 go. Hoopcr Avc.............L4f.t &. rE
Orcgon-Warhlngton Plywod Co.
3lE W.rt Ninth Stret...,........TRlnlty |.r3
Pacific Wood Productr Corporatlon, 3600 Tybum StrGGt..............,..Al.bsy Clal
Pacific Mutud Dor Co. 1600 E. Wr.hington Btvd........PRdp6ct 9523
Rcm Coapany, G6. E,, 235 S. Alanedr Str6t..,....,....Mlchigan rt9l
Rcd Rivc Lmbcr Co., 702 E. Slauon..
Supcon Co. (Pandcoe), 7{5 So. Rryrod Avr..............RYu t.ct
Slmprn Induetrlcr, Inc., l6f0 E. Warhbglou Blvd.........PrcOcct 6163
Wcrt Cout Scm Corr45 E. 63rd StGt................ADmr lllOt
Wbcts Orgcod Salcr Cspontion, tlz S. Florc Stroct....,......,.,.VAndlLo @C