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Alter two yecrsoI wcr we are BtiU engdged completely in mcnrulccturing crrticles lor importcnt wcr uses.

We cne linding time, however, to plcrn lor postwcr produc'tion oI Eubanlc Ironing Bocrrds, Ccrbinets, Mantels and other specialties. So when the w<rr needs crre seryed we expect to be cble to offer you cn enlcrged line olEubcnl products.


joint plywood package to be used in transporting war supplies.

Parts of this type ofjoint are a small-diameter rod (made of wood, metal, fiber, or other available material) and two grooves of semicircular cross section---one cut parallel to the edge of a flat piece of plywood or other material; the other cut within the slot of a piece of wood or metal corner framing. When the flat piece is thrust into the slot of the framing, the two grooves come opposite each other, forming a long circular hole into which the rod is slipped to lock the parts together. The lockjoint boxes may be manufactured in any mill which has the usual woodworking machinery. The Klomparens' lock-joint package has been tested for strength and ruggedness at Rockaway Package Research Laboratory and at Forest Products Laboratory

Mr. Klompaiens dxpects to rvard off termite, decay and moth hazards by having the ply'ivood pressure treated with a salt type preservative or, 'r'r'here needed, with a fireretardant solution. Full penetration of chemicals throughout the plies is accomplished, so that plywood, like ordinary wood, can be protected against fungi, insects and fire.

Witl-r the aid of calking compound placed in the groove of the lid, boxes are made impervious to water, thereby eliminating the need of paper waterproof liners.

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