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LAM oil, Boil il |il GTotl GOMPA]IY {n*be, Wh"l"talert ol Wefi Coafi
Douglas Fir
16 califotnia st., san Francisco 11 Telephone GArfield 6ggl
Order t-335 Explcined qt Los Angeles Meeting
Don Campbell, Chief of Marketing Control, Lumber and Lumber Products Division, War production Board, Wash_ ington, D. C., explair-red Order L-335 and its application at a lumber industry luncheon meeting held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, Saturday, July 22. Mr. Campbell answered a num,ber of questions subrnitted by the lumber_ men.
H. Park Arnold, Fox-Woodsum Lrrmber Company, Glendale, president of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association, presided at the mee.ting, and Mr. Campbell was introduced by Leslie Lynch, patten_Blinn l_umber 9omla1l, Los Angeles, member of the Industry Advisory Board, Lumber Branch, War production Board
Appointed Regioncl Lumber Advisor
Stewart C. Griswold has been assigned to San Francisco as regional lumber advisor by the War production Board. His offices are in the Furniture Mart, 1355 Market Street. He will be in charge of every activity that relates to the production of lumber.
Proiect Register
' A plan to get prospects for materials of a non-critical nature, also a method of getting lists of future prospects, is now available by the Wood Conversion Company, and is known as the Project Register. The plan includes folders, direct mail, newspaper ads, displays, etc., together with the Project Register.
,The program makes it possible for the lumber dealer to compile a list of prospects, and sell them the items he now' has available, such as paint, shingles and insulation. Others. such as construction jobs over $200 he registers, giving the, prospect a priority certificate. Then as soon as restrictions are lifted he checks his prospect list and contacts those whose work can go ahead. It brings these people into the dealer's office rvhere they can learn just what can a'd cannot be done.
Complete information on the program may be had by contacting Wood Conversion Company, St. paul, Minn.. or a company representative.
Oq Industry Advisory Committee
Formation of the. Stock Millwork.Jobbers Industrv Ad_ viSory Committee, composed of thirteen members, *". un_ nounced on July 18 by the Office of price Administration. The committee will advise and consult rvith OpA on prob_ lems affecting the trade and also matters connected with the administration of Maximum price Regulation No. 525 -Jobber Sales of Stock Millwork.
L. J. Woodson, Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco, ernd Glenn O. Fogleman, The California Door Co., Loi Angeles, were named members of the committee.
Change in Ownership
The San Diego .stockholders in the \\'hitirrg-Xfead Co. of San Diego have acquired all the assets and propcrties of that company located in San I)iego antl Imperi:tl c:orrr-rties ironr the parent Whiting-Mead Co. o{ Los Angelcs. Effective Juiy 1, 1941, the \\rhiting-Nleacl Co' of San Diego l;ecame a l@a/" locally-orvuecl co-partnership, u'ith the follon'ing San Diego ltttsiuess lnen, most of r'r'irom are Whiting-Xf ead emplovees of long stan<ling, as general Partners: r\ll other officers ancl clepartment uranagers panv l'ill contintte in thcir present positions. be no change irt the 1rlzrnuge1llent, persc'tttlel, r.r.rethods of the Cotnpany. of the corn'fhere 'rvill policies or
\\rrrr. \\i. Dttnn, u'ho started u'ith the company in 1926, continues in his capacity of crcclit sales lnallager' Wm. H. Ste*'art, prominent in the building ancl construction inclustry in San Diego for the past 3O years' is norv an active Partner.
Geralcl C. Thomas, protninetlt ltlcal attorney since 1921, rvho brings to the company a rvide experience in all phases of the builcling material business.
This purchase inclucles the S-acre main store ancl plant at l4th an<l K streets, San Diego, and branch stores loc:ttetl irt I'-ast San I)iego, Ji1 Centro, Oceanside and I"l Cajon'
Don A. Ccrmpbell Meets With Lumber Manulqcturers
I)on A. Carnpbell, chief of rnarketing cotltrol, Lumber and T,unrber ])rclducts Division, War l)rocluction 13oard, Nashingtrin, D. C., met in San Francisco t'ith representatir.es of tlie Redl'ood industrl' at a lnncheotr nreeting, held at tlic San Francisco Commercial Clull, on Jrrrre 24.
The purpose of tl.re nreeting u'as to discrrss lumber supplv irroblems, including lttrnber control r,rder L-335. Kenrreth Srnith, California l{edu'ood Associatiorr, presided.
lIr. C--anrpbell also adclressetl a meeting of representatives of the (lalifornia T)ine indrrstrv at thc I'alace Hotel, San Iirancisco, on Jttncr 2'1, callerl for thc l)11rP()se of discrrssing Iurrrber corrtrol orrier L-335.
Steu-art C. (irisu,olcl, recentll appointecl \\;PI] rcgional lunrlrer arlr'isor itt Szrrr Francisco, attenclecl both nreetings.
H. L. NIiner', r'icc prcsitlcnt tti the conlpan)r for nrlttrv years and nou' sctrior llarttter ancl presiclent'
(ilen NI. \[iner, gencral manager, rvith thc company {or tlie past 2.5 r'cars, n'hr, rctnains in that capacit-r'.
Ii. liverett Xlirrcr. n'ho startccl tlith thc c()tnl)anv irr l(11(1, rcttt;titts :ts l,rttttclt :t()rc slll'e1'\'isrrr.
.l'arrl I'1. Stake, u'ho came l'ith thc c()lll)allv in 1!120 arld has servecl in r.ariotts cattacities. continucs as ntcrchztn<lise manager.
-f ohrr W. Ci:rrdrTcr, u'ith tl-rc c()ll1Pltll\' [or tlic past lt) years, remains as superl'isor tlf plttmlring ittl<l itrstall:ition deoartment.
Manulccturers Qucrlity Redwood Lumber (Bsnd-Scrwa)
Buys Goll Course
Chrrrlcs XT. Coopcr, r'icc president ancl general l.tliIltager ,rf thr \\-. Ir. ('or.rper Lurnber Company, I-os ,'\ngelcs, h:ts pur-clrrscrl {ronr Dotninic -Jebbia lBO acres oI thc 2o.S-acre Southcrn Cl:rlifornia Golf ancl Country Clulr ([orntcrlr' IIirlu'icl< Countrr- Club) at Xlont€rev l):rrk. N'fr. Cooller s:Lr-s tlrc l)rol)ertl l'ill continne to be usc<l as lt prrlllic rolf c()rlrse. ;rr-rd for the present retain the sat-ne nanle.
In Ncvy V-12
Ilarcild C. Simnrons, son of Sicl Simrnons, Ilr-rhnlioff Lumlrer Co., Inc., I-os Angeles is nou'in thc Nar,v V-l2 at Cal 'fech. I{e rvas a fornrer stnrlent therc.
Dcrlcrr in Forert Productr
Douglcrs Fir-Redwood
Generql Oflice Crocker Bldg., Scoe Frcncisco 1, Calil
Cclilonia Office cnd Ycrrd
Blirn Ave., Wilmingrton" Calil., P. O. Bor 518
Lock-Joint Plywood Packages
Considering the great need for efficient means of packaging war material, itis no wonder that much experimentation has been going on in the field of packaging. One of these experiments has been carried out under the supervision of Roy Klomparensr president of the Klomparens Lock-Joint Manufacturing Company of Bethesda, Md. He developed his wood lock-joint when shortages of metal angle-bars and fastenings made it difficult to manufacture rectangular ducts for air conditioning.ft was only a step from his lock-joint principle in manufacturing the ducts to the development of a lock-