6 minute read
Califiornia Buifding Permits lor hune
25/o ro 50/o aote capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stacLing. Beacr quality drying on low temperatures with a fast rcvctribic circulation.
Lower stacking costs-just solid edge-to-edgc stacling in the sirnplest form.
Farmers Can Obtain Needed Lumber Under New Preference Ratings
\A,'ashir.rgtorr, D. C., Jull' 1O-Farrners in all States rvho need lun-rlrer [rir essential nr:rintcnance an<1 repair u.ork on farnrs nurr. olrtain prefererrce ratings of A-\-3, :rncl in some cases .\.,\-1, accordirrg to inforrnation releascrl by the \\rar l.'ood .\rlministration. These r:rtings itrt: zrs lrigh as those assigncrl to :rn\- other civilian uses, offici:rls saicl tod:l;'.
'fhc rreu'ratings trre n()t exactl\- conrParablc n'ith the ,\..\-2X rating carried lr-r. f:rrnrers' lunrlrer yrurchase certificates available in 42 States clrrring the past 12 months, \\,:rr Fciocl ofllcials sai<1, lrecause of the neu. controls ()\rer lumlrcr supplies. Ilffective -\rrgrrst 1, \\Iar l)rorlrrction Board order 1--335 n.ill control lroth use ancl rlistribution of lunrlrer in orcler to strike a lr;Llance ltetu-ecrr csscntial use an<l rrro<luction.
Infornred b,v \\'l'Li officials that r.cry little lunrlrer rvill bc rrrade ar-:iil:rltie to consumers rvithorrt rated or<lers, \\'ar l.'oocl -,\clnrinistration olficials lroint out that thc lrrnrlter certificates bearir.rg AA-3 or -A-\-2 preference ratings rvill lrelp farrr-rers olrtain esserrti:rl lrrmlrer and rr.ill hclu rural dealers uraintain their stocks.
The lurrrLrer allotted to WI,-A for use lr-v farrrrers in the Jrr11--Septenrbcr quarter :tmortnts tci altorrt 1l pcr cent of .tl.re expected ltroduction clrrring the perio<l ltut is onlv altout one-half thc arnour.rt norntallv usecl ir-r tl.rc sume mtinths before the u'ar. This lreing the season of grezrtest lumber use on farnrs, succeeding <lrrarterl,r- allotrnents are expectccl to be lon'er.
Countr- -\-A.-\ con'rnrittees u'il1 issrrc thc certificates for Iunrltcr in amounts lintitccl bv Statc (lu()tas (and cr.rurrt,rquotas in sorne States), u-l.rich are llrollortionirte shar-es oi the aniount allocaterl l>1' \\-P13 to Wlr.\. Dealers nrav llsc the ratings carrie<l b-r- the certificates in ltlacing orclcrs for nen- stock. Nil ost ccrtificates u'ill clrrrr. the ,\.\-3 rating., hut countr- AA,,\ committees nt:r.r-, in c:rse of rrecessitr., assigll AA-2 ratings for a lirniterl plrrt of the cluota.
With rninor exceptions for enrergencies, farnrers' lunrlter certificatcs *'ill lrc issued onll'f'r essential rr:rirr'tenance and repair of ierrm sen'ice brrildings :ind ecluipn.rer.rt ancl for essential ne\\. construction (other than cln'ellings) costing less than $1,000 per farm drrring a calenclar r.e:Lr. 'lhe _\-\-\ committees u'ill continue to trssist farmcrs rvith their applications for authorization to do ntore costl,r. construction, but final clecisions on these:rltltlications u.ill continue to crinre frrinr \\tPB.
In some corrnties -\.,\..\ committees nra_r- issue farnrers. lunrber certificates {or sa.les oi Iess thlrn 300 boar<l fcet after the lun.rber has bcerr prrrchased ii thc dealer has ha<l the iarnrer sign an application at the tinrc clf the salc. Ofticials said, hou'cr-er, that dealers shorrld ltot exl)cc:t post-sale certificates unless srrch arrlrr-rgenrents ha'e beerr approvecl by the appropriate -,\A-.\ conrmittee arrcl rurless the farmer staterl .n the applicati'rr th:rt the lrrmbcr *.ill lre used for specifiecl approvecl 1rses. I,-orce posts, shirrgles, ancl 'rill*'ork *'ill be sold 'r'itho.t ccrtificates, sincc therare not cor.rsiclcre<l lumlter uncler ()rcler I_-335, \\'1,'.,\ saici.
You Come First
after (Jncle Sam
BUT dre well known EWAUNA mark will always be-
FIRST for texture
FIRST for millwork
FIRST for kiln-drying
FIRST for uniform grades
FIRST for service
Mill, Factory, and Saler Ofice
Central California Repreccntative Pyramid Lumber Sdec Co., Oakland
;of,ber and retailer mark-ups on Ponderosa pine plywood are iestored by OPA to the higher levels at which they had been fixed prior to May lI, 1944, rvhen this species of plywood was brought under the coveragi of Douglas fir plywood regulations. (Amendment 2 to Second Revised MPR 13), effective July 24.
Housing Construction
WPB issues InterPretation clear the distinction between construction handled bY the WPB, the Department of boards and other Government
Construction Work
1 to Directive 24 to make applications for housing national housing agency, Agriculture's countY war agencies, WPB rePorts.
Amplification of the description of the kind of construction work covered by paragraph (B) of WPB order .L-41 providing more detailed definition or "the installing of equipment and fixtures" was issued by the WPB' (Intetpretation of Order L-4t) issued July 8'
Regulations covering jobber sales of stock have been changed by the OPA to clarify the and correct minor errors. (Amendment No' I No. .525), effective July 13'
More complete wood plywood to WPB announces.
Forest Products
Direction t3 to Order L335 )+
Any lumber.distributol who receives ratings from the.li American Red Cross on a preference rating certifcate fori.i use in obtaining lumber required for emergency relief inii' disaster stricken areas may extend those ratings to get the amount of lumber for which the, preference rating certificate 'r'. was issued.
Direction 4 to Order L41 ':"t Washington, D. C,, July 18-It is not necessary tot u,.:ti builder to get War Production Board permission undei Order L-4i to construct facilities to house prisoners bff war assigned by the Army if priorities assistance for suc.h 7; construction has been granted by the Army pursuant to-.i f)irection 3 of Controlled Materials Plin Regulation 6 and.'i; WPB Directive 31, WPB said today. This ruling was,'.j made in Direction 4 to Conservation Order L-41, issued ,^l^-. today.
Lumber lumber exported*,.' Lumber Control ', millwork language to MPR diptributors' sales of softstarting in September, the
Several minor price changes are the regulation covering the pressure for forest products. (Arnend.ment 1 made by the OPA in preservative treatment to MPR 491), effective
July 24.
WPB issues instructions for handling to and imported from Canada under the Order L-335.
Amendment to Direction l0 to L335 '
An amendment. to Direction 10 to Order L-335 was issued on July 12 by WPB. It provides that lumber shipped, to distributors is considered received if it is placed in' transit by sawmills before July 31.'
Amendment to Direction 8 oI Order L335
An arnendment to Direction 8 of Order L-335, issued on' July 12, permits distributors to place certified and rated j orders i"ith sawmills for the amount of lumber they s6ll):.i ----J -----:i:! on customers' rated orders between July 16 and July 3l;'; \+ 'L'hese orders are to be certified in accordance with pro-.i{ vlsrons ot L-JJJ. ' '-.,: i;
H. Edward Manville, Sr.
Pleasantville, N. Y., June 27-H. Edrvard Manville, Sr., former chairm:rn of the board ri{ directors of Johns-Manville Corporation, died todal Mr. Manville's death marked the passing of one o{ the pioneers of American industrv u'ho helped build the foundation of Johns-N{anville. He had the inclon.ritable spirit of the pioneer in an era when onl1. men of initiative and determination could tvin success. His career typified the opportunities for achievement helcl out by the American \va)'.
I{eis survived by the rvidou', }Irs. Estelle Ronraine Manville; a daughter, Countess E,stelle 13ernadotte, nou' living in Su'eden, and a son, H. Ed'"vard N{anville, -fr., a director of the Corltoration, and norv serving as 1st Lieutcnant rvith the 8.18th Armr. Air Forces Specialized I)epot, at Syracnse, N. Y.
Born in Neenah, Wis., Februarv 6, 1872, Mr. X{anville \\jas ()ne of three sons of the late Clharles B. trIanville, founder of the original company bearing the N{ani-ille familv name.
WPB Form 3813
\Vashingt<in, l). C., July 12-.\pplications for atrthority tcr receir.e lnn.rber formerl_r-restricted ltv C)rclers L-29O (u.estern lumber), M-361 (sorrthern pine) and I\{-364 (restricted harcln'oods) shoulrl not be filecl on \\''PR Fon-n 2720 unless there is definite assurance that shipments can be maclc before Augrrst 1, the \\'ar Prodrrction Board said toclal-.
These three orclers have been rer.oked, elTective August l, the date on which the lumtrer control order. I--335. l.lec()nres effective.
Distributors, .n,ho rvish tci replace inventory or increase their inventorl and n'ho cannot be assured o{ delivery of Itttnber before Atrgust 1, should file \\rPP, Form 3813, the Lunrber and Lumber Products Division has inforrned the Iunrber industry.
Ho\r,ever, arrv distributor u'ho has receir-ed authorizations on Form WPB 2720 prior to Jul1- 2O lor lumber that cannot be shipped during July may r.alidate his cir<lers ltv signing the certificate giver-r irr I--335. This certificate, rvhich should lte sent to the sultplier {or attachment to the purchase orcler, l'ill make the orcler a certifierl but rrnrated ()ne.
WPB Relcxes Restrictions on Balsa Lumber
Restrictions on the use of balsa lrrmber were relaxed July 11 l>y the War Production Board because of the decline in ruilitary requirements, WPB reportcrl. This reiaxation, \\rPB said, r,vill release for civilian use balsa not neecled for rnilitary purposes.
C)rder M-177, as amended today and eftectir.e Jrrl,r. 1.5, permits the sale of bzr"lsa lumber, irrclucling "thins" and "shorts" on purchase orders rated AA-5 or better. No restrictions are placed on the sale of balsa scrap. Fornrcrlr-, all balsa except scrap was reserved for specified n.rilitarv uses.
Balsa lumber is irnported fronr the tropics, chieflv from Iticuador, u'ith some quantities coming froru Guatemala, Costa Rica ancl Columbia. Norre is ltroducecl in this countrv.
Wholesale to Lumber Yards