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Cargo Lumber Keeps Coming
Despite the lack of tonnage, cargo lumber is coming in_to I-.,os Angeles harbor as fast this month as in June and July' At the present rate August will be one of the best months of the year.
On the other hand, the second week of August was much lighter than the first week. If the second week's record is maintained through the last half of the month, August will fall below the preceding months.
For the first fourteen days aggregate receipts were 43,260,000 feet, of which 37,375,000 feet was fir and other woods from the Northwest, and 5,885,00Q.feet was redwood.
A few more vessels have been tiecl up at San Francisco and other convenient points along the coast so that lumber tonnage is not so plentiful as several months ago.
But the California demand continues' This is inclicatetl by the amount of builcling going ou. For the first 12 days of the month building permits in l-ios Angeles aggregated' nearly $3,500,000. August will be another good month.
San Francisco is shoving forward with its builtling activities. Permits for July aggregated $3,024,036 in value; in Oakland they were $1,900;?12. The same speed is being maintained there this month.