1 minute read

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What Did He Mean "Works"?

One of the swellest little stories of the war is going the rounds, one that has no crash joke on the end of it, but a subtle sense of humor. nevertheless.

The scene is an Indian reservation. A wooden-faced Indian brave sits smoking his pipe in silence, while his

With Strcrble Hcrdwood Co.

Edwin G. Gallagher became associated with Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, July 1. He is well known throughout Northern lalifornia, having been with White Brothers, wholesale hardwood dealers, San Francisco, in various departments of the business for 14 years. For the last several years of that time he was purchasing agent. He left that position to take over the sales for Northern California for the Aberdeen Plywood Company and handled that n'ork for more than five years.

squaw reads aloud to him a letter they have just received from their son in the armed services, somewhere in the Pacific.

The squaw says: "Boy say he got tomahawk we sent him-AND IT WORKS FINE!"

New Ycrrd in Dqnville

A. D. Evans and Harry Stewart have purchased the property of the San Ramon Valley Lumber Co. in Dauville, Calif., and r,r'ill operate a retail lumber business there under the name of San Ramon Valley Mill & Lumber Co.

Both principals in the firm lvere formerly with The Diamond Match Company. I\4r. Evans was purchasing agent at Chico, Calif., and Mr. Stewart was superintendent of a group of the company's yards.

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