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Up and Down the State
Lietrt. Col. Russell T. Redistrilrtrtiorr Divisiorr Armv Services Forces, I-aguna Ileacl.r.
(iheen, director of thc Salvage and of the Sixth Scrvicc Command, Chicago, is spcncling his leave at lirank Brorn't't, l'ttpc & 'Lalbot, Inc., I-urnller I)ivision, San Jirancisco, was ltack at his clcsk Jtlll'19 aftcr sllcntling his vacation at P,rotlkclale, irr the Santa Cruz N{ottrltains.
John L. 'focld, \Vcstcrn I)oor & Sash Co.. Oltliland, rcturned July 10 from a visit to I:ioston, tr{ass. Ilc was accompaniecl lry Mrs. Todcl on thc trip atrd u'as au'ay about eight rveeks. NIr. Toclcl is an ctlthusiastic Rtlt:Lrian ancl kept up his attendance record u'hile in the East by visitirrg thc Bostttn, llrookline arr<l Cambridge Rotary Clubs.
R. It. (Llob) Leishnrar.r, rt'ith Ar.rgeles, 1.ras returned frorn a Pacific I-umber Comparry's nrill at their San Francisco office.
A. 1,. (Gus) Hoover, Los several days' visit to The at Scotia, and rvas a caller trloyd ltlliott, m:rnager of the San Francisco office of Schafer Bros. I-unrber & Shinglc Co. is recovering from the effects of a fall in rvhich ligarncnts in his leg rvcre torn. tJe rvore a rvalking cast for scvcral rvecks and ut:ts on the job everv day at the office as ttsual.
D. Ii. I.iggett, spent a fe'r'r' da1's Liggett Lttmber Co. ,Santa Ana, recently in San lit'atrcisco on business.
Stuart Smith of the Officc Washington, D. Cl., recentiv Francisco on C) lt.\ lrttsittess.
Rob Anderson. M. beer-r ir.r the Sutter from a fractured leg, o[ ])rice -\dn-rinistration, r-isitcrl Portlanrl anrl San
J. XTurphy, Inc., Carmel, Calif., has I{ospital, San Frzrncisco. recovering the result of a fall.
C. Ii. I'erry, manager of the lumber ber Products Co., X'Iedford, ()rc., u'as centl1' for :L u'eek on bttsitress iclr his dclr:rrtnrent oi Timin San lirancisco recoll1l)a11v.
Frecl I-rrndblade, owner of the Salmon ('reek ltedn'ood Co., Reclrvood manufactrtrers, IJeatrice, Calif., recentlv spent a ferv days in San Francisc() on bttsitress. ]{e macle his headcluarters at the ciffice of l{olrlrs \\'a1l I-unrber C--o., sales agents for his mill.
Tomml' Tonrlir.rson, \\''holesale T,ttmber I)istriltutors, Inc., Oaklancl, u'as back on the job Jvly 17, having made a goocl recovery fronr an automolrile accident in t'hich he suffered a brokerr leg on NIay 31.
Retail lumber yard wants salesman for Los Angeles territory. Must have lumber experience.
Address Box C-1040. California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Sawmill man wants employment as millwright, filer or sawyer. Prefer portable mill with daily capacity around 20,000 feet. Would like to locate aro,und Flagstaff, Arizona. All-round man with 18 years' experience, in good health, 39 years old.
Address Box C-1041, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Fine yard in San Joaquin Valley under one ownership for 20 years. 4 acres with about 16,000 square feet of good sheds and omce. lfu-ton truck (just overhauled at expense of $700.00). Five good machines in planing mill, full office equipment including large concrete vault. All the foregoing for only $15,000.00, or would lease ground, buildings and mill, mill machinery for $200.00 monthly.
Inventory fully 250,000 feet of lumber, all good sizes and grades, no junk; paints, hardware, wallboard, plumbing goods, etc. Total about $25,000.00' 1943 sales $74,000.00. Fine prospects in rich farming district. Owner wishes to retire and says business can be very materially increased.
Another yard in Southern California coast city. 3 acres with 19,000 square feet of sheds, railroad spur, office (cost $7,700.00). All the foregoing for $12,000.00. Inventory down to about $2,500.00 for duration. This yard sold $525,000.00 in 1923, and will do it again one of these days.
Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746 returned July 17 from a rveek's Springs, I-ake Clount:", Calif. vacation spent at Seiglers
Lieutenant-Conrmander R. II.\f. Cross, LT;\ Branch, Nar,al Air Force, is stationecl at 'frinidad, Wcst Indics. Ifis father is N{ilt Cross of the Cross l-tttnber Co., \ferced. Rcfore going ir.rto tlre service Bob u'as lranager of the Coalinga yard of Cross l-ttmlter Co. FIe n'as a metnller o{ the U. S. Nar-al Rescrve :rnd signed u1l for t'ar servicc irl Aprll, 1912.
H. X,f Schaur, Jr., has been l'ith South City l,umlter t Supply Co., South San liritr.rcisco, siuce Julr-1. He n'as for the past two )/ears yard superintenclent and ltttyer of the lumber clepartment of llelair Shipl'ard, South San Francisco, anrl before the u'ar \\'as associaterl with his father in the (iood I-umber Co.. Tracv. Calif.